View Full Version : NY Legalizes ...

06-25-2011, 11:15 AM
NY gay marriages can begin as early as end of July - Yahoo! News (

What's next, dope?

Ron Paul, Barney Frank: Legalize marijuana - Jennifer Epstein - (


06-25-2011, 12:21 PM
What gays do is their own business.Legal or not I don't care either way.

Don't smoke dope anymore,but if done correctly legalization could be an insane source of revenue so I would support it only if done right.

06-25-2011, 01:03 PM
I agree about the gay marriage thing. Whatever they want to do has nothing to do with me so why should I care? As far as the legal implications go , I think about the stories when the gays have been together as "partners" for like 10 years then one gets sick and the other cannot even go in and sit with them at critical times whereas a wife could.

I have always had the belief that if they leave me alone , I'll leave them alone.

Dope? Nothing in this world is more dangerous than a depressed guy with a bottle of Tequila who has access to a car. At least the pot heads just chow down a dozen donuts and then fall asleep watching TV. The Tequila guy goes out full of rocket fuel to take on the cold cruel world. Which is more dangerous?? :)