View Full Version : the universe

08-02-2007, 06:01 PM
anyone watching this on the history channel? I've learned more in the past 3 episodes than i ever did in science...

great conversational piece while your having a bbq too~! :):grins:

08-02-2007, 06:13 PM
Have watched the entire series more than once.Science Channel runs episodes every week.

Kinda debunks that whole "creationism" bs with good hard science.

Bad conversation piece imo,especially when booze is involved and the non-religious person is 100% right.

08-02-2007, 06:16 PM
There is a huge amount of evidence for evolution and the development of the universe. Many people seem intimidated by intelligence, or are just plain stubborn. The evidence is all around you, if you can open your eyes and your mind.

08-02-2007, 06:19 PM
what did you learn?

any other planets with stripers?

I rest my case. :btu:

08-02-2007, 08:07 PM
we are but a speck on a speck of a speck...
there are some hard science facts that you can talk for hours about. regardless of religion. i get annoyed with the radicals of either side...but to talk about saturns rings and how they were formed and one day be gone unless there is a comet to feed it's energy... the rigns of saturn are only 60 ft thick... relatively that is crazy to think.

there are two galaxies on a crash course with the milky way

the big bang was a big bang but we are not moving away from a "center"

one of saturns moons has an atmosphere similar to earth but when we landed on it the composition wasnt liquid nor was it it solid... it was somewhere in between...

stripers?? maybe strippers. "wish i had three hands" :)

its a great series regardless of what you think...the begining wasn't really the begining so there is still alot to learn...

i guess there is a new and improved hubble going up in 2013 that can break through the :\"milky" atmosphere... of our galaxies and others! can't wait to see those images

08-02-2007, 08:10 PM
wait you mean santa doesnt exist either? :crying:

08-02-2007, 08:48 PM
oh you didn't hear? he came from the galaxy andromeda. you need to watch the universe... so many tid bits.