View Full Version : 2004 Plan of action

12-08-2003, 10:21 PM
Whats your plan for 2004?

For the last couple of years I have chosen a few spots to fish hard and learn the in and outs of. Finding which tides work best, individual areas within the spot, current, etc. Each season I pick up to 2 spots I want to focus on.
This has worked well for me since I have a long drive to fish RI. It has allowed me to be able to fish a spot with intimate knowledge of whats happening in that area. When you arent able to hop down and check a spot daily, you still need to know whats generally happening that area. Also knowing what lure work best for a certain spot or tidal stage is a huge plus when making the most of extended trips. Learning spots really ups the confidence factor too. Disclaimer *(Not that spending one season working a spot constitutes the full knowledge of place)*
For next season, I plan to continue this systematic breakdown of the RI shore and pick 2 new spots to fish in the mid-season, most likely Aquidneck Island area, and then pick 2 more spots for the fall, probably Narragansett, or north SoCo.
Another benefit is that putting all these spots together allows me to travel to the best spots that I think will produce for a given stage. Being able to hit 3-4 spots at prime time increases your odds.
This season I felt as though, I chose some excellent weapons for RI fishing and have settled into some rods I really feel comfortable with and found some reels I think I can count on. Next season I will try stepping up one size in line and leader, in an effort to maximize fish control and lessen abrasion issues. Something I was lax in this year and it cost me a couple times :smash: Currently I use 50#PP and 40# flouro. I may try some 65-80#PP and 50# flouro.
Does anyone have issues with tying knots on heavy fluoro and which ones work best for you?

What are you gonna do to up the ante in your favor next year?

12-08-2003, 10:34 PM
You're having trouble with 50# PP and a 40# flouro leader? Wow what kind of moby bass are you hooking into! Though I don't see how it'd really hurt upgrading the PP (since it's so damn thin), is that really a problem? I would guess that most of your breakages are in the leader section? My suggestion would be to go fishing with several premade leaders in your pocket. Your leader gets beat up, a quick snip and tie 1 knot and you are back in action. I know that some of the rocky places I fish, landing a bass can quickly shred your line. I use 50# PP and 50# mono leaders. Sometimes I have brought in fish and wondered how the heck the leader even held.

12-08-2003, 11:03 PM
I fish Aquidneck Island area very heavily as there are many of many good spots to fish from.. plenty of good spots... Some times it's tough for the littlest thing can make it a good or bad day.. as you need to drive from spot to spot....
Now with PowerPro.. :) i fish with it now as my catch depended on it... i'll use 50lb for normal days where the wind isn't over 10-12 mph.. on the days where the wind is blowing over 12mph i'll use 65lb as i've noticed less wind knots.... i throw on Ande 60 leader material for surface plugs and SeaGuar 50 floro for divers/bait. For connecting powerpro to the leader/floro i'll tie a reverse albright knot, as i've had many slips/breaks with uni knots. You should see the faces on the people plugging on Second Beach as they are wading out some 100+ft and i'm just getting my feet wet and placing my plug atleast 50+ infront of thier cast.
I used 40lb floro like for 3 outings from different spools... I've had so much trouble with it as for me it frays too easily and it lacks in knot strength.. i could bust the knot with a good tug.. a friend let me try the 50 and what a difference. I never noticed a difference in hits with floro vs mono on surface plugs like pencils. but i've noticed a difference with live bait.. Long story short.. I was using 50lb jinkai leader material over at Block Island dropping Eels to hungry bass.. 3 of us on a boat 2 others using seaguar 50.. well they each caught 5 bass before i switched to the seaguar then and i started to catch...

12-08-2003, 11:15 PM
I also have a long ride to rhode island and have done the same thing krispy has to learn new spots. Every time I meet up with a veteran of the sport I try to learn as much as I can from him and get the history of the fishing at different places from them. They usually share the places where theyve caught their monster bass and give the details of how it happened.

I fished with 50# power pro this year about 80% of the time. You can cast a mile with it, get better hookups and you can really feel whats going on with it. I lost a lot of nice fish with this line though too. Once you get near the rocks with it you're done. Where I fish theres a ton of rocks for the fish to get into and the power pro breaks when it rubs up against a rock under heavy presure. Tried different batches of it, tried backing off pressure and it helped keep from breaking off but the fish usually gets tangled up around so many rocks you can't get them out anyways. The last 20% of the year I used 20lb yo-zuri hybird and did much better with fish going into the rocks. I just cant trust power pro on holding up to larger bass in the rocks where i fish.

