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10-16-2000, 03:54 PM
Question, my syetem seems to be sticking ,or hesitating when in use. some one said I needed more RAM! does that sound right. im to new at this stuff computers.thanks.

10-16-2000, 04:38 PM
That could be but first you should try to clean out your temporary files and cache as this will open up some memory. Good luck

10-17-2000, 08:10 AM
Clean out the cache and temporary internet files as mentioned by Slipnot. Assuming a Windows9X machine, you'll also want to run scandisk and defrag on your hard disk. Probably the most overlooked remedy of Windows 9X systems... Start-> Progra... -> Accessories -> System Tools->
Run ScanDisk 1st and then run Disk Defragmenter...

What speed system and how much memory do you have??

10-18-2000, 05:40 PM
thank you I did that. but still sticking! OK whats a cache? I know NOT money!

10-19-2000, 08:15 AM
Which web browser are you using???


10-19-2000, 11:33 AM
Which web browser are you using ?

10-19-2000, 05:01 PM's internet explorer, also running netscape communicator on the same computer.

10-19-2000, 05:05 PM
John it's internet explorer,an netscape communicator.

10-20-2000, 07:02 AM
OK, For Netscape 4.x, go to Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Cached and you'll see two buttons for clearing memory and disk cache - select those.

For Internet Explorer 5.x go to Tools -> Internet Options -> General to clear cache
For Internet Explorer 4.x, go to View -> Internet Options -> General to clear cache
For Internet Explorer 3.x View -> Options -> Connections to clear cache

Beyond that memory will help if you have low total memory. What speed system and how much memory do you have. Also, how much free space available on your hard drive. And did you ever use the "Disk Compresssion Tools" on your machine, gives me the shakes to think about drive compression. Mental picture of Dennis Hopper saying " Bad things man"

10-20-2000, 05:28 PM
John, ive got a bunch of pic's of flies I scaned in an was told that is what is doing it, ??????
Ill have to look up all that outher stuff, im lost now. Im sticking to flies an fishing.
you guys ahould be doing GREAT now!