View Full Version : can someone cheer me up?

12-19-2012, 10:35 AM
I guess this is not politcal but I figuered id bring up here.
I have to admit Im a pretty depressed american. I just dont see the things I want to see for my children in this country. My kids both have holiday parties at school today. We received a multi-paragraphed email detailing the procedures for us to come into the class, all kinds of security I need to go through just to go to my kids party. Part of me is glad they are doing this, it helps ensure my kids safety, but mostly I cant believe this is the world I live in. I feel the same way when I am at the airport. Watching my kids remove their shoes and go through the detectors. We are not Isreal, France, Lebanon, etc. I feel less free than ever. Cameras at every stop light, security at schools. This really sucks. I cant stand when people say "vote, people died for your right". Thats horsechit. people died for our right to live safely and freely. And we've lost that. Its gone. We've lost. People think this is political BS and none of this stuff matters, but it truly bothers me that Mansfield MA schools banned cupcakes, banned the holiday concert. More and more is taken away from us. My dad grew up in the 40s-50s. If you compared my childhood in the 70-80s. we pretty much did the same things with the exception of telvision. We played outside, rode bikes, built forts, football, etc. Now its all prearranged, play dates, activitites. All freedom lost. Most of my life I didnt give a crap, never followed politics, now i feel my view of american is under constant assault. Its rapidly going. Can someone cheer me up? Am I wrong here? How is this not going to get worse?

12-19-2012, 10:45 AM
I find that drinking and watching funny movies cheer me up. And porn. That cheers me up, too.

The Dad Fisherman
12-19-2012, 11:09 AM
Go hang out with your always cheers me up. Watch a movie, get goofy with a fort with them.

Why do you think I do scouts....I get to go hang out in the woods and get goofy with a bunch of kids. Unplug myself from the BS in the world and talk stupid crap with them

Jim in CT
12-19-2012, 11:12 AM
You're certainly not wrong, and it's likely to get worse.

That being said, there's an awful lot of good out there. Don't be blind to it. Go outside this afternoon, horse around with your kids, then bring them in and have hot cocoa by the tree.

12-19-2012, 11:44 AM
Jimmy what can I tell you? I agree with everything you say....its a shame! I think how things have changed in the 40+ years since I was in elementary school and sadly I think of what it will be like in another 40 years from now if we keep heading in this direction??? Sad indeed!

Mr. Sandman
12-19-2012, 11:44 AM
Stop watching TV news and reading political crap and go fishing. You will feel better in a week.

Really! try it.

12-19-2012, 11:53 AM
I also figure if I am lucky enough to see 80 years old.......I am guessing by the time I die I will be more than ready and willing to go! Hows that for cheery? :rotf2:

Sea Dangles
12-19-2012, 12:05 PM
There is a good chance your Dad said the same thing 40 years ago.
The world is a work in progress, embrace it and move forward.
Living in the past is poison.

The Dad Fisherman
12-19-2012, 12:11 PM
I can tell you one thing, hanging around in this God Foresaken forum isn't going to cheer anybody up.....

12-19-2012, 12:34 PM
There is a good chance your Dad said the same thing 40 years ago.
The world is a work in progress, embrace it and move forward.
Living in the past is poison.

i dont think so. he would cite the great advances in race relations. he had mostly african american friends grwoing up and expercienced racism first hand, he loved the advances in technology in his lifetime.
he went to school same as i did, played outside same as I did. Im pretty sure he would say that things have improved from his childhood.
Can I say the same for my kids? Are things better now?
Im not willing to embrace police at schools, security everywhere, less and less freedom. its not how I want my kids to live.

12-19-2012, 12:35 PM
I can cheer you up Jim.

here you go!!

all i see is a little red x

12-19-2012, 01:04 PM
see. I cheered you up with a little red X. :)

12-19-2012, 01:09 PM


12-19-2012, 01:11 PM
crap thats funny

12-19-2012, 01:17 PM

Jim in CT
12-19-2012, 01:18 PM
There is a good chance your Dad said the same thing 40 years ago.
The world is a work in progress, embrace it and move forward.
Living in the past is poison.

"There is a good chance your Dad said the same thing 40 years ago."

I doubt it. I don't think too many of today's seniors think that our current culture is superior to what their children grew up within.

RIJIMMY was exactly right when he talked about things as simle as going out to ride bikes with friends and play in the woods.

Today, the average American teenager reads over one hundred texts a day. They are bombarded with sex and violence. The economy presents challenges (finding a good job, buying a nice house, paying for healthcare, saving for retirement, paying for kids' college) that are significantly harder today.

Our culture is not a healthy one.

I grew up in RIJIMMY's childhood. I had two parents of different sex, who loved us and watched us like hawks. We had supper together every single day, all of us around the dinner table talking to each other. The TV was off. My grandparents were often with us. We went to church every single week, and we discussed what was said, and how we should incorporate the lesson into our lives and relationships. My parents knew every single thing that we all did. When we came home at night, no matter how late it was, my mother (who could smell trouble a mile away) checked us out before we went to bed. We didn't drink or do drugs, because the chances of getting away with it were exactly zero. When my girlfriend was over, if we watched TV in my room, the door was to remain wide open at all times. Today, I know parents that let their teenage kids have unsupervised sleepovers with their girlfriends, let them sleep in the same bed for Chrissakes.

Our values and morality are eroded. We have far less empathy for our neighbors.

"Living in the past is poison"

Tell that to 20 sets of parents in Newtown CT. Because in the not-so-distant past in this country, there was no such thing as school shootings.

The Dad Fisherman
12-19-2012, 01:19 PM
all i see is a little red x

I'm pretty sure the guy in the picture is looking at a little brown Asterisk....:hihi:

12-19-2012, 01:22 PM
and Im not living in the past, I dont like the present and fear the future

12-19-2012, 01:33 PM
I'm pretty sure the guy in the picture is looking at a little brown Asterisk....:hihi:

Sea Dangles
12-19-2012, 01:44 PM
and Im not living in the past, I dont like the present and fear the future

That doesn't leave many options or much hope
Good Luck and Merry Christmas
Texas has changed you
glass half full

Don't forget,raise your children the way YOU want to,I don't think Norway went to pieces and they had a far more tragic incident. Any steps to keep our children safer is a worthwhile endeavor.There simply is no option.

The Dad Fisherman
12-19-2012, 01:51 PM
The only real big difference/problem is a 24/7 news cycle...

There have been Drug Addicts, Perverts, Murderers and even School shootings in this country for centuries......we just never were exposed to it like we are today. Can't log into the internet, turn on the TV, or listen to the radio without seeing it or hearing about. The sensationalizing of it is off the hook nowadays.

12-19-2012, 01:58 PM
That doesn't leave many options or much hope
Good Luck and Merry Christmas
Texas has changed you
glass half full

Don't forget,raise your children the way YOU want to,I don't think Norway went to pieces and they had a far more tragic incident. Any steps to keep our children safer is a worthwhile endeavor.There simply is no option.

im not changing the world is. Im off in 5 mins to go to my sons holiday party. I have to leave 30 mins early as the principal warned us the line to go through security will be long. Im not making this up. Merry Christmas to you

12-19-2012, 02:16 PM
Jimmy, I'm right there with you. It's amazing how much things have changed for the worse even in the short span of my life and memory. While the misses and I are 4-5 years away from kids, we both question how much worse things will be in another 10 years and if we really want to bring kids up in that insanity.

I sometimes joke with the grey hairs I'm friends with that I was born 30 years too late or 30 years too early. 30 years earlier and I'd likely be dead by the time the S really hits the fan. At least many of the kids born today don't know that society is spiraling down the drain.

Jim in CT
12-19-2012, 03:42 PM
TDF - yes, druggies have been around forever. Until the 1960's, people who did drugs (and who slept around, things like that) were stygmatized by society. Today, that behavior is at least accepted, if not considered 'cool' in certain places. I think the data shows that the frequency/severity of school shootings is on the rise.

JohnnyD - I'm with you, I wish I was born in my Dad's generation. His generation had it easier, by any measurable statistic.

RIJIMMY. hope this cheers you up. This is 'Murphy", he is our flat-coated retriever pup. Just got him from Boise, Idaho. We've had him for 2 months, he's doing awesome, should be a great fishing partner.

The Dad Fisherman
12-19-2012, 04:07 PM
All Generations have had there such thing as easier.

My Dad's Generation had people dieing from Tuberculosis, he lost a sister at 16 to Polio. Those diseases are virtually unheard of nowadays. There's always been challenges.

You had the issues of segregation down south. Black men couldn't vote at 1 time, women couldn't vote either.....things change.

There have been wars consistently every 20-30 years since the Revolutionary war. This country is constantly changing....always will be.

There will always be challenges as long as humans roam the earth.....human nature.

Sea Dangles
12-19-2012, 07:35 PM
I am under the guise that those of us brought up in these parts are in possession of an inherent quality which separates us from other regions. A certain element which enables us to endure hardships and persevere in spite of great odds and obstacles. With big shoulders and the ability to move forward regardless of the setbacks. Wake up all ye dreamers;yesterday will never come again and tomorrows challenges need your attention. My hope is my children will embrace the obstacles and help make the world better for their children. They will hopefully make me proud and have fun doing it.

Jim in CT
12-19-2012, 08:41 PM
All Generations have had there such thing as easier.

