View Full Version : Mitchell Neptune Info

Don M
06-14-2001, 07:09 AM
Has anyone used the Mitchell Neptune reel? Would like to know about the drag and overall performance of the reel. Your comments would be much appriciated.

06-14-2001, 07:14 AM
After reading many thumbs up reviews about them, I now own one and it is a great reel. The drag on mine so far is very smooth. I think they are well worth the money. And I like the 7500 size,it holds 300 yards of whiplash 65 lb.

06-14-2001, 08:28 AM
It's on my list to buy. They look like beautiful reels.

06-14-2001, 09:29 AM
I've been using the Neptune for two years now. I wouldn't leave home without it. Drag is smooth as silk. It's definately waterproof. People complain about the weight but I throw 4oz jigs with that thing for up to four/five hours some days with no problem ( and I'm not a big guy). Check out that line roller - it'll wrap braided line perfectly, everytime. You'll get used to that big handle also. If ya get into a large fish you'll be glad it's there.

I've recommended the Neptune to four other guys and they have no complaints, in fact they also love them.

Final tribute : The Neptune is the reel I've been looking for most of my life - been fishing for over forty years. I'll be picking up the smaller models the day they become available.

You'll even finally like the color - it'll grow on ya.

06-14-2001, 10:56 AM
While we are on the subject of Neptune and braids. Would it be possible to use say, 50 or 30 lb braid on it? Of course it would hold more than the 65lb test but I would make up that distance with backing.(with that test and capacity) I would go with 25lb or 30lb backing) Reason being, I'm not too comfortable using 65lb test line. That's really strong line. Most of my fish aren't too big.

So will it dig into itself with a lighter line?

06-14-2001, 11:47 AM
be careful if your down to pips at sunrise...the glare from all them big yellow reels will blind you! :) :)

06-14-2001, 12:21 PM
JJ18 : You is right. That's one of the reasons we gotta wear sunglasses.

06-14-2001, 12:25 PM
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

06-14-2001, 12:48 PM
That yellow goes perfect with the yellow on the Breakaway factory rods. Ugly yellow reel for an ugly yellow rod. You guys may someday get used to the yellow color but your friends standing near you never will.

On the other hand , if you look at the color wheel , yellow is suppose to be a complimentary color for blue to purple so at least it won't clash with JPower's shirt. :)

Good reel though despite its appearance.

06-14-2001, 01:26 PM

06-14-2001, 06:16 PM
The new reels should be out by this time next Month.
They will also have a high speed version that will have a gray housing with black rubber
instead of the yellow. Also have another version with a regular type Handle.

Don M
06-15-2001, 01:02 PM
Thanks everyone! Can't wait to try it out. BTW the 7500 GV is no longer YELLOW. Silver and balck handle and black rubber covering. Looks like you can also get a wooden handle.

Thanks again for all the input.

06-15-2001, 01:04 PM
Saltheart: You is on very dangerous ground there bud. You've left me no alternative - I'ma gonna have to retaliate. And lookee here, you've given me a whole week to think up something truly devious. Bring Smokey with you. Ya gonna need him to help ya back to RI. heh,heh,heh.

06-15-2001, 02:11 PM
That's alright Mr Powers, There happens to be some artwork in the lobby of my office building that bears a striking resemblance to 'Ole Saltyheart after a marathon of fishing... I'll need to take a shot and put it up on the boards...

06-15-2001, 10:27 PM
Ut Oh !! :)

06-18-2001, 09:36 AM
Just used my new 7500 for the first time Saturday on the backside beaches @CC. I caught a 33" ?#er (forgot the scale) in the first five minutes of use. I had on 65# PP. I love this real. The drag is smooth & the infinate anti-reverse is neat!
Also, I have never used braid before. It really is cool to feel the fishy's every move.

06-18-2001, 04:10 PM
OK, again, it's not a bad lookin' portrait, sorta Saltheart staring in Ernest Hemingway's Old Man and the Sea... with wardrobe by JPowers (wouldn't know him if he kicked me in the rear but based on the web...).

06-18-2001, 06:58 PM
That's me alright. That blank puzzled look is me trying to figure out why JPowers wears his dayglow orange shirt (just like the one I have on in the picture) under his baby blue shirt? I'm still dazed and confused about that one!! :)

06-18-2001, 10:10 PM
You see, actually a rather nice portrait to call your own... Now if I could just cut & paste that bottle of tequilla...