View Full Version : Tuna reel question

Mr. Sandman
07-28-2005, 10:52 AM
I have my larger offshore reels loaded with Momoi mono. I have converted all my other inshore convential reels to braid now. I was wondering, beyond the expense of it, would (do) you guys load 50's 50W's with braid? I was thinking I could get a lot more line on there with say 65# test PP then 60# mono and get a better hookset with PP. I have not spooled one to a fish yet but I have come close a couple times when I have not been able to get to it for a few moments even with modest fish.

07-28-2005, 11:37 AM
80# braid with a 50# mono topshot is popular

07-28-2005, 12:34 PM
I've only gone to braid for my chunking outfits. I'm sticking with the mono on the trolling outfits, just because its more forgiving. I figure I can always run a fish down when I'm on the troll.

07-28-2005, 02:34 PM
Both of my accurate 50W's have been loaded with Berkley whiplash (original flavor) 80 lb. test, with room left over to accommodate 150-200 yards of Momoi 80 lb. test mono topshot. They are connected via a modified albright knot (albright with an overhand lock knot, dab of superglue).

The topshot is great in that it allows for stretching (won't tear hook out of pelagic's mouth) and ... you don't have to replace an entire spool of mono every few trips (saves $$$).

Over the last five years I've been using this setup, it has worked for me flawlessly on the hookups I did get.


Fish On
07-28-2005, 09:45 PM
I use 80 lb mono with 50 lb dacron backing on my 50's.

07-28-2005, 09:57 PM
1/2 100# dacron, and 1/2 80# momoi daimond on my 50wides.
25pounds of drag. i've never seen the backing on a fish.
i wouldn't go with strait braid. not on a reel you plan to strap on.