View Full Version : stranded for five days

01-07-2006, 06:21 AM
Did anyone see the news report about the couple in Oregon
that video taped themselves being stranded in the car on a road
that they cluelessly didn't know was closed. They were eventually rescued
and had 4-5 days worth of food and did everything right
according to the rescue officials. But as i watched the story unfold
i couldnt help but notice that they were literally surrounded by hundreds if not
thousands of pine trees.....all having easy to break off lower branches that are perfect for a campfire...

i just cannot believe that they couldn't have started a fire....
heck i would've had a fire so damn big that helicopters would be arriving
to put it out.....or at least seen from outer space......hah hah hah .i've been
there and its firewood country. ya shake off a little snow........and gather some
kindling and find a good snag that you shove into the fire as it burns indian style....
gimme a ->amatuers :D
even cavemen figured out how to do that..... :hs: :laugha:

01-07-2006, 07:53 AM
Why would they carry 4-5 days of food with them? Who does that? I bet they planned the whole thing for the national exposure....did they suffer hypothermia....frostbite?:huh:

01-07-2006, 11:13 AM
Why would they carry 4-5 days of food with them? Who does that? I bet they planned the whole thing for the national exposure....did they suffer hypothermia....frostbite?:huh:

nope - none of that......seems wacky to me...

i would've unstuck the car....and who in the hell drives a non 4 wheel drive
through the mountain pass in winter.....instead of a BMW with chains
hell they couldve rented something better than that...
and made it to where they were goin...:huh:

01-12-2006, 06:24 PM
even cavemen figured out how to do that.....

that is so condescending. ha ha. i probably spelled it wrong too.

01-12-2006, 07:43 PM
Has anyone been watching "I shouldn't be alive" on discovery? Not sure if its still airing but they had an episode where a couple got stranded in their car, in a blizzard and in the middle of nowhere with a 3month old baby. To make a long story short they where forced to go out on foot for days and days looking for a highway, they both lost toe's due to frost bite....hadn't they gone nobody would have found them alive. I S B A is one of the best shows on tv, its based on true survival storys.

01-12-2006, 08:13 PM
DUde you suppose to be calling me /I left you a message A F@#$%^&* hours ago // its FAC & ya playing on the web :splat:

01-12-2006, 08:49 PM
moe mo'er please! I've had my phone with me the whole time and you didn't buzz me B(.)(.)tch! and I'm still owe me, now you gota go to the show with me tomorrow to make up for your BS

01-12-2006, 09:11 PM
ask your daughter ::::::::::::;;; :faga:

01-14-2006, 07:47 AM
Oops, wrong thread. I thought this was about waiting for the new MSBA Show location!:laugha:

01-15-2006, 09:49 AM
Speaking of survival shows any one catch Survivor man on the science channel? I know its not "true stories" but I still think it has some good content. each episode he is left for several days to survive in different climates geography etc.