View Full Version : Interesting Ammendment 6 Stuff

12-18-2002, 11:18 PM
From another site:

SAW Working Document D-1 from the ASMFC, received yesterday for today's SB Advisory Panel meeting and tomorrow's SB Management Board meeting. I stole this from another board:

Total Catch in numbers, including landings and discards dropped 14% from 5.04 million in 2000 to 4.3 million in 2001. This is slightly above the 1996-2000 average of 3.9 million. Recreational fisheries accounted for 71% of the total 2001catch, 46% of which was landings and 25% was discards. Commercial fisheries accounted for 29% of the total 2001 catch, 22% of which was landings and 7% discards.
highest percentage of recreational landings: NJ @28%, MD@19%, VA@15%, MA@14% and NY@9%. The remaining states accounted for 4% or less of total landings.

On the commercial side, Maryland accounted for 57% followed by VA@16%, PRFC@9%, NY@6%. The remaining states each accounted for 4% or less. Ya, you read that right, 82% of commecial landings from the Chesapeake Bay area.


12-18-2002, 11:19 PM
Also from another site:

NJ's recreational killing in 2001 = 8,428,000 pounds.
(1,204,000 fish - that's .28 X 4,300,000 - or 28% of the rec catch - at a ridiculous 7# average - just a guess...the number is probably very close to that - it would make NJ's total recreationally killed striped bass in one single season 8,428,000 pounds.)

NJ's commercial quota = 200,000#
(Yes, this is the quota that the pro-slot killing folks want you to say "Yes, we kill 24" stripers, but we don't have any commercial fishing!")

Unless my calculator needs new batteries, NJ's rec kill in 2001 is 4,214% higher than the old commercial quota that we "save" by not allowing commercial striper fishing in NJ.

So, here's a proposal - get rid of the slot, make it one fish at 28" and give the commercials back their 200,000 pounds that we somehow adulterated into 8,000,000 pounds. I mean, at least the commerials had to stop when they get to 200,000 pounds each year - the recs (us) keep killing more and more and smaller and smaller fish to the tune of, in 2001, probably over 8 millions pounds. Talk about the fox guarding the hen house?

12-19-2002, 07:02 AM
yep!..been saying that all along, told that to a sb fishin club an got my a$$ chew out. rec;s don't want to hear that.

12-19-2002, 08:29 AM
“But the poor, poor subsistence fisherman. He needs that Jersey Keeper in order to feed his family, and his neighbors…” Yeh, OxenScheize! 95% of the people fishing for BASS to put food on the table out of NEED to do so are not saving themselves any money. Not at 1 fish with a pound and a half of filet…

Make the BASE recommendation for the coast 1 size, cut back a tad on the rec TAC and the comm TAC, just 5% on each. AND don’t raise it. Implement a few programs to promote the bigger fish and make the ENTIRE commercial Bass fishery Rod & Reel ONLY!

I’m not a supporter of comm striped bass fishing but I don’t feel that a small commercial fishery for bass can’t exist. I do think that 40 per day in Mass is far too excessive.

But all that said – those numbers are VERY scary!

Mr. Sandman
12-19-2002, 09:50 AM
no one is looking at the big picture it is a complicated turf war among many that will be argued forever IMO UNTIL THE $ incentive to catch the fish is taken out of the equation.
such a shame.

12-20-2002, 07:46 AM
IMO UNTIL THE $ incentive to catch the fish is taken out of the equation.

BINGO!!! money talks..............

12-20-2002, 03:54 PM
You guys are missing the point. The recs in NJ are doing a number on the stripers with their BS slot limit.