View Full Version : Old Goat... Ed B...anybody that was on Nauset late 70's

Karl F
02-03-2010, 02:43 PM
old archives...picture taken at the old Brownies Texaco, after they recovered the famous "last truck on Long Bar"..

I have seen you both mention this.. Nauset Legend...and I know he spent time on Monomoy catching.. fish too :fishin::buds:

Showed this to the Senior Angler..and got some great memories that he had of this fellow too... :buds:

either of you recognize this battered Ford???

think old rebels and ouzo, if that helps..he was known for both...

Karl F
02-03-2010, 02:45 PM
dammit...meant to post on main forum.. :o

Thanks to whomever moved this!

Ed B
02-03-2010, 05:23 PM
Thanks Karl, that must be Baker's truck. I used to see him regularly out on the island, but never once saw him sober.

What a character he was. :buds: My understanding of that truck was he inherited it after his father died and then drove it into the drink.

The good ole days. Thanks for the memories.


02-03-2010, 07:38 PM
Big Ed, That memory is still right on the money.David Baker was a true character who's drinking and smoking finally got the best of him at an early age. Although at times he could be surly when drunk; He was truly a kind ,good guy.
Karl, Ask the Senior Angler about the time that Baker caught 28 Large on the island, you will appreciate his response.

Karl F
02-03-2010, 09:38 PM
an easy one eh Ed?
The Wreck of the David B. .....

a much storied charachter, from the best of days out there.
remebered with great fondness by many, despite his lack of control with the bottle(s)

jerkinthedark... the night of the 28 large, the Senior one shared that with me, quite a night, and the lesson do not need to retrieve a plug, to hook up...

David has been gone a long time...but not a month or two goes by, when I hear a remembrance of him, he cut a wide swath, as the old saying goes...
he and Bubby there was a pair that could beat a full house...

stiff tip
02-04-2010, 07:20 AM
Thanks Karl, that must be Baker's truck. I used to see him regularly out on the island, but never once saw him sober.

What a character he was. :buds: My understanding of that truck was he inherited it after his father died and then drove it into the drink.

The good ole days. Thanks for the memories.


is this big ed from monomoy fame????:fishin: if so how have u been .great to know its you dave laporte

02-04-2010, 07:53 AM
The Cape had a real cast of characters back then - it must had been an interesting time...I'm envious.

Back Beach
02-04-2010, 09:05 AM
old archives...picture taken at the old Brownies Texaco, after they recovered the famous "last truck on Long Bar"..

I have seen you both mention this.. Nauset Legend...and I know he spent time on Monomoy catching.. fish too :fishin::buds:

Showed this to the Senior Angler..and got some great memories that he had of this fellow too... :buds:

either of you recognize this battered Ford???

think old rebels and ouzo, if that helps..he was known for both...

Wow, this is a real cool thread now that you mention the guy's name. I was out on Nauset in the early 80's with my father and we were traveling the back path along pleasant bay. We had stopped due to flooding in the track when this guy pulls up alongside us, introduces himself, and asks why we're just sitting. Then he proceeds to barrel through 3 feet of water in his pickup truck and emerges about 50' up the trail from us, beckoning us to follow, and we did:laugha:

02-04-2010, 11:11 AM
The Cape had a real cast of characters back then - it must had been an interesting time...I'm envious.

I think we still have a pretty awesome cast of characters on the cape! Honestly when you cross the bridge it's a whole 'nother state.