12-08-2003, 11:22 PM
I think I'm gonna keep my list a little shorter then last years and a little more realistic to. I'll be wrappin at least two rods and a good surf reel with more line capacity. I wanna fish using a wet-suit, or skishing as some might call it. Proably start fishing quarter moons during day light hours in places that I'm familar with and have confidence in. Again, I hope to jig the ditch, I say that every year. Boat, I'ld like to fish and learn the south side of an island and all around the other Island , ...not to mention the stretch between p town and talk-montack. Crazy isn't Big disappointment this year was not getting into Bones, I hope bassmaster won't mind me buggin him to put me on fish next year. Most of the time I went with #65PP I like it even though I'm loosing a distance. Gonna stick to it on the boat and go with 50PP from shore with bait, 30PP lures. I tried the like it! I like jinki #60 on chunks and triplefish flouro#40? on most every thing else. I like the improved clinch(twice through) on the mono. O-yeah, can I get a 50# with that order:D

12-09-2003, 12:25 AM
My goal this year was to learn all of Gansett coast and I can say that I still have much to learn, but next season my goal is to NOT fish Narragansett as much as this season. I'll head south, and concentrate more on the grounds between Pt Judith and Nappatree. I also plan to do more night fishing and trap my own eels, plus make a slew of plugs for all occasions.
Oh.. and to meet more of you guys :D
did I say catch a 50? shoot.. I'll settle for a 40:rolleyes:

12-09-2003, 08:42 AM
Gansett rocks.

Don M
12-09-2003, 08:52 AM

I fish one of the areas in Rhody you fishished this past year. During the early part of the season I use 40# Flouro on plugs and 50# eeling, from August 20th on I go to 50#/60# respectivly. As for line very seldom exceed 30# Fireline.

Best knots I have found are palomer(98% of line strength, clinch knot is only about 90%) on the eel hook and a loop knot, such as Homer Rhode loop or Rapala loop to the plug.

Hope this helps

12-09-2003, 09:37 AM
Krispy –
Overall I’d say you have pretty good strategy. The only problem with a systematic 2-3 spots per season exploration of the Rhody shore is the number of spots and the shortness of viable fishing life. There are just so many spots, and so many “spots within the spot” that you will run out of time and only scratch the surface. Block Island is even worse – so many spots – so little time.
The conventional wisdom suggests that a surfcaster break the shoreline he wishes to learn down by structure as opposed to spot name. The theory (and it is just theory) is that places with similarities in composition are often good under similar condition sets.
I also suggest hooking up with a few of the regulars on this board. Some will tell you, “No,” if they do - just move on to the next person – I have found that more people are willing to help than not.
And you can also go out there in the winter and test the drop-offs with a bank sinker and see how places make up under different tide stages – exploration is not limited to fishing season.
And yes...the Rhody shore rocks!

The Dad Fisherman
12-09-2003, 10:08 AM
Has anybody checked one of these out yet. This might be something handy for mapping out structure in the off season. I haven't even seen one yet but they sound pretty cool ( being a toy geek and all). Just a thought especially with xmas coming

12-09-2003, 10:17 AM
Great stuff from everyone, Im glad Im not the only one with a "system" :)
Don, thats one of this past seasons spots that I wanted to learn. I have a good grasp on the area now, and there are some REAL interesting spots nearby that will get my attention in the coming season.
The reason I want to step up in line is purely for abrasion. Its incredible what one fish rubbing his nose in the rocks can do to line and leader.
Joe, your so right. THere are so many spots and then spots within spots, theres a lifetime of learning and interest on the Rhody shoreline.
Thats why I say its not really possible to learn an area in a season, maybe more of a solid understanding.
I like to fish similar spot conditions, meaning I like ROCKS!
Especially rock ledges jutting from shore. I cant tell you how many times Ive fallen down wading out to rocks :rolleyes: :smash: I rather walk to the edge.

12-09-2003, 10:22 AM
I think I did the opposite of what Krispy is contemplating.

