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11-21-2012, 10:45 AM
Obama gets re-elected and Patrick takes that as a mandate to spend more money here in Massachusetts we don't have, starting with illegal aliens.

How many more scandals is he going to weather without losing his control? He oversaw the appointment of the woman who had the awful driving record, but still managed to become head of the dept. of public safety. (
Our entire rainy day fund is going to pay for attorneys and damages to people who died as a result of no oversight of the compounding pharmacy. Litigation attorneys are giddy over the unlimited resources Massachusetts has that they are going after.

11-21-2012, 10:58 AM
Obama gets re-elected and Patrick takes that as a mandate to spend more money here in Massachusetts we don't have, starting with illegal aliens.

How many more scandals is he going to weather without losing his control? He oversaw the appointment of the woman who had the awful driving record, but still managed to become head of the dept. of public safety. (
Our entire rainy day fund is going to pay for attorneys and damages to people who died as a result of no oversight of the compounding pharmacy. Litigation attorneys are giddy over the unlimited resources Massachusetts has that they are going after.

Instead of letting illegals pay instate tuition, why not give instate tuition to our military hero’s returning from war who might live outside of Massachusetts? I guess that is too much common sense and not as important as taking care of illegal immigrants. Think about it, an illegal immigrant (who has broken the law) has more benefits to instate tuition than a US Soldier from out of state. That is a disgrace.

Also, forget about saving sales taxes on purchases from Amazon, he is trying to end that too.......................
State prods Amazon to collect sales taxes - Business - (

11-21-2012, 11:12 AM
and lets not forget the miles on state roads tax or the gas tax, one of them is going to happen

11-21-2012, 11:16 AM
At some point we will be taxed on the air we breathe in order for our government to be able to sustain its insatiable appetite for spending………

11-21-2012, 11:44 AM
At some point we will be taxed on the air we breathe in order for our government to be able to sustain its insatiable appetite for spending………

Only inside the state borders, but the air is migratory so it may need to be a federal tax

11-21-2012, 01:58 PM
It's time for the Republicans to get out of the way and let the blaim fall solely on the Democrats. Let people see what they voted for. Too many voters don't pay attention when they vote. We are like a pot full of Lobsters on low heat. The pain is coming let's get it over with. No more games. Democrats think they know what's best so let them do it all by themselves.
The people voted in a person who raised the sales tax by 25%. What more needs to be said, it's either rigged or we are just Fornicated;-)
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

11-21-2012, 02:28 PM
They should take ALL benefits being given to ILLEGAL ALIENS and give them to our returning soldiers. They give of their time, energy and in more instances than we can count, they give their bodies and lives all for the freedoms we get to enjoy. Then they come back home, proud Americans, only to find that America doesn't care that they can't work, can't afford healthcare, can't afford their home and they find that these ILLEGAL ALIENS are being given all the benefits (that the soldiers fully earned and derserved) at their expense solely because these ILLEGAL ALIENS help muster the Democrap vote (not a spelling error).

Sure, we could stand by and let the democraps fail in epic form, but that would be like standing by a building fire and letting an idiot try to put it out with a fan and gasoline, and then watch as evryone's house catches fire as a result. If we stand by and do nothing, they will completely destroy our country, government and society while we watch from the sideline. I say we call them on each and every assinine thing they do, and remind them of their failures at every juncture.

Sure, both political parties have had their dark days, and their own scandals, but there has never been anything as ruinous as what we are seeing now and what they plan to "do to us" in the near future.

Maybe it's time for a civil rebellion?

All I can say is that I would be willing to bet that our founding fathers are spinning in their graves at what this country has become.
If they were alive today, I bet that no one currently in government would survive their wrath!!

Mr. Sandman
11-21-2012, 02:49 PM
This is going to get worse before it gets better (it may not in our lifetime). This game of Robin Hood is about to come to a very ugly end.

If Romney was elected I was planning in scooping up as much real estate as I could afford, in the form of distressed single family sales near major employers. Because I could see a turn in the general economy and thus an increasing property values longer term. plan is something I hate to do. I call it betting that america will fail. On all up days in the market, I am shorting it. By the end of the next year I will be fully 100% short america. America is on the road to disaster and MA is showing the way. There is simply no other way to protect yourself.

11-21-2012, 04:15 PM
I have several friends building escape houses in Argentina. Several will be completely moved over with most of their assets within the next year.
Sadly, I am envious

11-24-2012, 10:54 AM
I have several friends building escape houses in Argentina. Several will be completely moved over with most of their assets within the next year.
Sadly, I am envious

My across the street neighbor is there working on a contract to build large rooms, wherein a space-like atmosphere is created to replicate space-like travel to cinduct different experiments. He is home for the holidays, but will be on the plane again monday probably. He has been doing this type of work for years for aerospace type companies, but mostly NASA. He likes it very much there. His passion, skiing, can be done most of the year in the mountains. He never has talked bout moving though.