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Mr. Sandman
08-17-2006, 02:58 PM
The boy comes running into the gargage where I was rigging up some fishing gear and about to leave on a trip, he is nearly out of breath and very excited (I thought the house caught fire or something ) and says ..."DAD! COME QUICK!! MIKE LAPTEW IS ON THE DISCOVERY CHANNEL, HE IS LOOKING FOR GIANT SQUID IN THE SEA OF CORTEZ!!" ....I told him to TiVo it and we will watch it later. I have not seen it yet but I am looking foreward to it.

Giant sea squids scare me actually. I can't beieve he would actually get in the water with that thing.

08-17-2006, 03:01 PM
whats the name of the show? i'd like to catch the rerun of that.,

08-17-2006, 04:56 PM
I hate to disappoint your son but it wasn’t me that was after the giant squid, I haven’t gotten my mail order, chainmail suit in yet, so in the meantime I’m resigned to film the long finned squid in our local waters…in fact I’ll be out there tonight looking for those “little” killers of the deep. I’ve seen one of these specials and he won’t be disappointed. Some other required reading and viewing includes this great article and this excerpt from "Dancing with the Demons is pretty darn cool. tell the full story of a diver I have a world of respect for.

In the meantime I’ll resign myself to a hunt for giant tentacles in my next plate of calamari.

08-18-2006, 11:22 AM
I turned:laugha: that show on and my wife said no way..........

Mr. Sandman
08-19-2006, 07:21 AM
I just watched the show "Killer Squid" and it was not you Mike, but he looked a bit like you (good looking, Silverish hair and dark eyebrows and his name was Mike). Sorry for the mistake. While I would like to catch a hombolt squid I would be timid to remove the jig from his grip, they have a beak that can cut your arm off.

08-19-2006, 09:30 AM
I just watched the show "Killer Squid" and it was not you Mike, but he looked a bit like you (good looking, Silverish hair and dark eyebrows and his name was Mike). Sorry for the mistake. While I would like to catch a hombolt squid I would be timid to remove the jig from his grip, they have a beak that can cut your arm off.

Was that the one where the guy made his own stormtrooper gear?
Those squid are strong as hell.