View Full Version : Predicting Tides and Currents

09-11-2006, 07:42 AM
Decided to break my 18month fast and hit the salt this weekend.
(I been driving round all week with my plugs and pole in the truck.)

I did some look-see for currents on the canal - I havent been to MSBA in like-forever so dont have the secret canal tide chart either :(

I came up with code for a tide predictor and just built and installed it but the currents have been dropped from the prediction tables for a few years now due to being 30plus years old and dredging and such causes them to be wrong more than right. - course I dont know that all that much has changed for the canal current in recent or not so recent years.

Also, as I learned, the currents have far less to do with the Tides than with other goings on in the ocean.

I found this one that is realtime fallriver:
NOAA fall river currents (

And this one for solunar hunting & fishing
link (

I found the maine tides link but currents are gone from there.

once I gather enough parts I am going to try and assemble my own tide-n-current canal calendar. So far I have a tide predictor engine running on my server at home that can generate the tides

09-11-2006, 08:54 AM
The Eldridge Tide Book is the gospel for tide and current direction.