View Full Version : noaa.registry called

07-16-2010, 08:50 AM
Has anyone been called yet? Had my call last Thursday. Wife hands me the phone as I'm getting out of the shower. Some young girl said she would like 5 minutes of my time to answer some questions.Put her on speaker phone trying to dry off .She's asking about dates, time of day,how long,where, what county,how many other people were with long did we fish,Kind felt like a drill Sargent was barking out orders.If you took too long answering a question she would start to repeat it I guessed on the dates and times but they were close.On the type of water i told her the canal. NO such answer. She starts the repeating process and I settle for a jetty. I couldn't even remember what county the canal was in told Plymouth? Hell i write my wife's name on my wrist to remember it. I know she's probably some collage kid working for the summer and reading from a card and maybe she gets paid per call.

07-16-2010, 10:28 AM
I haven't got a call yet, but she would be very frustrated with my answers because I can't remember what I ate for lunch 10 minutes ago