View Full Version : Bow Hunting Ban

Fly Rod
12-12-2004, 10:29 AM
:) The National Humane Society and Funds for Animals merge together to band "BOW HUNTING" nation wide!!!

This is a big concern for those of us that bow hunt!!!!

Click on for more upcoming info!!!;) :cool:

Happy Holidays!!!!:cool: :cool:

12-12-2004, 08:35 PM
It will never happen!

12-13-2004, 01:02 PM
Never say never brother! They managed to ban trapping in Ma. by using scare tactics and deceiving commercials. Very powerful lobby with lots of $$$$$

12-13-2004, 05:14 PM
I know but think of how many people bow hunt Vs. how many trap. We have much better numbers with the bow hunters.

12-14-2004, 09:28 AM
I remember watching the 3 legged dog commercial on tv, supposedly the pooch had stepped into a leg trap and had to get it amputated. After the bill passed it was found out that the dog actually lost it by getting hit by a car. My question was, where's the other side of the story? There were no commercials defending trapping or using dogs and bait for bear hunting at all. We sportsman apparently donate millions (if not more) to our causes and yet we see nothing in the media defending us. The only time we do hear anything is when its too late. We need to become more pro-active and educate the masses that were not just a bunch of rednecks looking to pluck something. We now have idiots that sit on our Mass Wildlife board (just a couple) who want to run their own agenda and we put up with it. Just not smart policies imo.

12-14-2004, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by outfished
I remember watching the 3 legged dog commercial on tv, supposedly the pooch had stepped into a leg trap and had to get it amputated. After the bill passed it was found out that the dog actually lost it by getting hit by a car. My question was, where's the other side of the story? There were no commercials defending trapping or using dogs and bait for bear hunting at all. We sportsman apparently donate millions (if not more) to our causes and yet we see nothing in the media defending us. The only time we do hear anything is when its too late. We need to become more pro-active and educate the masses that were not just a bunch of rednecks looking to pluck something. We now have idiots that sit on our Mass Wildlife board (just a couple) who want to run their own agenda and we put up with it. Just not smart policies imo.
I Absolutely agree!

12-14-2004, 07:41 PM
I remember too well when the anti's got the no trapping, bear baiting, wildlife board ballot initiative passed. A lot of my outdoor buddy's never heard of the initiative until it was too late and some didn't bother to vote !:af: I wrote all my local rep's and even met one in person to discuss the problem (I work for local gov. and the guy holds office hrs. at the Town Hall) They all were supportive and assured me it would never make it too the ballot let alone pass. WRONG! Part of the problem with this type of thing is that the state agency (Div. of F&W in MA) cannot by law participate in the debate even if all the supposed factual info. being presented is false. There's an old "LIBERAL"political saying that would serve us very well in our battles with the anti's. "Think globally and act locally." I think we sometimes alienate ourselves from the general public who perceive us as a bunch of rednecks who like to kill things and shoot big guns. We need to convince the public that their perception of us if wrong (usually! :rolleyes: ) because without general public support we might as well take up golf.

12-15-2004, 12:08 PM
Here's a brief glimpse of what were up against.

PETA - People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals
PAC - Animal Protection Political Action Committee
CIA - Compassion In Action
Voice for Animals
IFAW - International Fund For Animal Welfare
ADL - Animal Defense Fund
ALF - Animal Liberation Front
LAWS - Labour Animal Welfare
The Animal Welfare Institute
Massachusetts Audobon Society
The Seirra Club
AMC - Appalachian Mountain Club
The Funds For Animals
The Humane Society Of The United States

The last two groups have recently merged together and with the climate of corporate mergers these days its fair to assume these groups will do the same which will make them more powerful. These groups are just a few of the more well knowns with hundreds if not thousands more exsisting at the local and grass roots level. Scared yet? We all should be! Look them up on the web and read their agendas. If you haven't done so yet, I'd recommend joining the U.S. Sportsman Alliance and give them your support. Another interesting site is I'm off to lunch now for a big fat beef burger.:hee: