View Full Version : Colors mixed or bought

03-16-2008, 07:14 PM
I can't help but notice the incredible colors everyone is using. Are these hand mixed or bought? Do you use a color wheel to show the mixes or just wing it? I tried to mix a few different colors and ended up with a few shades of dark greeny black messes. And no that wasn't the color I was trying to make?:lossinit:

GooGoo Man
03-16-2008, 07:26 PM
Hey Mike, I mix some (just bought a color wheel, have not used it yet).But mostly use out of the bottle, createx. A lot of color variations can be achieved thru light spraying or using transparent colors.& a lot of experimentation! :confused:

03-16-2008, 07:51 PM
I have to match colors by mixing each one individually in my business, after 20 years I still end up with "MUD" very often when trying to hit a color so don't feel frustrated by that, you just have to do trial and error and one of those charts can help if you aren't familiar with mixing colors, probably save you some time...paints vary so much in pigments, sometimes, especially with cobalt blue tones I have the color matched perfectly indoors and take it outside and it's an entirely different shade either too green or too purple, Mike is right, very often the desired colors can be acheived by layering rather than mixing...

03-16-2008, 07:53 PM
sorry, meant "goo goo" is right about the transparents..