View Full Version : Credit Card Rape!

01-16-2011, 04:00 PM
Daughter tells me today she got am e-mail on 1/10 saying that an on-line account she used (FYI UConn store) had been hacked and her credit card (complete information) was on the list...$1200 in unauthorized charges before being able to cancel the card. Banks not open until Tuesday to try to find out what/what not she is responsible for....:wall: noticed a 2nd account being setup with her card and did not permit...way to go Amazon!:uhuh:

I track my on-line accounts/cards not quite daily and once found a charge for $0.13! This is a key tactic of the hackers, they try a small charge and if OK load it up! I cancelled the card immediately and they re-issue cards in almost 24 hrs.

I have one credit card that I don't use much, as soon as anything gets charged to the card they call for suspicious activity. I gladly answer and say Thank You even if my charges.

I highly recommend setting spending alerts on every credit/debit card: get an e-mail, txt message or phone call if $XX dollars charged to card.

If you notice anything at all not right, just cancel the card and have them re-issue a new number. This is not cancelling the account and has no effect on credit rating, just changing the card number.

01-16-2011, 04:08 PM
I don't think you're liable for all that much...50 bucks?

Good idea on the spending notification though.


01-16-2011, 04:18 PM
It hasn't happened to me but if they got the information through hacking a Merchants system I would be :fury: if they wanted me to pay for someone else's security shortcoming. I would fight any charge that they wanted to impose on me.

01-16-2011, 05:28 PM
my brother just had his credit card # stolen somehow. suspicions rose after charges started coming up in russia, japan, and the uk. the cred card company called him before he knew nething about it. only about 400$ though.... god damn digital criminals

01-17-2011, 02:10 PM
Doubt she'll be liable for anything. At least with my credit card, I have 100% fraud protection. Debit cards are a different story and you can be liable for (I think) $500.

Buzz is dead on with setting notifications. Any charge over a certain amount and I get an email straight to my phone, also goes for cashed checks and transfers on my main bank account - now that "Payment by Check" methods are starting to be exploited big time.

The other suggestion I'd have is using One-Time Credit Card Numbers, if your bank provides that service. For instance, if I'm making a purchase online from a company i'm not 100% confident in, I can go to my BofA account where they will issue me a unique credit card number tied to my account and it can only be used for that one purchase. Has saved me in the past... also good when signing up for "Free Offers" that you need to cancel within 30 days.

More info over here:
Shop Safe | Credit Card Fraud Protection with Bank of America (

01-17-2011, 02:41 PM
Why we she be responsible for anything? I'm not if that occurs with my visa, and I don't have any of those notification safeguards. Tell them to see UConn for the money.