Early on, I focused on the Aquidneck area fairly heavily, just to get a feel for the tides. As the season progressed, friends dragged me kicking and screaming further west to 'gansett and SoCo. I wasn't disappointed!

Man, is Rhody a fishy fishy state, miles and miles and miles of shoreline. You couldn't fish it all in a lifetime and stay sane.


chris L
12-09-2003, 10:37 AM
Im just going to wing it ! any body got any spots ? I ve got a wing and a prayer .

12-09-2003, 10:43 AM
GOOSE - ixnay on the akonnetsay otay estportway ;) :laughs:

My plan for 2004 is to target bigger fish all the time. It's so easy to get caught up catching 10 pounders especially when there are a few 20 to 25's in the mix. I have only broken 30# once and I want more of that and bigger :D. Gonna spend more time in those places where most people don't want to go. I also plan on learning more of the ditch and a few new surf spots. Oh god! I can't talk about this anymore........................ALREADY GOIN' CRAZY!!!!! :lossinit: :as:


12-09-2003, 10:49 AM
I like your approach, and kinda do the same thing Eben is doing now, after fishing Gansett heavily I decided I hate the crowds and parking issues (Though I still fish here in the spring) and during the fall run mostly fished C-town to Weak with all spots in between... but who knows next year I may be back in gansett... oh and newport in my whaler all for june and july...
My goal was to consistently catch bigger fish from land.... ended the season with a bunch in the upper teens/low 20's and was very happy with that.. an improvement over the last few years...
fished alot more nights this year, both shore and in my whaler, but both produced about equally for me, with the edge for the boat being in a few more bigger fish (25lbs-36lbs) but still no 40... my PR stands at 39 and change....


12-09-2003, 11:01 AM
I completely forgot to mention that I will be adding eels as a full time option to my arsenal. Im a wooden plug fan, and this year I threw lots of big wood with good success. Next year I plan to have a stash of eels on hand at all times

12-09-2003, 11:01 AM
I am thinking about hitting weymouth for spring schoolies. Before that, I will begin togging in march on cape cod or RI. Then I will plan to fish on Duxbury for light tackle or chunking. Maybe I will return to Rockport. I am hoping to start using lures often.

12-09-2003, 11:31 AM
Joey T... make sure you chack regs before you tog in RI in the spring, we have a closed season here 31 Dec - 1 May....

12-09-2003, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by RIROCKHOUND
Joey T... make sure you chack regs before you tog in RI in the spring, we have a closed season here 31 Dec - 1 May....

Aw, damn! I guess I can go togging on the cape in March.

12-09-2003, 01:54 PM
Dad, I've seen a few of these products out lately but they all have the same problem... range. This one goes to 100ft, which is better than some I've seen.

Originally posted by The Dad Fisherman
Has anybody checked one of these out yet. This might be something handy for mapping out structure in the off season. I haven't even seen one yet but they sound pretty cool ( being a toy geek and all). Just a thought especially with xmas coming

12-09-2003, 02:12 PM
2004 is not going to be a huge fishing year for me. Baby #2 is due in late May. My fishing will be sporadic based on sleep deprivation and energy.
When I do fish, it will only be at ideal times and tides and mostly with live eels. I'm going after big fish, quality not quanity.
I concentrated on 'Gansett this year and had a blast. My usual stomping grounds in the Matunuck area.
I'm also planning to try conventional this year. My reel is on order.

chris L
12-09-2003, 02:15 PM
krispy critter
go see Don M at King Cove outfitters for your eels and your yak needs . he always has a good supply of the right sizes .

12-09-2003, 02:17 PM
I plan to do the same as I did this year which was one heck of a good year!! :)

Just hope to do more of it next year.

12-09-2003, 02:18 PM
I dont :yak:
Hopefully, Ill be able to keep an eel cage at the house, for instant access

12-09-2003, 02:21 PM
Krisp, I kept a dozen eels alive in my garage for months with a cheap aquarium aerator. I just had them in a 5 gal pail.
I iced them when I went out, then returned the ones I did not use when I got home. They stayed alive.:happy:

12-09-2003, 02:22 PM
Krispy, I use a big rubbermaid container w/lid and an aquarium pump works ok for storage of some eels... just a thought, plus the lil woman cant see them swimming around...

chris L
12-09-2003, 02:23 PM
lucky dog that krispy is he lives on a river with pure access to eels and fish and birds and poop .

