View Full Version : EELS... hook setting approach.

08-04-2008, 08:16 PM
In the last year, I have fished with the most confidence while using eels... most noteably a 35# and a 44# from surf... But the past week, my confidence has been shaken... not in the eels, but in myself!
I have always set the hook the same way I would fishing plastics for largemouth bass... rod tip at 10 o'clock, feel the hit, drop the tip while taking up slack, and wham... show time. The last 3 nights I missed 6 nice hits, one (seemed to set itself on the take) took drag for 20 seconds before the poor hook placement must have come loose... def a mid-20# fish. Thats 6 fish I should not have missed. Im curious as to your views and approaches to fishing eels... some say open the bail and let it run, but most of the hits are just lightning fast single jerks and gone, not even enough time to drop the rod tip... its also hard to resist yanking back like when fishing a plug... My confidence in myself is slipping, and I feel like I am unlearning what i have learned.

08-04-2008, 09:16 PM
After many years of working eels I had a friend that said try hooking your eel up under the chin and out the eye instead of down its mouth and out the bottom....well it was nice not to throw eels off so often, but I also found my hook up to fish was lacking what it had been. I latched into a nice fish one late afternoon...I dragged the fish to shore high and dry..after I slacked up on the line and bent down to dehook the fish, I saw that the tip of the hook was barely in the route of the mouth where it fell out all by itself ..I switched back to having the hook come out of the bottom of the eel...lost fish were rare once again....small fish like to hit and run..stop suck in the's where the 10 count comes in..large fish just suck it in on the spot....either way.try giving them a few more feet of line before hauling can't get them all..its fishing.

08-04-2008, 09:24 PM
I hook my eels under the chin and out one eye... Ive found that I get snagged on bottom more when the hook is facing down... And realistically I know you cant get them all, but i cant help but think that a true Vet of many years (as i am not) would have produced on those hits... I guess I need more experience... regardless of how long you fish, theres always room to get better. I guess the challenge is what keeps me coming back... if it was easy I wouldnt be interested, and a nice bass wouldnt be rewarding.

08-05-2008, 12:12 PM
I don't know if this will help you but you can give it a try. When i get tired beach fishing with a spinning rod i stuff my thumb inside the top of my waders which causes the rod to almost touch my cap visor or almost strait up. In this position when i get a hit i just lower the rod and when the fish takes up the slack i come back with the hook set. I have found that there are times when small fish grab an eel midway and i set the hook that i lose them, but not large fish that can suck up the eel. Hope this helps

Sea Dangles
08-06-2008, 06:54 AM
I think a bump in the road like you are experiencing is common with all eel fishermen. What fun would it be if you got them all? I have found that techniques must be adjusted on a nightly basis depending on the way the eel is being picked up. I would try to hold the rod more at 12 oclock and close your eyes when you are retrieving allowing the FORCE to take over. Good luck!

08-06-2008, 07:17 AM
I use shimano 401te conv reel w/thumb rest, thumb spool lightly let her run for a bit after dropping the tip and whammo!

I loose fish while fishing eels or any other method except w/trebble hooks on plugs, they are usually fool (me) proof.

You'll get your touch back.

The force is always just a summons away. It's within you LUUUKE.

08-06-2008, 07:35 AM
I always use the bow to the cow method when fishing eels.One night this spring I had fish spitting my eels as fast as they would grab them,at first I thought small fish right? The takes were far between but I hung two fish buy setting the hook as soon as I felt anything.I would of hooked up more, I just couldn't help dropping my rod out of habit.

08-06-2008, 07:57 AM
Bow to the cow...
Unless they are large eels, then I give them 3-5sec.

all depends on the take.
last night they were slamming it, and when it was a decent enough fish, they were hooked up right away, in the corner of the mouth

Finicky night, I like to just let it sit there if the bass drops it...
she will often come back...

08-06-2008, 08:04 AM
take a step forward upon the hit- that will give you a bit more slack for the fish to run..

if you can feel the fish hit the eel, the fish can feel resistance in your line.. ever think of that?

08-06-2008, 08:05 AM
Perhaps a simple solution...

is your hook sharp? Hooking eels and bumping the bottom dulls hooks quickly.

08-06-2008, 09:39 AM
when confidence is rocky... best thing to do is take a Deep breath when you get a hit... I tend to get over anxious when I miss a few fish in a row... most of the time I don't even know I am rushing things... Until I snap out of the funk.

08-06-2008, 11:15 AM
take a step forward upon the hit- that will give you a bit more slack for the fish to run..

if you can feel the fish hit the eel, the fish can feel resistance in your line.. ever think of that?

leaning on the rail of a boat that one step forward would get you abit wet

08-10-2008, 11:05 AM
My confidence has been restored... last night I tried holding rod almost straight up rather than 45 degree, so that when the hit came, I coulnt yank it back... I had to drop it to set it... caught 6 bass,( surf) largest was 24 pounds... lost a few, and still didnt set a few hits, but at that point I was happy I was back on the fish... thanks for the help, especially old goat...