View Full Version : Large photo files sent to a dial up

01-27-2006, 02:37 PM
What is the best way for someone to send large files to a dial-up?
Some of my wife's Friends sends us huge photo files that take over 40 minutes to load on our dial- up . Then send the attachments and then put huge photos files in the body of the e-mail. Rather annoying if you have a poky dial-up. FishHawk.

01-27-2006, 03:01 PM
Send them in a ZIP file (compressed).

01-27-2006, 03:36 PM
I'm no expert but here's what I would look for. have them compress them to JPEGs instead of bitmaps or tiff. I have found that zipping jpegs doesn't reduce the size much.

Ask them to send you a CD instead?

Ask them to send to someone near you who had cable and have them burn you a cd.

get verison DSL. Now only 14.95 per month which is lower than a lot of dial ups. its slower than broadband but way faster than dial up.