12-09-2003, 02:24 PM
i am hoping to do conventional.

12-09-2003, 02:29 PM
Chris, you shoulda heard em blasting the ducks over the weekend.
I was hoping they would snipe that stupid heron. But he was back this morning. Freak :(

12-09-2003, 04:50 PM
Whoda thunkit that Krispy would put forth such a positive, introspective fishing topic :hihi: :buds:

I have similar goals for next year. Although I did put in an effort on new areas and methods for this year - with success - I did not plan as well as I had originally hoped. I did get to fish some new locales - big on the list, and I did put together a much stronger effort in using plugs over my trusty eel, I did not have a "plan". I will have one for next year.

I do intend to work some new (to me) RI spots and learn them and study and learn and fish and study and fish. I have extremely little experience between Pt X & River Y and I also want to put attention on notnamed Island and adjacentnotnamed Island too..

Krispy - as for your line thinking, especially considersing spot I ran into you from time to time, I'm actually thinking about going back to mono as being less suceptible to ending in the rocks like braid would. I also plan to have two comparable reels braid and Big Game mono to swap out and do as much of a side 2 side comparison as I can.

12-09-2003, 04:56 PM
Yup, Im busting with new thread topics. Ill have another tonight.

And theres no going back to mono. I didnt have trouble with braid sinking into the rocks, it was just having fish rubbing them around rocks, esp. on the low end of the tide. I found being able to really horse fish around was a major plus. Sometimes, ya just wanna get thru as many little ones as you can, because your gonna eventually hook up on a nice sized fish.

12-09-2003, 04:58 PM
Krispy, 50# fluoro is the minimum leader material i use for SoCo. 50# is for eels, 60# is for plugging. no problems so far with knots. i use 65# braid main line on spinning and 30# mono on conventionals. this pattern has served me very well. i know what you mean about fish damaging leaders fast. i went through the 25 pre tied i had with me the weekend of the MDA and had to tie up more in the hotel room just to finish the tourney out!

for keeping eels, i use a 5 gallon bucket tied to a dock on the CT river in my back yard. i had 4 -5 dozen in there at the end of the season, and they are still alive. make sure whatever you store them in is either dark colored to begin with, or you spray with black paint.

12-09-2003, 05:25 PM
Kispy, did you catch those eels yerself too?? this is someting I really want to do next year.

12-09-2003, 06:06 PM
Krispy - I agree and there were times when I was glad for having the braid (and other times I wished I had it). But I'm not certain that mono should be excluded for fishing down there. Jury is still out for me which is why I'm gonna ckeck it out much more. I seemed to have 50# PP getting wound around rocks when working eels (& occasionally plugs) REAL slow, a lot more frequently than with 20# mono....

12-09-2003, 06:11 PM
Eels definitely, since the braids sinks and yer dragging eels real slow will get them wrapped around rocks, even if the eels arent diving in. But you know that.
Thats a good tip for me next year ;)

12-09-2003, 06:49 PM
2004 will only be 3rd full year saltwater fishing. I've added some variety to my equipment since I am a travelling surfcaster and like to use plugs, swimmers, eels and chunk depending on time and location. Bought a Tica rod w/Penn 6500 and also a Shimano 4500 for bait. Didn't have much time to use either this season so already anxiously awaiting April.

Specific goals as follows; 30+ for the first time from shore (mainly northern RI, buzz bay and south of quincy to cape cod bay), I WILL catch a 20+ in the fast moving currents of the canal and lastly start learning on conventional reel.

From prior posts, interesting comments on braided line and rocky areas. Good tip regarding having "swappable" reels, one with braid and one with mono. To date, I have fished 50#PP and 50#flouro leaders and have done fine, except for rock cut offs.

Also have a few places in mind that need more attention. Gooseberry/Westport, Weweantic River (great spot for early season), Canal, Duxbury Beach/PP Bridge, Plymouth/Kingston Bays.

12-09-2003, 07:01 PM
i want to fish bigger plugs more.

