View Full Version : i waited until today

04-17-2006, 04:42 AM
Because of EASTER sunday to add this grumpage to S-B...
i was reading this story yesterday about this misrable creep of a man
who plotted to be a jeffery damer wannabe and bought meat skewers
and meat tenderizer months in advance of killing a 10 year old neighbor
by befriending her with a pet rat on his shoulder.
Then he bashed her head with his cutting board and sufficated her before
trying to cut off her head first with a useless
ornamental knife and he had a hack saw for bones that he bought for the job of cannabalism.

he intended to eat her. it very much grossed me out i must say.
i mean...what kind of barbeque sause should i get to eat her with?
the sun was setting and i sensed a coolness in the air coming
so i went out on the back forty to cut wood for the next few days
wondering what the hell is wrong with this country with kids wanting to
massacre their fellow students and people like this friggan guy.

the cops had found a serial killer video documentary on his TV.

after i got back....with a trailer of wood...
and turning on the TV and having a beer after a long hard day,
i saw what has to be one of the grossest movies the GANG ..:huh:

which is about a hundred people all chopping each other up with AXES...
which i happen to use every day chopping roots,branches and stuff.

it dawned on me that its friggan hollywood and their zeal for realism
with all the special effects ,blood and gore horror crap that is responsible.

TV and Movies are supposed to be essentially cheap entertainment
as my DAD used to say....but the days of "leave it to beaver" pureness...
are long gone....and now hollywood is spewing out this stuff like lava out of a volcano...
its now unstoppable and young people are being brainwashed into wanting to do it or try it themselves.

i have decided to get involved and make them or hold them accountable.....
and their right to free speech has been mis-used.
i had to quickly change the channel because the blood and gore
was so out of control that i saw the sickness of it for what it was.

it's no longer entertainment! its educating people to become the
next serial killers of innocent kids or whomever... it's WRONG.

ok , i feel better now that i got that off my chest
as i wait for first light and have my morning coffee.
i'll go get another load with my new wheel barrow by moonlight.

04-17-2006, 05:49 AM
He mentions cannibalism, asking "If you were a cannibal, what would you wear to dinner?" and responding: "The skin of last night's main course."

see! right there he's acting out "silence of the lambs".

hurry up! and execute this piece of trash.

04-17-2006, 06:58 AM
Trash should not be should be taken out!

Skip N
04-17-2006, 09:24 AM
public execution :behead:

04-17-2006, 09:31 AM
He mentions cannibalism, asking "If you were a cannibal, what would you wear to dinner?" and responding: "The skin of last night's main course."

see! right there he's acting out "silence of the lambs".

Hannibal Lecter prefered certain organs of his victims, not the "skin" or other garbage that we throw away when butchering an animal.

This is right up there with the video games teach kids to kill argument.

04-17-2006, 07:12 PM
Hannibal Lecter prefered certain organs of his victims, not the "skin" or other garbage that we throw away when butchering an animal.

This is right up there with the video games teach kids to kill argument.
but hannibal wore his victims facial skin to escape....
and the serial killer tape was right on the TV

he was obsessed with a game that killed

doesnt really matter.......

people are killing one another for absolutely no
good reason and rarely in self defense.

a guy last month killed his roomate because they
had run out of toilet paper....

i was just angry after reading what he did to that sweet innocent young girl ->was all... only ten years old...:af:

i don't have any kids , so i appreciate them all the more i reckon.

04-17-2006, 08:20 PM
The family of the girl should be able to stone him to death,