View Full Version : Tall Ships?

06-30-2009, 03:01 PM
I heard at work today(from a non-fisherman/non-boater) that one of the tall ships was in Plymouth tied up beside the Mayflower. Has anyone been in Plymouth today? Passed a large three masted sailing ship off Manomet heading north last Thursday. I think it was called the "Peace Maker." I thought it was heading to Boston but it could have ducked in to Plymouth.

Are they having the Tall Ships event this year?

06-30-2009, 04:19 PM
It is there, I saw it today as I left Plymouth Harbor as you said docked right besides the Mayflower. I read that there were to be 3 tail ships docked at Plymouth for the weekend.

The Boston event is also going on but don't know the dates, thought it was July 8-11th?