View Full Version : showerheads spraying bacteria on you

09-15-2009, 09:38 AM
ok! a heads up.....

plastic shower heads have been linked to pulmanary disease

read this article and mine's getting cleaned today just in case

because chlorine doesn't kill this bacteria

here's the article

Showerheads may be spraying out bacteria - Health- (

09-15-2009, 10:18 AM
The sterilizing of society is what's bringing about all of these superbugs. My kids will never use hand sanitizer and outside from regular cleanings, I'll never bleach everything in the house like many paranoid parents do.

Kids are suppose to get sick. Colds when they're young help them lead a healthy adult life.

09-15-2009, 10:48 AM
If you live in a sterilized environment, when you do catch a cold, or get a cut/splinter, you'll be knocked for a loop because you've deprived you body's defenses of the opportunity to develop antibodies to deal with everyday germs and viruses.
How many of us, and our kids have "eaten dirt" in our lives?
I'd rather deal with the sniffles or a (very) minor infection than end up dealing with pneumonia or a staff infection.
Note that the bacteria that causes staff infections LIVES ON OUR BODIES. You cannot get rid of it no matter how much or how many times you wash.

I feel sorry for those with OCD, because of what they end up dealing with as a result of the disorder.

09-15-2009, 03:53 PM
well it's said that an average person eats a bushel of dirt in their lifetime. I just thought this article was significant because the bacteria only accumulates in plastic shower heads and not in metal ones.

true the use of antibiotics is creating super bugs that are resistant to all antibiotics.
another article was saying that many male bass in rivers are being feminized by the birth control pills. POLLUTION ! :wall:

09-15-2009, 07:37 PM

09-16-2009, 12:15 PM
Here you go, all of you Chicken Littles. Relax and enjoy your weekly showers.

The Human Condition : Don't Panic: Showerhead Germs Won't Kill You (Or Make You Sick) (