My Dad's Generation had people dieing from Tuberculosis, he lost a sister at 16 to Polio. Those diseases are virtually unheard of nowadays. There's always been challenges.

You had the issues of segregation down south. Black men couldn't vote at 1 time, women couldn't vote either.....things change.

There have been wars consistently every 20-30 years since the Revolutionary war. This country is constantly changing....always will be.

There will always be challenges as long as humans roam the earth.....human nature.

"All Generations have had there such thing as easier."

Please. Compared to my father's generation, my generation pays astronomically more for housing, healthcare, retirement, and kids' college. In my dad's generation, you could skip college and have a middle class income. In his generation, it was common for moms to not have to work. In his generation, white collar workers commonly got raises of 5% - 10%. In his generation, workers had guaranteed pensions.

That would show that my dad's generation (he is 75) had it "easier". No worries about terrorism, no worries about banks wiping out your retirement or college savings with fishy derivitives.

In my Dad's generation, huge companies did not have massive layoffs or downsizing, it didn't happen.

The Dad Fisherman
12-19-2012, 09:16 PM
Ever ask your Dad if he thought he had it easy....

When the construction business went stagnant in the 70's my dad was out of work for 2 1/2 years....he was an iron worker. Ended up working as a fry cook in the summer and drove a cab at one point....collected as well in the winter.

I didn't go to college yet l have a middle class income. It can still be done. A person can be a tradesman and have a middle class college needed.

They didn't worry about terrorists but they were still attacked on our own soil during Pearl Harbor......they were paranoid about the red threat and nuclear war in the 50's.

Was life easy during the depression? There's always a challenge.....then and now
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT
12-19-2012, 09:57 PM
Ever ask your Dad if he thought he had it easy....

When the construction business went stagnant in the 70's my dad was out of work for 2 1/2 years....he was an iron worker. Ended up working as a fry cook in the summer and drove a cab at one point....collected as well in the winter.

I didn't go to college yet l have a middle class income. It can still be done. A person can be a tradesman and have a middle class college needed.

They didn't worry about terrorists but they were still attacked on our own soil during Pearl Harbor......they were paranoid about the red threat and nuclear war in the 50's.

Was life easy during the depression? There's always a challenge.....then and now
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

"Ever ask your Dad if he thought he had it easy...."

I never said he had it easy. I said he had it easier. Big difference.

"I didn't go to college yet l have a middle class income. It can still be done"

TDF, you're making it sound like I said everyone before had it made, and no one now can get by. In my experience, that's what people do who don't want to admit when they are wrong.

Please don't put radical jibberish words in my mouth. Many people in my Dad's generation had it tough. many people in my generation strike it rich. I'm talkiung averages.

I said my generation pays WAY more for housing, healthcare, retirement, and kids' college (relative to average income) than the previous generation. Do you disagree?

"they were still attacked on our own soil during Pearl Harbor."

Wrong. That was 2 generations ago, not one generation ago. And the fact that the US emerged from WWII as the leading manufacturer in the planet, is PRECISELY one of the things that led to so much wealth for the generation of which I am speaking.

Look at the growth in the US economy from 1945 to today. TDF, you tell me with a straight face, you think we'll see that kind of growth in the next 60 years? No one thinks we'll see that.

Kids today can certainly achieve some comfort if they are smart. But it's HARDER to do that than it was 50 years ago. If you want to deny that, that's you're right. I just don't see what you have to gain by denying what everyone else concedes is the truth.

"Was life easy during the depression?"

Again, I'm talking about my Dad's generation (he is 74), not talking baout my grandfather. And after the depression ended, as I said, the US economy absolutely GREW LIKE CRAZY. THANKS TO A MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY THAT BASICALLY CREATED THE MIDDLE CLASS. That industry no longer exists. Take a look at Flint, Michigan, and tell me that times aren't harder now than 30 years ago.

I currently have a white collar job that's low-level management. Like just about every other white collar job, the guy who had that job 30 years ago had it a lot easier. His wife didn't have to work to make ends meet. He didn't work as many hours as I do. He expected raises of ast least 5%. He got a pension, social security, and medicare benefits which I will never see. And once again, he paid WAY, WAY less for his housing, healthcare, and kids' college (relative to his income) than I will have to.

Sorry you don't seem to like that fact. Believe me, I don't like it either. It's still a fact.

