View Full Version : looking for cod????

08-07-2002, 06:40 PM
if i were to leave plymouth how far would i have to go to find cod fish they say stellwagen bank but is that too far for 20 ft boat and anyone know how far in miles to p-town from plymouth by boat thanks for your time be safe out there!!!!

08-07-2002, 07:38 PM
heres macey

08-08-2002, 06:43 AM

cod: Pleanty in a few months, deep spots off manomet are close to you.

Lots of 20 footers go to stellwagen, most come back too.

ptown is less than 20 miles from Plymouth, but you can lose the sight of land in 20yds or less some days. I'd highly recommend you pick up the chart for Cape Cod bay before you make the trip.
If you want to throw caution into the wind, get up early and race over to the sunrise, then later in the day follow the sun back down (approx. 090 to p-town 270 back).
It's a nice ride with a lot to see, but the bay can get rough in a hurry.

08-08-2002, 07:36 AM
Pick up a chart and try heading out to the "H" Buoy off of Brant Rock. Just set up a drift over rock piles and you'll hook up on some Rock Cod (nothing huge, but still good eating. must be 21"). Bounce the bottom with a Norwegien Jig of 110z. or so with a seaworm on it. Give it a try, you my be pleasantly surprised and it's only about 7 miles off of Marshfield.:D

08-08-2002, 09:35 AM
Big Bo,

With the new rules cod have to be 23" for recreation and 22" for comms.

08-08-2002, 11:14 AM
Thanks. I make a note of that. I actually haven't codfished yet this year. Been too busy bassin and flukin. Bonitas are showing up now too! Yee Ha!