View Full Version : Triple fish leader and Octopus Hooks

East Tide
04-29-2001, 08:36 PM
I picked up some 50 # Triple Fish leader (not flouro) to rig for eels and herring. It seems ok but kinda soft. I use Seguar for plug leaders and have used it for eels but thought I would save a few bucks since it's not as important with live bait. Have you guys tried it? Whats the word?

Next, I have always snelled 7/0 Octopus hooks for herring fishing but last year I remember hearing (not from where) that the curve sets the hook better if they are not snelled. I'm starting to tie up my rigs and started to think about it. What's your opinion/ method? I'll hold off on the herring and tie up my plug and eel leaders until I get some input. Thanks

East Tide

04-30-2001, 02:48 PM
Can't help with the leader material. Never used it.

I've come to the conclusion that the best thing you can do for yourself livelining in the Ditch is to use a whoppin big hook. From a boat or a bridge (if the current isn't too strong under the bridge) , I like a u shaped live bait hook at the dorsal fin . However , in the canal with the constant casting out , you need to hook the snout or eyes. In that case , I think about an 8/0 large gap hook is your best bet. Biggest reason I see for missing hook ups livelining herring is the point not clearing the bait fish on the hook set. Anyway , this year i'm going to use 8/0 jig hooks in the snout and /or eyes at the ditch and 7/0 or 8/0 live bait hooks everywhere else for livelining herring. It takes a decent bass to go after a herring and the large hook shouldn't turn a big fish off at all.

East Tide
04-30-2001, 07:38 PM
Thanks Satly, I've got livelining the ditch down I just was wondering what type of know you guys use on a hook with a setback eye? I've used both snelled and not snelled but am not sold either way. I remember having this discussion a long time ago on WMI and don't remember what the outcome was. Guess I'll stick with snelled.

East Tide