View Full Version : GUILTY!!!!!

11-17-2003, 01:05 PM
Muhammed was just found guilty for the sniper shootings in the DC area. He could get the death penalty. Hope he gets it.

Rappin Mikey
11-17-2003, 02:15 PM
Of course he was found guilty. He is neither rich nor white.:smash: :smash:

C-5 CC
11-17-2003, 04:56 PM
sooooo...following that logic...the only reason that he was convicted is that he is black and has an Islamic sounding name....I am sure that it has nothing to do with the fact that he and his boy toy actually committed the murders!!!

11-17-2003, 07:54 PM
Yeah...thats why OJ Simpson got and whi....wait a minute.....he is not white, but hey....HE got off!!!!!:doh: Plus the fact that Muhammed had a deer stand set up in his trunk for hunting people....that probably didn't help him??????

11-17-2003, 07:56 PM
Oh...Rappin' are not suggesting that he is innocent???? What, was he framed????

11-18-2003, 05:29 AM
Is this what I have to go through this winter ?

If so I am checking out. And I most certainly will let the door hit me in the ass :)

11-18-2003, 09:44 AM
I will not be drawn into any discussion of a low-life killer who should be executed slowly with piano wire around his neck who will probably plead insanity and brain washing and get off too easy.

Please send the convicted individual to my house where I shall take him into the basement and dwell upon what punishment shall be dealt while coating his body with honey and letting my collection of fire ants loose.

The judicial system in this country has too many liberals and do gooders to adequately judge and pass sentence.

Plus, if he is given life, he will probably come up for parole in 20 years and get out anyway.

I doubt if his prison term and crime will preclude him using the facilities such as Natilus Gym, Cable TV, Sports Center, Computer Center or Law Library which John Q. Public is going to frigging have to pay for for 30 to 60 years.

Ahhhh, feel better already.

The Ole Sarge

Rappin Mikey
11-18-2003, 12:01 PM
I was being sarcastic. I was alluding to the white millionairre who was found innocent after killing and dismembering his victim. That makes me f-n sick! Of course the sniper should fry, I am sorry if anyone misinterperated me. What makes me angry is that someone can be as guilty as sin, and avoid punishment simply because of socioeconomic status. I really was venting about the rich guy getting off. Hope your ass don't get bruised. :laughs:

11-18-2003, 01:45 PM

Really didn't read what you had to say but the whole thing about that situation was a tragedy and I guess I wasn't interested in thinking about it. You are most certainly right about the the ridiculous nature of the criminal justice system.

My ass will be fine :D

11-18-2003, 02:03 PM
I would rather have my tax dollars buy the electricity to fry him rather than support him for 20- 30 years.

chris L
11-18-2003, 02:11 PM
the system is flawed in a big way . Its out of order !
so its a crap shoot !

11-18-2003, 02:13 PM
In China, capital offenders are shot in the back of the head.
The family of the offender is then billed for the cost of the bullet.
Sounds like a best practice we should employ here.

chris L
11-18-2003, 02:26 PM
when I was a subscriber to " High Times " . they had a good chart on other countries actions for being found guilty of criminal activity .

Rappin Mikey
11-18-2003, 02:32 PM
High Times? Is that still around? What about Chong serving time for selling pipes, and this butcher walks. We have some excellent priorities in this country.

chris L
11-18-2003, 03:07 PM
Im not sure if it still around , I dont visit head shops too often but I believe it is .

yeah Chong got busted for selling pipes and bongs that were unused . No residue ! So what is he really guilty of ? selling items that can be used to smoke pot ? in that case shouldnt we arrest all soda can Co's , fire extinguisher Co's , apple and pear growers , Tin foil Co's and Companies that sell gas masks . Oh my goodness he made money off of drug movies in the 70's . when most of our law makers were young and smoking weed and laughing at cheech and chong movies .
I sell guns and bullets and a customer kills someone with one of the guns I manufacture . Is it my fault ? No ! cause guns dont kill people , people kill people .
If someone dies driving or by being hit with one of the cars I manufacture am I liable ? No ! But officer I tried on the seat belt but it doesnt fit me . So I cant be guilty .
or the liquor manufacturer who made the alcohol and the package store / bar owner who sold the drinks to the drunk and how about auto manufacturers who made the car that the drunk guy drove and then killed someone . Are they guilty ? No !

How about Lacy Petersons husband ? is he going to get off too ? probably !