View Full Version : SOME PLUGS thread

11-15-2004, 08:49 AM
Now, the important part - AT LEAST FOR VIEWING ONLY, I have retrieved the Some Plugs thread. Hopefully I will be able to completely ressurect it as part of the main boards... I have no control ove pics that were linked in from locations other than on S-B - some work some don't...

11-15-2004, 09:53 PM
well, I read the whole thread, over the course of a couple of days.

Two comments

Capesams pics don't come up.

I keep getting some kind of wierd login prompt

Overall, great thread though, thank you for reviving it for those of us who missed the first go-round.


11-16-2004, 12:12 PM
all my pic's r on the hard drive that just blew up.....after turkey day..maybe.