View Full Version : What the--

08-16-2008, 10:59 AM
Teachers in a Texas school district are allowing teachers and staff to carry concealed weapons. :nailem:

Why conceal them, just holster them on their hips. :rolleyes:

Guns and throwing more money at schools won't make a difference.

Good education and civility will come when parents take control,
and teach their kids morals, values and discipline in the home.

08-16-2008, 01:07 PM
I always say- the best weapon agianst school violence is parenting

08-16-2008, 08:51 PM
Spare the rod, spoil the child.
You shoot the biggest, badest kid on the first day, the rest of those punks don't give you any problems the rest of the year.

08-17-2008, 05:40 AM
Texas is still the wild west...

08-17-2008, 07:58 AM
Teachers in a Texas school district are allowing teachers and staff to carry concealed weapons. :nailem:

Why conceal them, just holster them on their hips. :rolleyes:

Guns and throwing more money at schools won't make a difference.

Good education and civility will come when parents take control,
and teach their kids morals, values and discipline in the home.

The guy with the Glock hanging off his belt is the obvious initial target.
I think the idea is similiar to the Air Marshall strategy. You don't know who is packing. Could be the Science Teacher, Janitor or the the old Lunch Lady with flabby arms.

There is nothing we can do to force parents to raise their kids properly but we can target those who come into our schools intent on killing innocents.

08-17-2008, 02:12 PM
The guy with the Glock hanging off his belt is the obvious initial target.
I think the idea is similiar to the Air Marshall strategy. You don't know who is packing.

Ya, but isn't it unbelievably sad it has come to this in our schools?


08-17-2008, 02:31 PM
I think the best way to handle kids is to make thier parents held accountable..If a kid steals a car and totals it, the parents should pay for it...not the insurance co.

If parents knew THEY had something to loose by thier looser kids, I guarantee reform schools would be busting at the seams and sales in video game consoles would plummet

08-17-2008, 04:02 PM
I think the best way to handle kids is to make thier parents held accountable..

:agree: They are holding parents responsible here for underage drinking/drug parties when they're held in the home and it seems to have helped.

Some kids go bad even when brought up in responsible homes,but the majority of times they will turn out fine.

Discipline has to be tempered with being reasonable imho, and they need to be encouraged when they do the right thing.
It takes something like 12 good things said about a kid to make up for 1 degrading comment.

The compliments have to be based on the truth, they know when they're being patronized. :hihi:

08-18-2008, 08:08 AM
Spare the rod, spoil the child.
You shoot the biggest, badest kid on the first day, the rest of those punks don't give you any problems the rest of the year.

Thats usually how it goes. You got the loud-mouth ringleader and his/her followers. Cut off the head, the body collapses...eerrr not that I advocate violence against the kids or nothin'.

Hell, some of the parents are kids themselves....

08-18-2008, 12:25 PM
The first rule of gunfighting is to have a gun.

08-20-2008, 08:37 AM
I think the best way to handle kids is to make thier parents held accountable..If a kid steals a car and totals it, the parents should pay for it...not the insurance co.

If parents knew THEY had something to loose by thier looser kids, I guarantee reform schools would be busting at the seams and sales in video game consoles would plummet

As a teacher I can tell you the lack of parenting that happens in this day of broken homes and out of wedlock child bearing is absolutely frightening. Add to that the consumptive spoiling heaped on the other kids by their overcompensating parents and we have a generation of amoral sociopaths and entitled kids who have no idea how to behave respectfully or appropriately, much less feel empathy for someone else.

I agree with Eben- until parents are forced to bear the consequences of their parenting methods they will continue to blame the schools and everyone else for their child’s behavior. MAKE them pay for what the child destroys. MAKE them spend a morning in Saturday school when their child tells the teacher to F-off. MAKE them miss work to come take their child out of school when they bully another child. MAKE them take parenting courses after their child has been in trouble repeatedly. MAKE THEM ACCOUNTABLE.

We teachers try, but we can’t raise your kids in the 1 hour a day they spend in our classrooms.


08-21-2008, 11:42 AM
Ever run into any good kids?
Seems like their either sociopaths or spoiled brats.

08-21-2008, 04:51 PM
I agree with Eben- until parents are forced to bear the consequences of their parenting methods they will continue to blame the schools and everyone else for their child’s behavior. MAKE them pay for what the child destroys. MAKE them spend a morning in Saturday school when their child tells the teacher to F-off. MAKE them miss work to come take their child out of school when they bully another child. MAKE them take parenting courses after their child has been in trouble repeatedly. MAKE THEM ACCOUNTABLE.

We teachers try, but we can’t raise your kids in the 1 hour a day they spend in our classrooms.


God bless ya Woody, teachers are some of the most dedicated people we have in this country,
working under severe stress and lack of respect.

MAKE THE PARENTS ACCOUNTABLE is the only answer as a lot of parents are not doing their job in raising disciplined kids.

After i retired, i substitute taught in the public high schools because i love kids and thought after working 38 years ,in different capacities, i had something to offer.

Kids were out of control in the way they treated each other.

Parents were out of control in backing their kids rather than even trying to get at the reason why they were having a problem with their teachers.

Switched to private high schools where the parents backed the teachers and took an interest in their kids education.
If kids got out of hand, or were disrespectful they were suspended or thrown out.

Very few discipline problems.

Alot of hard work, but you could see the results for your efforts,
instead of babysitting a bunch of punks.

BTW Joe, there are some real good kids out there too. :)