View Full Version : Iphone?

03-04-2010, 06:13 PM
my verizon contract is almost up and I'm switching to at&t...So I want {am getting} an Iphone.
Main reason is AT&T works on stellwagen and verizon does not.

Whats the deal with the 69.95 "unlimited data"plan{email & web}?
Does this mean for 69.95 I can surf the web on my Iphone 24 hours a day???

Why does it come with "wifi access at thousands of hotspots including cafe's, hotel, airports and more" if it has "unlimited data"plan? is this simply a faster connection? and if so can't I connect into my wireless router here at the house?
I'm wondering if the 69.95 plan is going to turn into hundreds of dollars once I start using the web. the 450 minutes are more than enough for me

03-04-2010, 07:20 PM
Mike - I have an iphone and can answer many of your questions. Problem is, you'll ruin it out on the bank. It can't get wet or its a $500 paperweight.

03-04-2010, 08:49 PM
No hidden costs with that data plan. Keep your phone in a ziploc :)
you'll love it :)
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

03-04-2010, 08:56 PM
Use a otter case
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

03-05-2010, 08:27 AM
No hidden costs with that data plan. Keep your phone in a ziploc :)
you'll love it :)
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

a heavy duty ziploc
with some rice
or those silicon packets you find in some packaging.

03-05-2010, 08:55 AM
I blew through an Aquapac in a couple months. Looking at an Otter case or this year..

The iPhone has moisture sensors inside that if they go bad, Apple will not warranty them.