View Full Version : Fantastic Contest from CapeCodTackle.Com !!!!

05-06-2000, 09:45 PM
WOW!! Check out this great contest from Mike @!!!
Here are the details: Contest goes through the summer!
Largest fish weighed in at the shop wins;
1st Place: One Saber 1088 rod and a 6500CT or CS Mag Elite
combo wrapped in MAG ELITE colors, Mag green, with silver
accents, and black overwraps. Completed with the very high
quality diamond wraps and finish that Mike is famous for!!
(This is a very popular combo, I have both the rod kit which
I got from CapeCodTackle and the Mag Elite CS reel, very sweet)
OR Spinning Combo with Sabre 1088 and Shimano Stradic
5000 with custom rod wraps to match reel colors!!!
2nd Place: $100 Gift Certificate
3rd Place: $50 Gift Certificate
Will get more details but I'm assuming Striped-Bass, but
I'm sure a 50# BLUE would be OK (HeHe!!!)

Hey Mike, I don't have to put in that disclaimer about employees of Striped-Bass.Com, or government officials from the Peoples Republic of Cambridge are ineligible to participate in this contest, do I? <img src="/Images/biggrin.gif"><!--e7-->

05-07-2000, 06:41 PM
John the contest is for striped bass only there is no registration , just bring the fish in for weighing. emploies of M & D's or Cape Cod Tackle and family are not eligeable. weigh in is normal business hours . weigh in is at
M & D's
149 Main st.
Wareham, Ma

05-07-2000, 06:54 PM
Thanks for the info Mike. Great contest. Hope I get a two handed bass over 50#s that takes it <img src="/Images/Tounge_Wink_Face.gif"><!--e5-->, but seriously, that is a great contest. As the season progresses, will you have the leader of the contest listed???


05-08-2000, 09:10 AM
Sounds like agreat deal to me. No entry fee , just prizes!! <img src="/Images/Happy_Face.gif"><!--e1--> Hope all you people have good luck going after the gift certificates for 2nd and 3rd . You might as well just put my name on that rod when you make it Mike. Its as good as mine already!! <img src="/Images/Happy_Face.gif"><!--e1-->

John M
05-09-2000, 09:28 AM
Keep talking like that Saltheart and I wont let you see the rod when I win it...... <img src="/Images/Happy_Face.gif"><!--e1-->