View Full Version : Fish Finder / Sliding weight.

08-10-2001, 10:03 AM
I tried using the fish finder/ sliding weight. It works ok, but I much prefer the normal weight & leader setup. Maybe it's because I'm not use to the fish finder / sliding weight setup <shrugs>. This is my first year saltwater fishing *( as you might be able to tell from my posts on here )*, and I have only caught one 24" striper, and one 28" striper. My friend went with me a few times, and caught a 33" striper with the same setup as me. Anymore tips for a newbie?

Either reply to this post,
or e-mail me at

Thanks ahead of time :)
Happy <><ing everyone.

08-10-2001, 10:57 AM
My experience is that a fishfinder is okay from a bridge, a pier or a boat where you have some current flowing away from you, but in the surf I prefer a hi-lo rig set up, or the same hi-lo rig concept with only one hook.

Jim H
08-10-2001, 01:28 PM
I use the fish finder rig while drifting in the mouth of the Merrimack River. I use LOTS of weight to get it to the bottom (6 - 8 oz of lead). We have caught many 20 - 26 inch stripers that way (clams for bait)....NO KEEPERS YET!!

I am thinking of trying the high low rig instead and have my fishing partner use the fish finder....

If you need help with the high-low, go to

Good luck


08-10-2001, 01:34 PM
The fishfinder rig is a great rig. Don't give up on it.

08-10-2001, 01:38 PM
I like to use the slide because it allows you todo other things while your line is out. A trick I learned is to unclick the bail and run the line about a foot below the reel, slide a rubber band over the line and put your rod in its holder. When a fish hits it will pull the line from the band, not feeling a thing and run with it. You'll have plenty of time to put your beer down and go set the hook. Good Luck