View Full Version : Pollen?

05-17-2006, 09:32 PM
What's with all the pollen, I thought after 8 days of rain we would have a break, but I came home today and everything was covered in it. I am hurting now :wall:

Squid kids Dad
05-17-2006, 09:49 PM
bless you bob..(sneezing)

05-18-2006, 05:29 AM
I would expect more on this from The Raven.....
If you look at plants, they require a certain amount of water to do what they need to do an dit is quite likely that because of the dry cycle we were in didn't flower. When the April (May) showers hit they kicked into flowering cycle.........

Flonase works for me, one spray in the morning one at night...

05-18-2006, 08:58 AM
pollen is a problem for some....and you can buy the flonase or whatever prescription stuff ya want.... i always go natural first and resort to meds only when the natural method doesnt work...

look to the honey bee's for help when it comes to work in cooperation with the bees to get them to pollenate other flowers... they produce nectar to attract the honey bee... and as the bee climbs around getting to the nectar it gets pollen on its fuzzy body and transfers it to the next flower and so on...

but also the bees have a little storage pocket on each hind leg where they pack (non wind blown type) pollen into take back to the hive.... this pollen is collected by bee keepers as a specialty health food that has all the vitamins and minerals in it you could imagine... bee keepers refer to it as bee bread...

when you go to your health food store and buy it...there's encapsulated and fresh . loose bee pollen pellets or beads or mini balls whatever you wanna call it... when you eat these with honey
it's said that it will desensitize you to the air blown pollens affects to your resperitory tract.

each little pollen ball about the size of this o <- is around
1 million it tends to be a bit chaulky... dry

(so to eat fresh bee pollen:)
you take a tablespoon of honey in your mouth
keeping it there... then take a table spoon of bee pollen
mixing them together in your mouth with your tongue then swallow.

honey is hydroscopic meaning it attracts water /moisture
otherwize, eating bee pollen alone in its natural form is like eating
organic peanut butter solo times ten for sticky...pasty...

as for the tree's....what ? do you think they have no intelligence?
....they know when to release pollen after the sun shines....
they sense their environment constantly...