12-09-2003, 07:25 PM
Three goals:
1. Catch 60 pounder (why bother with a 50....its so passe)
2. Fish less
3. Catch as many if not more big fish while fishing less

I am not going to beat the hell out of myself as much as years past (so I say now) . Too often I fished all night just for the sake of being there and doing it, even though the conditions were hopeless. I have pretty much after all these years of trial and error, narrowed down better situations to increase my chances of catching. I need to spend more time enjoying other things in my life rather than just fishing. I will always be able to fish (well, hopefully), but I will only be young once.

Jonny Bolt
12-10-2003, 03:24 AM
I will start out my '04 Striper season by fishing the marshes in my area with my new 7 footer, and new Okuma reel. I missed the herring run through the marsh last year, and I'll be damned if I do this coming Spring! lol.

I know a guy who on his first cast, of his first outing last Spring, landed a 34 incher. This was during the wonderful Herring Run ;) The one I missed!!! grrrr

I cant wait to see if I can land one on a 6 inch Storm Wildeye during tha run.

12-10-2003, 10:31 AM
I know a guy who on his first cast, of his first outing last Spring, landed a 34 incher. This was during the wonderful Herring Run
:) I did that this spring on the Housy

12-10-2003, 11:29 AM
Well I am a great Fluke man and love to fluke fish the Vinyard!! You can find me there anyday during the week inthe summer months. I do not fish the weekends!! I hate all the boat ramp crap!
I would really like to try to do some more Bass fishing!! I no how to do it and I have caught my share of real nice Bass but that said I am not a real good bass fisherman.
I got into live linning scup this year and it worked Great!! Even got a couple 10+ Fluke on the live scup!!
So I would like to try to perfect this type of fishing and really focus more on bass! The Vinyard is a awsome place to fish you can catch all kinds of fish there and have a ball doing it!!
You can easly fill your qouta for Bass, Fluke, Scup, and Sea Bass and be home in pleanty of ttime for dinner!! They also have Blues Bonita. False Albcore, Tog's they have it all!

12-10-2003, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by macojoe
The Vinyard is a awsome place to fish you can catch all kinds of fish there and have a ball doing it!!
You can easly fill your qouta for Bass, Fluke, Scup, and Sea Bass and be home in pleanty of ttime for dinner!! They also have Blues Bonita. False Albcore, Tog's they have it all!
Oh yes, it is. I personally rather to fish on the vineyard sounds than nantuckett. I ain't playing ya, MJ. I went on a fluke trip with a friend of mine and it wasn't on the vineyard sounds.
Which reminds me one thing, I forgot to add that I will plan to do fluking in the suds. Based from what I read, I need a bucket and one strong light tackle rod and proper rigs.

12-10-2003, 11:54 AM
MV is a fish motel everywhere you go! I like the South side better than Vineyard Sound.

12-10-2003, 11:56 AM
I will be definitely going to the damn MV this spring or summer with an EPA agent and his family. Maybe we can meet at the MV and hook up for a night fishing.

12-10-2003, 12:03 PM
Me fish with a AGENT around :eek: no Thanks!!

12-10-2003, 12:08 PM
No agents with all the shorts FWW keeps ;)

12-10-2003, 12:09 PM
That is something I want to learn FWW!! I have done live linning at West Chop, and Fluke, Bass, Scup Sea Bass at Middle ground.
Tons of Fluke at Lucas in June. And I go to Gay head (Devils Bridge) for Bass.
But as I said I stink at Bass fishing really. So this will be a foucas of mine.

12-10-2003, 12:21 PM
yo, this agent is really bloody cool and funny. if he has a badge, then u better know not to gluck with him. if he doesn't, then no biggies. besides, his name is peter holmes, are u guys familiar with that name?

12-10-2003, 12:22 PM

12-10-2003, 01:41 PM
One other goal for this year.
Get that tracking device I installed in Iron Mike's waders to work properly...............
12-10-2003, 02:00 PM
my first plan for next spring is to figure out a way to spend the whole summer on the cape or at least a good part of it.a few more days in maine and a few more on Long Island.and turn enough plugs to get me thru the year.

12-10-2003, 07:26 PM
I'd like to get to fish next fall with redlite :D that's my goal.
from what I've heard you don't need any tracking device redlite.

