View Full Version : KNOTs and other....

09-16-2008, 09:43 AM
1) What knot should I use when tying a braided line to a swivel? The clinch doesn't seem to work well.

2) When chunking, I usually use a sliding egg sinker above the swivel. Is there something else that slides that I should use that doesn't wear the line as much?

3) When using a lure, and I'm not concerned with blue fish (metal leader), should I tie directly to the lure?? If so, what knot do I use??

Thanks for your help.


09-16-2008, 09:54 AM
Only knot I trust braid to barrel swivel is called a Trilene knot. Sort of an improved clinch knot. I learned it as a kid as it was the knot they that came with instructions when I bought a rapala lure.
Everything else (leader to barrel swivel; hook to leader) is done with a Palomar knot. \
As far as chunking, no idea.

The Iceman 6
09-16-2008, 09:55 AM
1. Palomar Knot (holds everytime for me)
2. Use a fish finder, I always use pyramid sinker attached to it.
3. I would use a leader. If using braid, tie Palomar to barrel swivel. Use 50/60 fluro/mono leader attached to lure or swivel (cinch knot would work on fluro/mono). Would go @ least 2/3 feet on the leader.

The Dad Fisherman
09-16-2008, 10:19 AM
Exactly! Although for #3 (lures) I like a Breakaway clip

1. Palomar Knot (holds everytime for me)
2. Use a fish finder, I always use pyramid sinker attached to it.
3. I would use a leader. If using braid, tie Palomar to barrel swivel. Use 50/60 fluro/mono leader attached to lure or swivel (cinch knot would work on fluro/mono). Would go @ least 2/3 feet on the leader.

Andy D
09-16-2008, 10:26 AM
1. Palomar Knot

2. There are fishfinders specificaly for Braided line. (sleve is yellow and tapered. )

3. Breakaway clips are the way to go

09-16-2008, 10:36 AM
I use a double-wrapped Palomar knot. Basically, exactly the same as a regular Palomar knot but with the doubled line run through the eye a second time before tying the overhand knot - especially on new, extra slippery PowerPro.

In terms of leader, I pre-tie 3-4' lengths of leader "rigs" - swivel->50' mono leader->breakaway clip. I use a standard Palomar knot for the mono connections. I like a little longer lengths of leader to prevent a running fish from rubbing on the mainline and due to fishing the canal; I'd use longer leader if I had the room to cast.

The nice thing about pre-tying them is that I'm more apt to tie on a new leader that has abrasions, due to a quick single knot to tie as opposed to 3 knots total. I also like to put a little dab of superglue on my mono knots. Also, not having to put a spool of leader material in my surf bag frees up space for other gear.

Mike P
09-16-2008, 10:57 AM
You can also use an oversized snap/swivel instead of a Fish-finder.

The 150# Duolock works well on most sinkers--and as an added bonus, there's at least a 50% chance that it'll bend and open if you snag your sinker, allowing you to get your hook and leader back, at least ;)

09-16-2008, 01:06 PM
Palomar Knot and the San Diego Jam Knot.

Back Beach
09-16-2008, 01:11 PM
Only knot I trust braid to barrel swivel is called a Trilene knot. Sort of an improved clinch knot. I learned it as a kid as it was the knot they that came with instructions when I bought a rapala lure.

Same here.

I knew you were extremely intelligent and not just lucky....

The Dad Fisherman
09-16-2008, 01:42 PM
Wow......Talk about a Kiss-A$$...:hihi:

missing link
09-16-2008, 05:14 PM
Me ,I use a uni -knot on everything, mono or braid . Just remember to wet your line B-4 you tighten it down, some uni knots loosen up if you put to many wraps B-4 locking it down (MONO) with braid I haven't had a problem. It's the knot I know .
Link Sr.:eyes:

09-16-2008, 08:49 PM
Palomar or if your good at it a uni.I use a double or sometimes triple wrapped palomar.

Mike P
09-16-2008, 08:51 PM
Braid to swivel--palomar. I've been using it exclusively for almost 10 years on braid, and haven't had a single knot failure. Easiest knot there is to tie, and almost idiot proof. It's damn near impossible to tie a bad one.

The knot of choice for Certified Knuckleheads ;)

09-16-2008, 09:14 PM
i use a swivel/duolock at the end of my mainline, then attach my pretied leaders throughout the night via the barrel swivel at the beginning of my leader... is the duolock at the end of my mainline unnecessary??? should I just tie the swivel of my leader directly to my main line? takes more time, but is it a better idea with less hardware?

Mike P
09-16-2008, 10:42 PM
i use a swivel/duolock at the end of my mainline, then attach my pretied leaders throughout the night via the barrel swivel at the beginning of my leader... is the duolock at the end of my mainline unnecessary??? should I just tie the swivel of my leader directly to my main line? takes more time, but is it a better idea with less hardware?

A Duolock anywhere between your reel and your lure is a weak link--get rid of it.

Coastlocks and Breakaway clips are the only snaps I trust. And I only trust them about 98%.

09-17-2008, 08:30 AM
Thank you everyone for answering my questions!!! I just learned quite a bit.


09-17-2008, 03:36 PM

everything u need to know a great site:hee:

09-22-2008, 09:19 AM
Update.....used a few of the knots suggested so thanks again.

After I tied the Trilene Knot (braid to swivel), I could just feel the difference after I tightened it compared to what I was using before.

Unfortunately, it was nothing but [the] blues this past weekend, but no knot slippage.


09-22-2008, 05:13 PM
Uni is the one i've found best for braid.check out grrogs knots site

09-22-2008, 05:43 PM
Here is a very good article on knots for braid.