View Full Version : Had a real close call today (grumpage)

04-26-2005, 08:31 PM the foundation crew was pouring the walls for an addition my buddy and i are doing....i was cutting up the old deck....for hauling it away to the dump....

i stepped "off " of it..[we had piled it up in four huge chunks to be processed]

behind it was an old firewood pile.... and i stepped on a log section that rolled and WHAM BAM down i went HARD and smashed my butt.....

luckily i just missed my tailbone by a couple of inches and could've broken my back... or worse... and missed the whole fishin season....
so i'm real sore ...but thankful i'm not in the hospital.... phew!!:err::(

ITS NOW 5 /12/05 and it has happened AGAIN falling off new construction.
I'm wrecked just 16 days later.... (i can't win...)
i have more bruises than plugs...almost... time to drink like only a scotsman knows how....whiskey is on the way.

04-26-2005, 09:11 PM
that qualify you to fish with the Clammer // Grace & Charm :boots:

04-26-2005, 09:50 PM
that qualify you to fish with the Clammer // Grace & Charm :boots:
Don't do it Raven.. You'll be sorry.
Hope you feel better soon.

Squid kids Dad
04-26-2005, 10:27 PM
Get well soon Raven,,,Fishies are here

04-27-2005, 05:34 AM
i'm hurtin BAD but i'm heading out to the backwoods anyways with the wheel barrow to retrieve some
really nice fire wood i cut yesterday afternoon .....before the rain starts!

its white oak i believe and it splits and burns like you dream about...
i have to keep on tr#^&#^&#^&#^&#^& or else i'll get stiff -> sitting @ the computer

todays the wife's birthday and were gonna enjoy the day together
neither of us are workin....thank goodness...

04-27-2005, 05:37 AM
Don't do it Raven.. You'll be sorry.
Hope you feel better soon.

i'm smart .... i bought clammer insurance,,,, a million dollar policy :bl:

04-27-2005, 06:42 AM
ouch....I hate when that happens...get well

04-27-2005, 08:43 AM
Best bet is to keep it moving. Take a hot bath if you have to. Beer and liquor do wonders also.

04-27-2005, 01:12 PM
You lucked out Raven. Last year I slipped at the ditch TWICE IN ONE NIGHT! Sober as hell to boot. First fall was on my side, smashed my elbow to smithereens, second fall was on my can and badley bruised my tailbone. That took about 3 months to completely heal. The ditch got the best of me that night. :bshake:

04-27-2005, 01:56 PM
and i can fully sympathize....i once smashed my tailbone so bad i was on crutches for was back in my college days when i was playing soccer.....the goalie was steeling my thunder real bad and he was personally pissed off at me because being a weirdo his roomate decided to ditch him and we ended up sharing a dorm room at Paul Smiths forestry college in upper state new york...i finally knocked him and the Ball thru the goal but ended up doing several flips forward thru the air and ended up smashing so hard i saw stars swirling i was glad i did not repeat the experience.

i landed on the oak log i foolishly stepped on and just missed my tailbone by an inch.
i'm not in need of an inflatable donut pillow...but close enough....and like you say... i lucked out bigtime.... it always happens in the BLINK of an eye...

and yes tynan19 i have presently just finished a theraputic hot bath and now drinking real strong McEwan's Scottish ale :gu: (man do they pack a punch)
to relieve myself of pain....... sitting next to a cozy fire in my lazyboy recliner..... for today...

i found a remedy for most bone problems outfished but its extremely hot stuff made from the bones of the EMU bird from Austrailia....[[EMU OIL]] and makes bengay seem very have to ice the area right after applying it...or catch on fire....
later on though it works wonders....but i doubt i'll risk using it on my butt for obvious reasons..... :bshake::af:

chris L
04-27-2005, 01:56 PM
2 years ago I broke my tailbone , slipped on my butt while stepping into a river . worse pain I think I ever felt , took weeks to go heel . getting the evaluation from the doc was no picnic either . The doc wanted to remove it and there was no way that was going to happen .

04-27-2005, 02:10 PM
chris, if I had broken my tail bone I would've asked the doc to sew a tail back on (like we use to have) and then I could use it to better balance myself and thus limiting future falls. I could also use it to hang on branch's over water to fish (both hands free now), I could drink a beer hands free and fish at the same time, slap my fishin buddies with my tail while still fishing. Think of the advantages of having a tail again. :bl:

