View Full Version : 2/3 Of Katrina Funds Exhausted

02-27-2006, 12:22 PM
They have given out 2/3 of the 3.27 billion dollars that was donated from the private sector to folks in need after the Katrina disaster.....they want to know what they are going to do when the rest of the money runs out????:huh:

As far as I am concerned....that is an easy answer!!!!:think: Good old Uncle Sam is gonna have to start spending some of our freakin' tax dollars right here on good old American soil and on good old American folks who pay taxes every friggen' year instead of shipping it by the billions over seas to help people who don't give a tinkers damn about any of us!!!!!:rocketem:

Stupid Gawd Damn question......I gotta tell you I am sick and tired of taking care of the rest of the friggen planet and having our own (myself included) walking around in a daze wondering how we are going to get by!!!! Somebody stop the madness!!!!!

02-27-2006, 12:24 PM
Spence we need your help....Nebe too!:bgi:

02-27-2006, 12:30 PM
were so busy as a nation playing world food stamps,
and everytime there's even the slightest decision to be made....
out comes the latest new study ...that'll cost millions for years to study the problem....when in fact that is the problem...

although i am not in favor of total isolationism on the one hand
Americans are being taken care of LESS with our own tax dollars than people of foreign countries in some cases....

the frightening thing is also....that hurricane season is three months away from starting over again.

02-27-2006, 12:49 PM
Spence we need your help....Nebe too!:bgi:

You got the right idea Bigfish. The thing is this.. the trillions and brazillions of $$ we spend all over the planet usually go to US contractors who distribute services to those in need. Look at halliburton.. So, sleep tight tonight knowing that your tax $$ is really going to the ultra rich investors of those contractors.. :hs:

Oh and the seeds our tax paying dollars buy from us corperations to be sent to 3rd world countries to help their people grow crops all yield sterile plants, so they have to buy the seeds every year....... if specialist is reading this google 'terminator seeds'


Solutions?? focus on your own financial prosperity. the goverment isnt looking out for you, so why count on them ???

The Dad Fisherman
02-27-2006, 01:35 PM
2/3 gone....any chance we could see an Itemized bill on that 2/3 so we can see where every dollar went.

I'd bet that only 1/10 of that 2/3 went to the people who REALLY need it.

Skip N
02-27-2006, 01:55 PM
This the money that was donated right? Not the money given by the feds? The feds wouldnt have been in charge of donated money though would they? I dont think this has anything to do with federal money sent down there.The White house granted tons of $$ but its held up in congress right now for whatever reason.

02-27-2006, 02:26 PM
Yeah....we hold up funding for our own for months on end but when the shiite' hits the fan in the Phillipines, Thailand, or anywhere for that matter....funds and manpower get sent there within days!!!!!:realmad: :af: :splat: