View Full Version : Deer Scents

Fly Rod
08-28-2011, 06:44 PM
Anyone interested in deer scents should check this company.

Real Scent ~ Superior Whitetail Lures (

I have ordered from this company for the last 15 years and use the Doe Estrus and Doe P, both work very well.

I jumped this buck and it ran about 100yds. into a thicket. Followed the buck to a thicket, the buck walked out of a thicket with a 25 mile an hour wind blowing directly at him and he just spranced into the open looking at me and stopped, winding in my direction and gave me a great broad side shot no more then 30 yds. away. I never ever used a cover scent and have killed many deer. I was using the Doe Estrus at the time. And I believe that, that is what he was smelling and I have walked very close to deer using the Doe P.

08-29-2011, 05:45 PM
Thanks I've been looking for a place like that

08-30-2011, 04:31 AM
how the heck they collect it. :think:

Fly Rod
08-30-2011, 07:52 AM
They have changed thier web page but they had at one time showed how they did it. Special pens that hold one deer and pans under the pen.

They have also come out with new products. I have always bought the 2oz. bottles. I'm not much for new products and do not believe in all these new clothing kimmicks and never believed in any deer scents either. I'm from the old school with wood smokey camps, cigarret smoke, bacon smell, no shower for a week and still harvested deer in the toughest of areas where there were hardly any deer.

If anyone is interested in wearing wool colthing check out Beagle Outdoor Wear, Inc. | Next Generation Wool Outerwear ( they are pricey but worth the money. Bought the stalker coat(green) several years ago and is great in the cold, rain and snow.

Why green? You can wear anytime. Why wear camo when you have to also wear bright orange.