View Full Version : 100 casts

03-24-2007, 03:34 PM
Took a hundred casts today. It felt great dragging the bottom w/ a small bucktail. I got a few hits from seaweed that got the adrenalin flowing and set the hook w/zeal.
I love this time of year. I feel like a kid in June, 2 weeks before summer break. Knowing that the next 8 months will be filled w/illusions of grandeur and anticipation of the next trip. Will I hit a 50 this year? Will I learn something new about a familiar fishing hole?

Cheers to the next 250 sunrises and sunsets. I tip my glass of ale and wish you all a great season of chasing your dreams.

03-24-2007, 03:59 PM
Parker I tip a nice cold Heineken to you. Fresh out of the freezer :kewl:

I unfortunately didn't get to enjoy the day outside today. But I did do a small paint run to work the hand some more. Felt good to do something for a change :hee:

I hope to uncover the boat in about 2 weeks.