View Full Version : Another wind farm proposal

05-23-2006, 06:15 AM

I'm all for wind farms but this one sounds a little "out there"

Where the hell would you put a wind turbine around Naushon? Let's be real if this boob really thinks he's gonna get Rockefellers family to go along with this.

05-23-2006, 07:25 AM
but in my opinion before that project got approval it would have to be proven that its structure would a great benefit for the ocean as well as just providing power back to the land mass.

every car's body in america could be a solar battery with a see thru thick roof with thin solar panels just under the skin. This technology is right within in our reach but it's not done because of a lack of imagination. There should be a color dial and you can just pick the color you want that day. (similiar to the super paint but digital holographics via fiber optics.) we need new electric cars before more power for homes for appliances or lighting....light a friggan candle.:kewl:

05-23-2006, 11:12 AM
What makes these wind farms so attractive is not the potential power supply to us, its the tax incentives to the investor. Cashman is flush with funds from the big dig, but even so, with the tax incentives involved it essentially means that for any borrowing done the tax incentives pay the interest off, which means the project cost nothing to build. I do think the last thing Naushon was used for was practice bombing. The bottom line though is what kind of limited access are we going to have if and when these turbines are in place. I would venture a guess that we will be kept a substantial distance away, which will close off several square miles of prime fishing area. The other thing that puzzles me is that the moiney people just expect the state to turn over public lands for private enterprise. Of course in Massachusetts thats just a rule of thumb for the politicos.:humpty: