View Full Version : Batson Rainshadow Blanks

fishing bum wannabe
10-29-2002, 10:03 PM
I am looking for an inexpensive blank for the canal. I don't fish the canal that often and don't want to spend for a Lamiglas blank. Does anyone have experience with the Batson Rainshadow blanks, either SW1208 or SW1209? The SW1208 is $80.00 at

I would plan to set this up with my Abu 7000, 30lb braid for 2-4oz jigs and 3 1/2oz polaris and 3 3/4 Jibbs specials.

10-29-2002, 10:24 PM
Hey, welcome to S-B...

I have not used the 1208 or 1209 Batson - yet. I may build one next year. I have built & used several Batson 1088 & 1087 rods which I'm very happy with. Nice inexpensive blank... I like 'em.

10-29-2002, 11:01 PM
there is a gentlemen here on the lower cape who is very picky about every thing that he uses to fish with when it comes to rods. he use to own a tacke shop so he knows his stuff. I built him 2 rainshadow 1208 for med-lrg. plugs as well as throwing 3-4oz. rigged eels. after useing them he told me he was going to throw out all the rest of his other rods an just use these from now on. he also told me he put the mag525 on them but changed to the cal,400. said the outfit was best combo he ever had the pleasure to use.

10-30-2002, 09:24 AM
I have the 1208, and I love the rod. Its setup up as a spin, it has great action.

fishing bum wannabe
10-30-2002, 04:16 PM
Thank you for the feedback.

My only remaining reservation would be the ability of the SW1208 to toss 4oz jigs. From your experience would the rod handle them?

10-31-2002, 10:27 AM
the 1208 would handle it, but its sweet spot is 3oz, if you are going to throw 4 consistantly you may want more info on the 1209

fishing bum wannabe
10-31-2002, 01:02 PM
Thank for the feedback. I think this will be a winter project. I have built a lot of rods over the years, but it has been 20 years since I put together anything suitable for the ditch. I have 2 20 year old Fenwick S glass rods, a 10' 2-8oz derrick and an 11' 1-4oz rod. They are heavy compared to the newer composite and all graphite rods. The 11' is also very soft. It will throw a mile but is not a comfortable rod to work. The 10' is a good pencil popper rod and will throw a big jig but doesn't have any feel. Time for a new toy.

Once again thanks everyone for the feedback.

11-02-2002, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by capesams
there is a gentlemen here on the lower cape who is very picky about every thing that he uses to fish with when it comes to rods. he use to own a tacke shop so he knows his stuff. I built him 2 rainshadow 1208 for med-lrg. plugs as well as throwing 3-4oz. rigged eels. after useing them he told me he was going to throw out all the rest of his other rods an just use these from now on. he also told me he put the mag525 on them but changed to the cal,400. said the outfit was best combo he ever had the pleasure to use.

Steve, if you know who really tosses all his other sticks, let me know when trash day is ok? :D

11-02-2002, 09:31 PM
U know him, he's wondering where his copper jigs r or whatever those things were that were easy to make:eek: . think down truro way. green car,old man,sand,tbt is his name:laughs:

11-02-2002, 10:01 PM
ya I know his name , I guess you read it wrong or I forgot a comma:smash:

Yep, not jig but jointed needlefish lure. He has to understand, I make plugs in the winter. so if you see him again tell him I haven't forgotten about him, I think he wants light colors - pink, yellow, white. like that.......

tbt:confused: I thought he was tony's old comm fishing partner - tc

you wrap all his stuff right?

popperjohn slayed the bass tonight after I left with the kids just before the sun went down.

11-03-2002, 07:46 AM
he'll get over it, he's got enough, besides off cape plugs don't work on cape lol. glad to hear pj got into some sand fish:)