04-27-2005, 02:47 PM
being at the hospital....the doctor using his thumb while being bent over a gurney ....does it hurt here about there.....
YEEEEEEOOOWWWWWWWW i screamed waking everyone up in a one mile radius.... probably you have a similar tale.... and then the quack says to me..."well, i have to give you a shot of cortizone....." not being thrilled to hear that i decided to try anything.... just as he was about to insert the needle he says: "well i have never done one of these before..." and i turned around and said... "and you ain't gonna do me as your first one either you idiot"
and headed to the nearest liquor store quickly as it was almost closing time.... i don't remember much of those next three weeks as i stayed DRUNK the entire time.:gu::gu:

chris L
04-27-2005, 03:05 PM
having my own tail could be a good thing . my only concern is falling backwards into a swollen river while fishing and drinking and spilling my beer .


funny thing is I had gone to the same doctor for a physical some time before and he felt I needed a prostrate exam which I declined telling him I give myself one on a regular basis . Oh OK !? and when I busted my ass and had to straddle the table he let me know that while Ive got you here I might as well give you that exam you didnt want to have before . He didnt even ask me out for a drink .

04-27-2005, 11:28 PM
When my wife was delivering the baby last wednesday,we heard a loud pop. We thought nothing of it, until the Epidural wore off. Seems she either fractured or bruised her Coxix when the baby was coming out. I sure hope it heals faster then 3 months :bc:

04-28-2005, 05:09 AM
oooo specialist that doesnt sound good... but at least it wasnt as a result of a persons full body weight falling down on that occured and i'm hazarding a guess here....from the opposite direction of force and maybe because of that it, will heal least i hope so...for your wonderful wife's sake... there is a substance called allantoin that the body produces....
its also found in a plant called COMFREY, which in the real old days before i was born anyways was called KNITBONE and was used widely to help heal broken bones as a tea and as a compress. i hope your wife feels better soon

04-28-2005, 08:41 AM
Man quit ya @#$%^& bitchin / Pump some meds / have a bone //chill ///
if that doesn,t work ,just jump off a @#$%#$% cliff / when ya get old & beat up /its time ya replaced
chit look at me I,m so @#$#$%^ up I,m not here :whackin: :bshake: :love:

04-28-2005, 11:39 AM
I think I need clammer as my new doc! :rotf3:

04-28-2005, 12:33 PM
So does he :rotf3:

04-28-2005, 05:12 PM
i had a second close call today while roofin...
we were on the shore of lake whitman or whitman resevoir in Douglas, MA
re-shinglen a roof see.... i look out across the water and can see a squall ...
a big ole squall headin our way.... as i delivered a huge tarp to the guys
up on the 12 pitch roof [way to steep for me] it hit the shore
60 mile an hour winds and then some.... it blew the big ladder right
at me but i was ready for that sucka and got out its way just in time...
it smashed some landscape timber but big deal....
so then i got mad and summoned all my WIZARD power and demanded it STOP!
and within fifteen minutes it turned sunny pleasant and the wind was still and calm.... mess with the RAVEN will ya.....

Clammer for your insulance you have just earned the oportunity to fish with the.... RAVEN ..... lol :rotf3::love::laugha:

04-28-2005, 05:20 PM
sounds good to me // its your life :yawn:

04-28-2005, 05:49 PM
your heart has a finite number of beats..... don't waste them....

well if i'm gonna waste some heartbeats..
i could not find a nicer person as Clammer to get wasted with

i mean waste them with ..pardon my grammer :rotf2:

04-28-2005, 06:29 PM
you bring the bait // no you bring the matches // I,ll bring the paper :rollem:

04-28-2005, 06:50 PM
to keep them bugs from eatin us alive

04-28-2005, 06:53 PM
i aint werkin tommorow ....wasnt needed.....just a thought...

have to check with the accountant (wifey) to see where we stand

have had enormous bills lately like 900 bucks worth...

in a week,,, catchin up...but its crampin our style....

04-28-2005, 06:57 PM
check your pm's clammer for #
my email updates every 60 seconds for pm's notification

04-29-2005, 10:25 AM
you bring the bait // no you bring the matches // I,ll bring the paper :rollem:

:rotf3: :rotf2: :smokin:

04-30-2005, 06:46 PM
took plenty of paper...carboard boxes..and seven gallons of gasoline
and plenty of determination......with extreme prejudice in the rain....but we burnt it all :devil::af:
and except for several small explosions..some singed eyebrows...and fried facial skin from the blast of heat....i amazingly.......survived the day.

05-12-2005, 07:44 PM
i stepped "off " of it.. the temporary stairs collapsed

and WHAM BAM down i went HARD (again) and smashed my back.....

luckily i just missed my tailbone by a couple of inches and could've broken my back... or worse... and missed the whole fishin season....
so i'm real sore (again)...but thankful i'm not in the FREAKSHOW hospital....
for you see....
ITS NOW 5 /12/05 and it has happened AGAIN falling off the new construction.
I'm wrecked just 16 days later.... (i can't win...:bshake:<- oww)
i have more bruises than plugs...almost... time to drink like only a scotsman knows how....whiskey is on the way.:gu: