View Full Version : friday the 13 for me!!!!!!!!!!!

10-13-2006, 08:54 PM
i was fishin in the bay in on the raritain today { i have been fishin there for the last 2 weeks} saw small blues all day , 2 keepers and some shorts. i see somethig breakin farther out, so me and buddy tie the bait buckets to our waist. we get in water deeper than our waders and i cast out. 2 minutes later , my line started to slack out in my hand,i cant feel my lead so i reel up the slack, happens again. something clicks in my head {fish took the bait, and is swimming toward me} reel up and bump,bump, set the hook. i almost got dragged across the bay the biggest bluefish i have ever seen , i have pulled in 20- 22 lbs. blues, walk in the park. i did have a smaller set up but i caught a 20lb. on the same one. it took me about 20 min. or more just to find out its not a 40-50 bass its the biggest blue in the world. i threw a fit when i saw it when i got it bout 5 feet from shore. got mad and grabbed the leader and kicked the water and spooked the fish, you no what happens next pingggggggggggggg.. bye fish, had an audiance on the beach watching and evething . all that work and i do that, i almost killed my self, biggest b. fish i have ever seen, like a big tuna when i saw the tail, i mean it should have cut the line ,im blesssed to have a chance to slide a on the shore, but i do that. is that a friday13th or is that punishment for sneeking out early from work to fish after a nice cold front moves in from last night ! so o be. i will regret that for a while, its good im goin salmon fishin in 3 days in salmon river! hopefully that helps, just cant believe i did that!!!!!:behead: :behead: :behead:

10-15-2006, 08:03 AM
That's what keeps us goin back. I love catching/fighting Blues. Not saying it wouldn't have happened to me but I would have been just as psyched to have a monster Blue instead of the cow. Better luck with the Salmon! :drool:

10-15-2006, 08:08 AM
Here's a decent Blue a caught last summer in Duxbury Bay. He made good grill fare.:spam: