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12-28-2006, 09:31 PM

If that don't say global warming I don't know what else you need to see.


Squid kids Dad
12-28-2006, 09:41 PM

12-29-2006, 02:57 AM
Ward Hunt Ice Shelf
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The Ward Hunt Ice Shelf is the largest ice shelf in the Arctic, located on the north coast of Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada. It is 443 square kilometers in size, and has been in place for approximately 3,000 years.

The ice sheet began breaking up approximately 100 hundred years ago, but was believed to have stabilized by the early 1980s. However, in April 2000, satellite images revealed that a large crack in the ice began had begun to form, and in 2003, it was announced that the ice sheet had split completely in two, releasing a huge pool of fresh water from the largest epishelf lake in the Northern Hemisphere, located in Disraeli Fjord.

The icebergs released by the breakup now pose a potential danger to shipping and offshore development in the region. Loss of microbial ecosystems caused by the release of the freshwater may also have far-ranging ecological impacts.

The incident has been linked to global warming, but some critics claim that its breakup merely indicates the natural end of the last ice age.

12-29-2006, 02:59 AM
"The incident has been linked to global warming, but some critics claim that its breakup merely indicates the natural end of the last ice age."

still a pretty darn big chunk of ice, the really bad thing was the lake that emptied

12-29-2006, 06:13 AM
says it snapped off in about an hour....

which was way way shorter a time period than ever imagined.:eek:

12-29-2006, 06:41 AM
Could you imagine the sound that thing made if it was clocked on the seismos that far away. Holy moly.

Could you imagine an entire lake draining that fast. HOLY MOLY

I used to be with alot of people and not believe there was a Global Warming problem...with all the stuff I have been reading in the last few years I now believe we definitely have a problem.

Folks it's time to wakeup here. Not wanting to start a debate between the believers and nots but we got to step up and do something here. This is my kids future and it ain't lookin so bright anymore. :(

And not to start a political debate here but step #1 is get someone in office the has the nads to sit down and agree with the rest of the countries that there is a very big issue that needs to be solved here with CO2 emissions etc.

I know privately in the last year I have done alot of thinking about how I live my life with regards to the environment. Running things less in the yard, switching the entire house to CF lighting etc. I'm at least making my own attempt at being better for the environment.

I've come up with some great ideas that I would like to sit down with a local rep about and see if some laws can be passed to change things...such as mandatory motion/inactivity light switches in EVERY office building, mandatory stop light sensors at EVERY intersection so you don't have to sit through a 2 minute light cycle when there's no-one in the intersection, and a bunch more little stuff that would go a long way towards making a difference.

Unfortunately I don't think any of these ideas would go anywhere for alot of reasons which all stink.

12-29-2006, 08:15 AM
I think this occurance is more just a natural progression of the evolving planet than anything else. Jusy my opinion.;)

12-29-2006, 10:12 AM
Yeah it's a problem ...

Just a few days ago on, there was a story about polar bear populations on the decrease with forecast distinction by 2040, and the main result is that the ice shields it hunted on have decreased so much that the bears don't have as much hunting territory and food and are becoming too thin.

The U.S. has been retreating on the environment for years from many different fronts ... but it's an issue on a global scale ... it all adds up ... including the expanding global population ...

Coastal development aside, the changing of the environment is also impacting our fishing as well ... it's all inter-related, one chink two chinks out of the environmental armor and other things will start to fall apart ... and that seems to be what's happening.

... so Scott, your efforts will help to make a big difference, that's the only way we can make a difference, start by doing our part and then it will spread ... it's the only way ...

12-29-2006, 10:21 AM
I read that article too, it was pretty disappointing considering that's a pretty hardy animal. Would be a shame to see them gone, there are many that rely on them for food also.

12-29-2006, 10:25 AM
... so Scott, your efforts will help to make a big difference, that's the only way we can make a difference, start by doing our part and then it will spread ... it's the only way ...
This week my father was trying to sneak 2 older electric typewriters into the trash so he could avoid the 10 dollar landfill fee to have them recycled properly.

This was as we're driving to get some beer in his 300 horsepower Lexus LS430.

I of course pointed out the ethical problem with his choice. Without funding for recycling programs such as this the lead and other bad stuff in those old PCB's will just find its way into his own groundwater. His own grandson will be impacted by his decision.

It's not like you have a god given right to pollute, even in the local landfill. To me, 5 bucks to properly recycle a computer is a small price to pay.


12-29-2006, 01:10 PM
just tranquil dart a brown bear and then dye (bleach) him white?:huh:


i heard them polar bears have become canabilistic lately...eating their own young...because it was so warm

12-29-2006, 02:38 PM
This week my father was trying to sneak 2 older electric typewriters into the trash so he could avoid the 10 dollar landfill fee to have them recycled properly.

This was as we're driving to get some beer in his 300 horsepower Lexus LS430.

I of course pointed out the ethical problem with his choice. Without funding for recycling programs such as this the lead and other bad stuff in those old PCB's will just find its way into his own groundwater. His own grandson will be impacted by his decision.

It's not like you have a god given right to pollute, even in the local landfill. To me, 5 bucks to properly recycle a computer is a small price to pay.


These recycling fees have an unintended consequence I noticed awhile back while doing some four wheeling. An area abutting a pond in the woods in Plymouth that was once a nice little picnic area / canoe launch is now home for about a dozen old televisions, a handful of computer monitors and a pile of rusting out propane tanks. Sometimes peoples quest to save a few bucks outweighs any obligation they feel to preserve a once beautiful spot. I'm willing to provide the labor and trucks to clean up the mess but I'm not willing to pay the recycling fee to dispose of this stuff properly. I have a friend who is contacting the DPW on waiving the recycling fee's and we'll see what the outcome is.

01-02-2007, 07:09 PM

Cherry Blossoms in Brooklyn for New Years

Slick Moedee
01-04-2007, 03:28 PM
There have been some great programs on discovery which address the potential impacts these ice caps and the fresh water they contain on the current systems in the Atlantic. Essentially that much fresh water entering the system can shut down the major ocean currents as we know them, thus affecting weather patterns. Anyone see Al Gores flick?

01-06-2007, 04:24 PM
Jan 6, 68 deg, no snow yet this year, no killing frost yet. Rhodies blooming and my wife's flowers are still alive. Normal killing frost is Oct 15 and first snow usually opening week of deer season, first week in Dec.We used to be ice skating by Thankisgiving and sledding by Christmas.

I don't profess to have the real reason, natural or man's doing, probably a combination of both. But i do know that when a 767 takes off it's like 10,000 cars starting their engines, most families have as many cars as drivers. So much of our economy depends on just these 2 ways of our life,and so many jobs dependent on them. Where do you realisticaly start drawing the line on man's contribution to the problem, including the 3rd world countries, without our economies tanking?

01-19-2007, 12:01 PM
I read a speech the president gave a while back about climate change. Not once did he mention Global Warming or Alternative fuel sources. It must all be a hoax to make his oil stocks go down.

01-22-2007, 07:35 PM
This was as we're driving to get some beer in his 300 horsepower Lexus LS430.-spence

I hope your dad didn't feel so bad after your thrashing that he still manage to limp into the packy to get his brew.

01-30-2007, 12:05 PM

02-06-2007, 02:11 PM
you should check out Al Gore's movie "an inconvenient truth" . the parts from his lecture are actually quite good. I'd recommend it.