View Full Version : Mobile web

03-20-2004, 04:45 PM
Well, this is no big deal but I am submitting this post via a mobile web service (verizon) on my lap. It transmits through my mobile phone cost's $70 p month and has unlimited online minutes.

Biggest thing is it works ! I am in Stowe, Vt right now and the signal is solid even though it is only registering 40% of max.

Anyone else use something like this ? Weather online at your fingertips........

How bout cell antenna boosters. anyone have anything on that ?

03-20-2004, 04:59 PM
yep do it all the time. use it for work and to do credit card processing over a secure connection to the net.

03-20-2004, 07:47 PM
I have verizon also and bought a connector to go from the phone to my laptop and it works great, although I do not pay any 70 bucks a month, just pay for the minutes used, and since I have free off peak minutes, it cost me NOTHING :D Gonna use it when fishing this summer so I can keep track of the bass.

03-20-2004, 09:14 PM
yea I have to rethink the unlimited thing. because that could certainly add up. Is the off peak & free weekend minutes still in place ?

If so I just started using it and wonder if it will ever warrant that kind of payout. I had some modem/connectivity issues and managed to weasal $25 credit towards the first bill.

I think this will be fun to have when you are out on the hunt and it's your link to weather, etc. Late night, cup of joe and a little update or download
