View Full Version : ONLY one question tonight!

06-29-2001, 10:43 PM
Yep, you're in luck. One question tonight. Well one series of questions. Didn't think I was gonna let you guys off THAT easy did ya? ;)

Looking at the "Bottle neck" style of popper. Just to spruce up my topwater selection.

Basically, there are four commercial types I have to choose from: Superstrike Little necks, Lex SOLaris popper, Gibbs Polaris Popper, and the Atom Atomizer.

Price isn't an issue really, I'm pretty set on what colors I want.

Do you prefer a littleneck that floats? Which of these lures float and which ones don't?

How do they compare on a durability/quality standpoint?


Mike P
06-30-2001, 03:05 PM
I've only used the Superstrike and Gibbs of those 4 brands. The Superstrikes with green eyes float. They suck IMO. The ones with black eyes sink but are easy to keep working slowly on top. They also swim when retrieved slowly. I prefer them to Gibbs in the smaller two sizes. The largest Superstrikes--3 oz---are vastly inferior to the 3-1/2 oz Gibbs if you need the larger size.

The 3-1/2 oz Gibbs floats, but still casts nicely and works well in the water. The smaller Polarises--the 1 and 2 oz ones, anyhow---sink like the Superstrike, but still work well at a slow speed. Basically, both brands are good and do much of the same things well. Superstrikes hold up to bluefish better, the plastic is tough. Both brands have good wire and swivels. But, on both, test the hooks right out of the package, as many will fail under slight plier pressure.

My suggestion is to replace the tail treble with a feathered or bucktailed Siwash single, and get some HD splits and 4x strong trebles--either Eagle Claw or VMC--and replace the belly hook. You can go down one size on the belly hook if you upgrade to a 4x strong model.

I really wish these guys would sell plugs without any hooks at maybe a buck less than hooked ones. The hammerheads would still be able to buy plugs with hooks on them, but other guys could install the hooks they want.

07-03-2001, 03:16 PM
I have had luck with the Gibbs in white. The SS little neck blue over whitewas a blue fish magnet for me. :)