View Full Version : this has me very pissed OFF

04-30-2005, 02:47 PM
Yesterday afternoon..........before these next four days of wet weather...
i planted all my broccolli ,spinach,carrots ....ok
the fish are in and i want to
go fishin... with all that work accomplished and behind me.
it's a satifying feeling....ya know... well i left a quart bottle of
fish emulsion out there in the garden over night....after using some. it's like the nastiest stuff (...expensive too )
in the world but mild (easy) on the baby veggies.
well today its F-N gone.... a coyote took it home to mama :mad::af::wall:
is the only thing i can think of... unless a racoon stole it
either way....i'm buying a night scope for the twenty gauge.....:nailem:

04-30-2005, 03:07 PM
You get that ticked over fish emulsion? I'd hate to see what happens when you cast a plug off :faga:

All I've got in are peas, broccoli rabe and lettuce.


04-30-2005, 03:56 PM
i part the sea and walk out there and get it....:wavey:

05-15-2005, 06:48 AM
i hate them with no end in site
even though i have a bug net on they still find a way in
and you inhale them or they fly up your friggan nose
so it doesnt matter if its not even 8 am
when i inhale a fly its time for a freakin beer
miserable little bastages.....i take pleasure in
squashing your exoskeleten buggy little body

caaahhh --- puie

05-15-2005, 06:35 PM
Got black flies or knats or what ever you want to call them here in Lakeville. Every spring, it is wet in my area. I hate most when they get in your eye and you can't get them out. Usually have mud covered hands when you are trying to dig them out. I swallow plenty of them too. Sometimes I wear a headnet but most of the time I just grin and bear it, but it royally sucks. They leave a nice welt too. Feel bad for my dog. I put up with it because I am as fanatical about gardening as I am fishing, enjoy a shovel and dirt under my fingernails as much as catching keepers and am trying to get all my transplanting out of the way so I can concentrate on fishing. Next to come, although they are here now in small amounts are the mosquito's. Man my area is so bad you can't even go into the shade in the day time or they will carry you away. Again I feel bad for the dog. Got to keep up the heart worm pills. I will be putting in my call to the state for free spraying soon. Paul

05-15-2005, 09:06 PM
man it sucks when they are stuck to the back of your throat..:lossinit:

i moved three yards of composted cow manure into the garden

over the weekend and tilled it in ...also i built the caddilac of

pea fences and ran the twine as they are anxious to climb.

tomatoes went in and 24 lettuce...carrots are poppin up

onions are growin good...

spinach and broccolli about to take off.

with all that acomplished i can now go fish.

05-16-2005, 10:09 AM
I usually wait till Memorial day before I put in any tomatoes, melons, H2o melons, peppers. We had 2 light frost's last week. Besides my seedlings are too small and have not been hardened off yet. Got a late start this year on starting the seeds. I hope for a hot summer for a change. Of course it rained and overcast and cold during the peach and apple blossom bloom so no honey bees to pollinate my peaches and apples again this year. Bumble's working the blueberries hard though, but they ignore the apple trees. That is my preference too. Always can use a few yards of composted cow manure. Neighbors got horses, clydesdales, but much prefer the cow crap. Good growing. Time to fish. Paul

05-16-2005, 06:47 PM
i have big tomatoes growing in pots PM as a back up crop - and put like twenty babies in yesterday to see if they can take it... even the primary leaves of my hardened off broccolli plants turned purple but they survived the last hard frost we had.... i will set up some open top plastic cages soon for some bell peppers and zuchinni this week... a new guy on the JOB dropped my porta cable saw off the roof and broke i was at home depot tonight shelling out 145 clams to replace it....pfff.....yeah like i can wait to have it repaired.
no freakin way.... which killed my after work gardening time....oh well
par for the course...funny thing was....he was complaining about having to use my tools and then clammed up when i approached but i heard his whole
comment.....and karma came up and bit him in the butt real fast i know he jinxed himself bigtime....ahhh ha ha ha....i love karma....

05-17-2005, 09:24 AM
Yeah the open top plastic cages work wonders, wall of water, and a few old blankets at nite over them. Looks like tobacco road but nothing beats real tomatoes. I grow all heirloom tomatoes, 10 different kinds, from seed. Ugly looking but you can't beat the flavor. Man I could go for one now. That is the problem with our society looks matter. People buy the pretty perfectly round looking stuff with no taste when it is the ugly looking stuff that tastes a hundred times better. Porter Cable has an outlet in Franklin. Not sure where you are located. They repair and sell reconditioned stuff for a reasonable price. Paul

05-17-2005, 04:35 PM
are my next two projects in that order Paul...I have deer up the ying yang....
and with several apple trees to attract them i'm sure they'll find my vegetables just as they mature. i'll buy 200 hundred feet of green wire fencing...mostly because i want some vertical climbable area for squash and melons....that'll run me around $160 bucks... the hoop house will be half recycled sliding glass doors (4) with a real rigid frame...then i'll pvc pipe off that with 45 degree unions up top to achieve the gothic arch...and i'll have cross ventilation with a door at each end. once thats done i'll have flat city (lol) and plant seeds like a mad man... and start garden number 2. :cheers:
.................................................. .................................................. ......
the boss was a little bit pissy but re-imbersed me $120 bucks for the saw...retails for 129 dollars at the Dome Heapo :)
saying i shouldn't have gone an bought another one...but i disagree completely.....especially when his new guy who apparently doesnt own a saw dropped mine when he should have been using the bosses saw...also considering that the cord to it had a temporary spliced section after getting sawn in half....and it he had arced and tripped the breaker... so thats when it should have come down off the roof...just one more cut...then boom ,all because the boss was to cheap to buy a decent blade and he had used it (His saw) previously to cut that super hard tongue and groove flooring....dulling his blade... shoot, you can change those blades out in what two minutes...:rollem: they are only $10.00.
The Raven without a decent saw is unacceptable....I can't be waiting for him to fix my old one...on his schedual...because his plate is way way to full ! with projects galore up north - 4 kids and a farm...yeah right.
besides its the principle...and in that circumstance i had to firmly stand my ground.:musc: