View Full Version : public right of way

snake slinger
03-17-2005, 05:36 PM
there are places that are listed as public right of ways and if you park there you get a ticket how is that legal?snake slinger

Ed B
03-17-2005, 06:08 PM
Towns set the parking regulations on their streets. They can't keep you from walking down a public right of way but they can ticket your car for parking in a no parking area.

We all have been learning the hard way that you have to stay up to speed on town meeting agendas. When they have hearings about parking in the vicinity of public right of ways we have to attend to make our voices heard. If not the local residents of the right of ways who are usually the ones who try to get the no parking zones established to keep us riff-raff out will succeed in their goal of keeping us out.

Stay active in your local politics.

03-18-2005, 08:08 AM
2 totally different issues.

03-18-2005, 12:25 PM
What Ed said.

03-19-2005, 08:45 AM
one goes hand in hand with the other. Its the "leg bone leading to the knee bone" thing to me.

03-19-2005, 10:14 AM
I've had it with this ROW crap. Every year some nitwit closes off another Right of Way. Last year I just trespassed. let'm call the cops. I want to challenge this in a court of law.
I have fished the RI coast for 40 years and it has gotten so if I am not on some Public land I get blocked. last year one night some a$$&^* called the cops in Narragansett because RIRockhound and I were "breaking glass" at Hazard Ave. As we can off the front there's about 4 cops waiting for us. They all started laughing because the noise the jerks called the cops about was our Korkers on the rocks. It is getting out of hand....
:zup: :zup: :zup:

Young Salt
03-19-2005, 01:59 PM
I'm hoping that this case will set a precident for similar situations in the future. These abutters insisted that no parking be allowed on the street, now you park on the right-of-way itself. :D
I don't belive that the case wouldn't have went down this way if it wasn't for the determined efforts of a few out-of-town fishermen.

I love the 'sensitive enviroment' argument.......what about the impact of YOUR 3 story trophy house with a nice big lawn as to provide little to no habitat for the animals (that you are SOOO concerned about) that your home displaces??? :smash:

01:00 AM EDT on Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Journal Staff Writer

BARRINGTON -- The state Superior Court has decided that vehicle parking should be allowed at the right-of-way, to the delight of local fishermen and the dismay of abutting residents.

The decision, written by Judge Daniel Procaccini and filed last Wednesday, states that making improvements to the public right-of-way is a "necessary and reasonable" measure for public enjoyment.

"The Parcel is a right-of-way that is intended to accommodate the public at-large and not merely abutters for the property or those in walking distance," Procaccini wrote. "In such a case, automobile access is necessary and reasonable."

The decision temporarily settles a long-term dispute about what kind of access to the water is acceptable. The Coastal Resources Management Council determined that the right-of-way was public more than 20 years ago, and the decision was upheld in the state Superior and Supreme courts.

Despite that designation, several abutters have been trying to restrict parking at the site, requesting that those who wish to access the water park nearby and walk down.

"That is a highly sensitive environment down there," said Cecil Sartor, a local resident and one of the plaintiffs in the case. "It seems to me that parking is just totally against the preservation of that whole area."

But recreational fishermen have argued that parking on Washington Road and walking down to the access point is difficult for the elderly, and actually prevents some people from visiting the area.

Parking has been prohibited on the right-of-way since last year, when the abutters filed a restraining order to prevent it.

Sartor said last week that the plaintiffs had not decided whether to appeal the court's decision.

"We are still talking to our lawyers," she said.

If the decision stands, town officials will consult with the Coastal Resources Management Council to determine how to make the area accessible to vehicles.

Town Manager Peter A. DeAngelis said last week that he has already contacted the coastal resources board to begin the process.

Skip N
03-19-2005, 02:28 PM
Thanks for sharing that Young Salt.....I fish down in Barrington all the time and im pretty sure i know what area that is. That the same area they put up that BIG house last year on that dead end street? I get harrassed in one the other spots down there also by some old bastard who drives around on his golf cart. He knows he cant do anything but he loves to piss off the fisherman.

Young Salt
03-19-2005, 03:14 PM
Yes that is the spot skip, i know the other spot too, he's never said anything to me - but he's given me the glaring of a lifetime. :biglaugh: I know he gives one of my buddies a tough time. Like you said he knows you have a right to be there so he can't do anything.

03-20-2005, 10:45 AM
some a$$&^* called the cops in Narragansett because RIRockhound and I were "breaking glass" at Hazard Ave...the noise the jerks called the cops about was our Korkers on the rocks.


03-20-2005, 11:45 AM
I'm pretty lucky where I fish in Rhody. Public access is fairly abundant and the places that are'nt, I have friends with permission to access private property. I was in Rockport, MA last Sept and driving around I noticed that most of the parking was for town residents only. Also all the public ROW were marked well but there was nowhere to park except for the breakwater. Everyone talks about Rhody with access issues, but to me it's easier for a person not from Rhody to fish in Rhody than someone not from MA going , at least to Gloucester and fishing. As for people who live on the water next to public access, I always say if you buy a house next to the airport you gotta expect a plane to fly by once in awhile.