12-10-2003, 07:39 PM
My 2004 plan is as follows: 1. Fish more than I did this past year (which will be a hell of alot of fishing, but it is possible). 2. Catch more and bigger fish on a more consistent basis!:huh: 3. Throw more needlefish and metal lipped swimmers. 4. In keeping with #3 find and purchase more Habs needlefish plugs.:kewl: 5. My goal for 2004 remains unchanged from 2003......go over 40 pounds ( a 50 pounder would be acceptable). Oh...and I have fished with Redlite, the guy knows his stuff and puts in more time than anyone I know. He is a good guy to fish with!:kewl:

12-10-2003, 08:56 PM
Try fishing the holes around Devils bridge, I have had better luck in the holes than I have at the bridge. No STRIPER expert here have yet to bring in a real big fish, am trying like hell though. Plan to fill freezer in garage this summer if it kills me. Also fished Lucas Shoal for fluke a couple days and couldn't seem to break away from the trash fish. What size scup are you live lining for fluke anyway? My dad once brought home a 14 # when I was a kid I still cannot get the sight of that fish out of my head, would love to meet or beat that one day! Anyway whatever anyone does in 04 be safe and have fun. And bring a kid fishing!!

12-10-2003, 09:06 PM
My plan for 2004 is to get a job and buy the Canon GL2 camcorder and hopefully make 3 video's within the next 2 years.. 1 for Bass, 1 for Fluke and 1 for WHAT NOT TO DO...

This year was my best year ever.. i opened up my eye's and looked around instead of going to the same spot over and over. Applying alot of what i've learned but thought it was not possible..

Another plan for 2004 is to further push myself to catch and release instead of fillet and freeze.. i got vaccume packed striper to last untill april at my house and my parents.. learned a little secret to freeze them in water.. doesn't work to well with tautog the flesh is still tasty as the day it was caught but it breaks apart very easily.. Fluke holds well just don't skin your catch freeze with skin on then after its thawed remove skin.. mmmmmmm tasty

use circle hooks more often... :)

got a quick tutorial from Iron Mike at the SWE on how to fish needles one night in september. mmmmm Needles work.. and to think for the last 6 years i thought they were broken.. lol

12-10-2003, 10:40 PM

Nothing to catching Fluke out there!! Stay in touch in the spring!! I will meet up with you and show you the way!! I will put you on my spots and give you a rig that accounts for all my fish out there.

In trade Maybe you can show me around devils?? I just started out there this year and caught a few fish but not to many, I need all the help in I can get in that area!!

As for the size of the Scup, well for the Bass i have used up to 12" as forr Scup for Fluke Lets just say 9" for all the EPA agents out here.

12-11-2003, 06:39 PM
Will do Macojoe

I can show you a little of devils bridge, kind of a tough place to fish, need to watch your depth finder consantly there is so much junk down under that you can lose your rigs real quick, if the current wasn't wild there I would trade my rod and reel for my scuba gear and load the boat up with lures and see just what is down there for structure etc. In any event will give a shout when I am in the area would be neat to meet someone from the list.

12-11-2003, 10:56 PM
Plan for 2004:
-Find more time for fishing
-Try some new areas North shore MA, RI
_Try fly fishing more
-This past year a did a few triathlons, I'd like to try a few more this year.

12-11-2003, 11:30 PM
1. Fish
2. Buy a Boat
3. Fish
4. Did I mention I want to fish?

12-12-2003, 12:06 AM
Bill, you serious,, I,ll sell you mine===I wanna get the new 22footer they came out with for 2004 //////

Yamaha ///1st one to come out with a four stroke 150

n :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

12-12-2003, 07:14 PM
Mike I am serious, but will not be sure financially till the spring. I was looking for CC with a head, but that's not etched in concrete..

12-12-2003, 09:13 PM
Yea < Bill I passed on the one with the head,, not because of the small extra cost ,,,but the console setup was different & also I wouldn,t have been able to set mine up like I did=;) ;)

chris L
12-12-2003, 09:16 PM
I didnt get head when I bought my boat .

12-12-2003, 09:20 PM
If you did you probably wouldn,t know it :smash: :laughs:

chris L
12-12-2003, 09:25 PM
exsqueeze me ? now lets not go there . if it aint oral I dont want to talk about it !

12-12-2003, 11:25 PM
I got one and took it out to use the space!! Now we have the bucket system!!:D

12-13-2003, 11:03 AM
Clammer - why would you want the 22?

