View Full Version : Be careful out there.........

10-15-2002, 08:25 AM

10-15-2002, 08:46 AM
QUOTE from article:
"Neither man was wearing a life jacket"

Too bad!

10-15-2002, 09:23 AM
From all we've seen, year after year, and especially with this year, we've got to gear up better to stop stuff like this from happening. Would a set of SOSpenders have saved Kenny? Maybe, probably.

We all preach a little safety here but I wonder how much of us follow up on it more. I know I'm guilty of not wearing something like that in the suds or as much as I should on a boat.

We all talk about it and make sure that our kids are all bundled up in a PFD but what about us? Too inconvenient.

Just something that we need to look into as a group. Most of us wear Korkers, or wear our rain gear outside of the waders AND a wader belt, but is that enough?

Not trying to run on and on here but every year, the same thing stares us in the face and we do the same thing year in and year out. "What a shame, wasn't wearing a life jacket", but do we put one on?

OK, I'm done for now... :smash:

Mr. Sandman
10-15-2002, 09:33 AM
This happend in my front yard. I can't imagine going in a kayak without a vest. The current thru the bridge rips at times and has flipped me and my son this past summer in our tandem. It hits you like a ton of bricks, your in calm sheltered water then all of a sudden you get hit with this screaming current. You better be pointing into it or your going over.

Currently I don't were a PFD while surf fishing. I do plan to get some SOS suspenders for next season or maybe one of those CO2 inflatable vests. Too many deaths. Each time I get knocked down I keep saying what if there was no bottom under my feet ?

10-15-2002, 10:21 PM
I really don't mean to trample on these men's graves, but I do think they should have been wearing life vests, I kno how uncomfortable they can be, but a pair of Sospenders should do the trik. I know they are expensive (especially the automatic models) but they can save your life. For those of you that cannot afford a comfortable life jacket like Sospenders and cannot stand the bulkiness of a normal type 1 or 2 life jacket, YOU SHOULDNT BE OUT THERE, ESPECIALLY IN THE OCEAN, ON A CANOE OR KAYACK!!!
Take these two men as your examples.
Again, I didn't mean to trample on their graves. God bless em'.:(

Mr. Sandman
10-17-2002, 07:41 AM
Hearing some of the talk about these guys the last few days, I can't know if it is 100% all true or not but so far this is what I heard:

the 2 men were in a 1 man kayak both were found wearing waders, no PFD and went out night fishing. I don't know but it sounds like a recipe for a nightmare to me.

10-17-2002, 10:31 AM
I read in the story on yesterday that they were out of the yak, fishing from a sandbar when the kayak dislodged and drifted away. The report said that they died while swimming after the drifting kayak. Very sad and senseless.

10-18-2002, 02:38 PM
Ditto Mr. Sandman and hooked.

10-18-2002, 04:58 PM
[sorry - stupid post deleted by ss]

Striper SniperX
10-20-2002, 01:46 AM
Hey there,
,Nothing Personal,,,but post that picture in a thread not a seriousas this,,,the image is very funny and looks like alot of pain,,,but take time to READ what the thread is about...Just a pointer...

I'm Sorry to any who may have known them Guys....All i can say is that's a very-very hard lesson learned. We are not ''fish''.. Yes sure we can swim,,,But your swimming skills mean squat with waders-full of 80+lbs of water water and a ripping current,,AT night it's even more of a risk,, Just like SnS said, i don't mean to say anything,,,but what were they thinking ?? After reading the story it sounded a bit odd but the sea is strange at times.

I guess i say,, Just Respect the Sea...But keep in mind,, that it doesn't Have to Respect you Back...

Have a good one guys!

10-20-2002, 05:32 AM
How many times do we see these unfortunate accidents every year ? Yet I remain to see many of my friends out there not taking proper precautions.
No fish is worth a human life.
Since getting back into the "S-Bass" scene this year - the first order of business was getting a set of PFDs both regular type and the Sospenders. I wear the Sospenders religiosly, becuase even if I was a good swimmer, I respect the power of the water, wind and waves ! When you board my boat, you are given the "rundown" of the boat, to orient you where everything is and how everything works. I don my sospenders, and you are offered a set to wear - I don't insist on a guest wearing them (its okay - the throw cushion and rope are under the console! )
My wife and 2 teenagers do not have a choice - they WILL wear them - or you don't go !!
I hope that by reading about others tragedies over and over again every year - others will follow my lead.

Be Safe - Have fun - Tight lines ;)
10-20-2002, 09:09 AM
i also went out and purchased a pfd for fishing the beach. i got an orvis vest at there outlet in lake george. its a great investment. unfortunatly most boating accidents could be avoided by a little comman sense. i've spent many years of my life on the water, and respect what mother nature can dish out. how many times have i turned around because of the conditions, to see someone in o craft not worthy heading out?