View Full Version : Cell Phone

Backbeach Jake
03-15-2009, 07:33 AM
We have this cool new spot welder at work. 3 phase, makes factory spotwelds, no more butchering with a mig. If your keys are in your pocket when you hit the button, your pants will jump 6 inches and your keys will be magnetised. Your cell phone will never work again if it's in your pocket. Nutz....

03-15-2009, 08:35 AM
Sounds like you need some check in/out procedures and a bigazzed sign for people with Pacemakers

Where was the welder made?

03-15-2009, 10:06 AM
daammm .. magnetic field ? .. I heard alot of these machines that emit magnetic fields are often the cause of erectile dysfunction . Problem is most guys don't talk to each other about this problem and everyone queitly suffers . You should ask your co workers "
Hows it going ? " .. Maybe ban together and have the company supply remedies . Hope this link helps , since you'll need the info to talk to your buds ..|166374793|0

03-15-2009, 10:43 AM
Aren' there OSHA rules about that kinda stuff?
can you increase your club distance by magnetizing your irons?

Raider Ronnie
03-15-2009, 05:49 PM
We have this cool new spot welder at work. 3 phase, makes factory spotwelds, no more butchering with a mig. If your keys are in your pocket when you hit the button, your pants will jump 6 inches and your keys will be magnetised. Your cell phone will never work again if it's in your pocket. Nutz....

We have had one of these welders for 10+ years.
I've got lots of magnetised pairs of vise grips.