12-13-2003, 02:39 PM
WHy not ==========with the 150 4-stroke/////////

I can quietly smash into the rocks:smash:

12-13-2003, 02:54 PM
You can't quietly do anything, boat or no boat, especially when the blues are around...

You have the most economical boat for its size that you've ever owned, you had it custom outfitted as close to what you want as humanly possible, you have an engine that can protect itself even from you (hence my visit out to Conimicut that day :hihi: ), the boat is big enough for you to ENJOYABLY run around south of PJ from your slip but still small enough that you can top it off with gas cans. And you want to trade all of that it for an extra foot, oil changes, and probably 10 grand? Are we going to have another winter of you being confused and flip flopping back & forth and you driving Sheila ^&$**:af:# nuts :laughs: ? In all seriousness, you got a sweet boat, outfitted the way you want, Status Quo manno....

12-13-2003, 03:11 PM
@#$% :smash:

12-13-2003, 03:59 PM
Don't listen to John!! He is just jelouis that his boat is still a planter!! :D

I have a 20 footer and love it. Easy to trailer good on gas and on a good day I can go 20 miles out Cod fishing

Bigger boat less tralierable, more gas and on a bad day, bang all the way home from 20 miles out with a load of Cod.


12-13-2003, 04:35 PM
Yea MJ John,s gets real good gas miliage from his yard & the weather doesn,t effect him either//////////////;)

12-13-2003, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by macojoe
Don't listen to John!! He is just jelouis that his boat is still a planter!! :D

I have a 20 footer and love it. Easy to trailer good on gas and on a good day I can go 20 miles out Cod fishing

Bigger boat less tralierable, more gas and on a bad day, bang all the way home from 20 miles out with a load of Cod.


MJ - Couple Points :rolleyes:

I was trying to talk Clammer out of spending another 10K to move up 1 year newer and one foot bigger. And you won't be the one talking to him about it all winter long. He's got a pretty stinkin' nice boat as it is. As for the planter comments, my boat wasn't anywhere near complete when I got laid off and it wasn't a financial benefit to get it done like your boat was, so there :p

Now anytime you want to compare the ride of your boat -v- the ride of mine (once its splashed :) ) from twenty miles anywhere, hehehehe... 'Course I agree yours will get more mileage AND be easier to trailer but mine will handle more snot and more snot comfortably :) . Now if you were smart, you would have let me give you a couple hundred bucks for your bracket :hihi: before you installed it :D

12-13-2003, 06:10 PM
Well John while your boat may be better then mine in the snot and all, And I no it is!! It don't mean crap sitting as a big planter!!:laughs:
As for him buying a new and bigger boat, I think what I was saying is that my 20 footer (which is what he has?) Is all he needs!! 20 feet is a great boat to own!!
As for being stupid for not selling you that bracket for a couple of hundred, I paid $400 so I would have been real stupid!! So I guess I am not :p But I no where you can get a nice new one for $1500 Just like mine :p
I have a Steel Bracket in my basement that is a 18" set back rather then the 28" that I have. It has the platform on it also. Has been coated 3 times with ZRC Galvanitic Compound I can let you have cheap. :laughs:

12-13-2003, 07:30 PM
Got any pics of that bracket? Is there a floatation chamber? How much does it weigh?

As for the whole planter thing, I "could" have gotten the boat done and had it in the water but that would have been at the expense of my savings account. Unfortunately I have not had money going INTO savings, only out for the past 7 months. Had I been working I would have been in the water too

12-13-2003, 10:25 PM
Just got myself a single engine flotation bracket for $50.00 so :p It doesn't have the integrated platform like macojoe's but for the money I paid, I could probably have someone weld one on if I want one and still be ahead of the game.

12-13-2003, 10:53 PM
Yes it has a floation chamber. It is excat copy of the Stainless Marine Bracket I installed on my boat. The only difference is that it is a 18 inch set back, and made of steel.
It is Heavy and made with 1/2 inch stock, except for the swim plat form which is 1/4 inch. It will take anything size motor you would want it to.

here are some pic's. It is Gray from the ZRC and can be top coated with what ever color you want.

Just a thought. If you can't find something else in your price range. This is going to be a cheap deal.

12-13-2003, 10:54 PM