View Full Version : New Forum: Ask Mr. Mom

Marc Z
08-23-2000, 08:28 PM
Hey John,
Since Bill declared today Ball Breaking Day, I suggest you start a new forum here on your site called "Ask Mr Mom" in which #^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^& can answer our questions with his expert advice.

Topics like:
"Which is the best diaper for a baby with a heiny rash"???????
"What should I do about my laundry coming up with static cling"????
"I tried that new low fat recipe you told me about Mr. Mom and my wife just loved it, now I'm on her good side and she'll let me go fishing tonight, thanks again Mr. Mom".

What do you think????

Anybody else got a topic they would want to post to Mr. Mom (aka Eelwoman)?


08-23-2000, 09:54 PM
Well, some things you just cant respond too!! While that post is funny and certainly deserved,I am very,very proud to have raised my daughter this far.I am not the least bit embaresed nor do I try to hide the fact that I am a stay at home father. I would not ever trade in this job for any other.I used to work heavy constrution before my spine was crushed and I needed two operations too walk again.They chose to retire me and Im happy they did,I certainly was legit and unable to work at what I was trained to anymore.On the other hand the job I have now is much harder than any phisycal labor I have ever done.It is also much more rewarding.I realize now that the measure of a man is how his children are raised and the parent he is, I would certainly not measure a man's credibility or ability to be a good husband by the size of his wallet.My job now is no less important than if I was out of the house working,in fact, the responsibility is overwhelming,I mean its a life here! There is just something about my "family" that I dont find funny or amusing and,I somehow take this post as an assault on my personall family life.I didnt go there and neither should anyone else,my daughter is off limits and even the inference of the post in the most remote way to her,really gets me enraged to the point where funny turns into anger and violence very fast.

I seriously suggest,no further comments regarding my family life at home.I will say this again,the post involves my daughter no matter how remote and I can become extremely protective of that side of my life.

Bust my balls any way you see fit,but, no further remarks that a wacko like me could interperet the wrong way,fair enough???

08-24-2000, 06:22 AM
So it seems the kidding has gone too far.

Bill we, or ar least I knew that it quickly would. This is a classic example of why you don't go around chest-beating and ball-busting on message boards. You were offended by this post. Could it be that others would find some of your kidding offensive? Can you make the judgement on what steps over the line and what doesn't? I would say not. Many others would too. You may call it being a wuss or whatever. Fact is we need to recognize tha in this type of a setting we all need to be careful to be polite and respectful. Its just plain good social skills. Or do you think its ok too be offensive but not to be offended?

You may say "Hey my digs are ok, but this stepped over the line." But again how can you or anyone els be the judge of that?

Marc Z
08-24-2000, 07:23 AM
Fair enough Bill, this was meant as a joke, not to attack you or your family, I don't even know you or what goes on in your house. I guess I just got caught up in the stone crushing, I took your other posts hook, line, and eel (no sinker). In fact, If my situation was different here, I would love to be a stay at home dad myself.

I should have known this would happen, so in the future I'm just sticking to asking questions and responding to posts, not getting baited into this again.

In fact John, if this post can be deleted, I ask that you do it for me!


08-24-2000, 07:23 AM
When I posted the reply plug it was late and I was tierd,The post by marcZ IS MILD!! I just saw it the wrong way when I read it!! I think I was seeing things that were not there!

Yes I am a diaper changin fool!!The ask forum does sound like a good idea after all!! I just dont know what I saw in that post that set me off,but he did a good job!!

Hey MarcZ ,You got to me on that one!! it was a mild post and it was funny!!No harm done.I hand it you for finding a good topic on which to break my balls!!!

08-24-2000, 08:41 AM
You know mark,I could carry this tweak into epic proportions and post that email you sent to me a couple of monthes back!! Now thats ammo!! I wont put it up but, I could..Its ammo in the bank!!!

Marc Z
08-24-2000, 01:40 PM
Touche' I guess, huh Bill???
You've got the trump card so you won't hear me break em off on you anymore now that you reminded me of that!

Again Bill, don't take this post seriously at all, I don't even know you personally for anyone to think of it as anything more than just a ball breaking. Next time I'll stick to the fishin'.

By the way, since you blew me off the last time, when ARE we going to fish together????

08-24-2000, 01:56 PM
Mark, its still ok to bust his stones from time-to-time. This whole thing has been an exercise (or exorcism) in futile fun.... When he dishes it....