View Full Version : Shark Week

The Iceman 6
08-02-2009, 05:59 PM
I'm sure everybody knows

08-03-2009, 08:31 PM
Couldn't fall asleep after watching the New Jersey Summer of 1916.

08-04-2009, 04:58 AM
gw acrobatics and seal draggin never goes out of style. That is awesome. TEETH :eek:

08-04-2009, 05:11 AM
not buying into it anymore
it's mind control......:)

sharks are good.......
for the health of all the fish in the sea
same as wolves are..... on Land

but they dramatize it big time...
same as Vampires on TV

they should have Humbolt squid week :uhuh:
they are more like ALIENS - heh- heh

Crafty Angler
08-04-2009, 07:49 AM
Hey, who was the numbnuts I saw the other night petting tiger sharks on the nose...:huh:

Prime candidate for the Darwin Award, right alongside the kid in Florida who lost his leg after fishing in the surf and chumming all around himself...and says he plans to do it again...:smash:

I guess you really can't fix stupid...:hs:

08-04-2009, 11:45 AM
I don't know how many times the shows reminded us that sharks can attack in very little water. I might wade in, in the future, but I think swimming at night will now be a rememberance of my youth.
I thought the episodes with the survival guy were sort of sensationialized, but the history and survivor stories were pretty sobering. Seems like most of the time it's a "when you least expect it" attack.

08-04-2009, 12:09 PM
yeah it is dramatized big time and most people forget that thousands and thousands of people go in the water everyday and are NOT attacked.

I have friends that won't go kayaking with me because they think they would be attacked, bunch of panzies...

although I do hand it to you seals that swim out in fishy areas at night with eels strapped to your belts!

08-04-2009, 01:22 PM
Couldn't fall asleep after watching the New Jersey Summer of 1916.

I read the book "Close to Shore" about the 1916 attacks last summer. The show was pretty much exactly the same. Kind of crazy to think that people back then didn't believe sharks were dangerous.

08-04-2009, 01:36 PM
I was thinking about that as well, but I wondered if fishing for sharks wasn't as well publicized or popular a sport then. It seemed like the shore wasn't populated so much with people with summer houses as people from the city who came to stay in in fancy hotels. It was interesting to hear that many people couldn't even swim so they strung long ropes out into the ocean they could hold onto. And the one lifeguard in that story, I don't know how close it was to what he really said, but he referred to people standing on the beach watching as "the monster" whipped the guy about and feeling compelled to go save him. So the lifeguard didn't really comprehend what was going on but went out anyway...that takes a pair.

08-04-2009, 02:12 PM
What I find rather funny, in a pathetic sort of way, is that people go swimming in many ocean locales and never knew that there could be sharks around them at any moment.
I talk to people while I'm fishing down in Duxbury, and tell them that at low tide you can wade out quite a ways from shore and only be waist deep. That they know. When I also tell them the numbers and types of sharks that inhabit those very same waters (and possibly same times) they look at me like I just sprouted wings!

The key part of my little shark-shock story is that the sharks that inhabit MOST of the NE coastal waters (north of the cape) are all fish eating sharks. There is a rare chance that a GW or Bull shark might wander up our way, but that's a longshot.

I consider sharks like hawks, falsons, owls and eagles: they are better appreciated in the wild.