12-20-2012, 12:28 AM
I guess this is not politcal but I figuered id bring up here.
I have to admit Im a pretty depressed american. I just dont see the things I want to see for my children in this country. My kids both have holiday parties at school today. We received a multi-paragraphed email detailing the procedures for us to come into the class, all kinds of security I need to go through just to go to my kids party. Part of me is glad they are doing this, it helps ensure my kids safety, but mostly I cant believe this is the world I live in. I feel the same way when I am at the airport. Watching my kids remove their shoes and go through the detectors. We are not Isreal, France, Lebanon, etc. I feel less free than ever. Cameras at every stop light, security at schools. This really sucks. I cant stand when people say "vote, people died for your right". Thats horsechit. people died for our right to live safely and freely. And we've lost that. Its gone. We've lost. People think this is political BS and none of this stuff matters, but it truly bothers me that Mansfield MA schools banned cupcakes, banned the holiday concert. More and more is taken away from us. My dad grew up in the 40s-50s. If you compared my childhood in the 70-80s. we pretty much did the same things with the exception of telvision. We played outside, rode bikes, built forts, football, etc. Now its all prearranged, play dates, activitites. All freedom lost. Most of my life I didnt give a crap, never followed politics, now i feel my view of american is under constant assault. Its rapidly going. Can someone cheer me up? Am I wrong here? How is this not going to get worse?

Hey, Jimmy, buck up! You have all that you need to be happy. Your family and the ability to provide for it and the fortune to be nurtured by it. From your posts that I've read, it seems your head is screwed on right.

I understand your concerns about what is happening to our country, and agree that much of what America was is under assault. But that was always so and will be. That assault has been growing more successful over the past generation or two. But we cannot escape from that "eternal war in nature." The only hopeful response is to fight back. Teach your kids principles (which I'm sure you do) and live by those principles. Prepare them to make their own life rather than to expect that good life will be given to them. I believe the deepest and most persistent happiness is that derived from your own effort, not from the fleeting little toys given to you for momentary pleasure (but keep giving the toys as well). Those spoiled by easy comfort and lack of effort constantly seek "good times" to fill lives empty of personal satisfaction, lasting love, and a solid connection to society or to life itself. From the things you've said here, I'm sure you don't spoil your children and do instill good values--just trying to lift your spirits by reminding you that you are doing what will make you happy. Sometimes we get down on ourselves when we feel we aren't doing enough, or are helpless to, for those we love.

I understand your concerns with the direction our country is taking and have the same concerns myself. Past American societies were lived more based on principles. Our current "mainstream" culture has evolved from a trend to lift anchors and to abandon meaning, or absolutes, in a landless sea of relativity. That might be good for some scientific inquiry, but it wreaks havoc on the common psyche, or dare I say soul. The loss of freedom, the lurking and ever present dangers that shouldn't exist in an advanced society, I believe, are results of that disconnection. And the societal and political responses compound the loss of freedom by a growing micromanagement of our lives for our welfare and security. The result is an opposite feeling of dependence and lack of power or control of our own lives.

Don't let it get you down. You do have the power to provide for your family and to teach your children fundamentals that will give them the power to do the same. I can't think of anything more gratifying than that.

The Dad Fisherman
12-20-2012, 06:16 AM
RIJ...Hopefully this cheers you up....

Every Time a Bell Rings an Angel Gets His Wings - It's a Wonderful Life (9/9) Movie CLIP (1946) HD - YouTube (

The Dad Fisherman
12-20-2012, 06:17 AM
And if that didn't...this has to....

Salma Hayek - Dancing in 'From Dusk Till Dawn' [1996] - YouTube (

Sea Dangles
12-20-2012, 07:54 AM
I think you should have put up some clips from Leave it to Beaver or Father Knows Best. It is fun to play games and pretend which portal of the time machine we would step out of.But in real life that is not the case. I know the winter hill gang enjoyed the prosperity of the last generation but even Whitey knew it would not last forever.This is a thread of candy canes and lollipops but real life dictates that the big boy pants be secured and progressive thinking caps adorn our domes.Please stop whining about something we can't control and use your time for something more constructive.

Hey Jimmy,I saw that teachers in Texas are packing heat,things are looking up....

12-20-2012, 10:08 AM
I think you should have put up some clips from Leave it to Beaver or Father Knows Best. It is fun to play games and pretend which portal of the time machine we would step out of.But in real life that is not the case. I know the winter hill gang enjoyed the prosperity of the last generation but even Whitey knew it would not last forever.This is a thread of candy canes and lollipops but real life dictates that the big boy pants be secured and progressive thinking caps adorn our domes.Please stop whining about something we can't control and use your time for something more constructive.

Hey Jimmy,I saw that teachers in Texas are packing heat,things are looking up....

Dangles, must be difficult going through life as a victim, powerless to change the world. I am an idealist, I look for change and I look to bring change. Im glad you can sit back and say "well, #^&#^&#^&#^& happens, live with it". Thats what cowards do. Bunch of folks like you 300+ yrs ago said,"well, if the king wants us to pay the stamp tax, I guess we have to, no sense fighting it" Other guys with balls, cried bullshat, took up arms and guess what happened? I'll continue to move forward and change what I can. i see America quickly going down the crapper. I have an obligation to fight it. Its people that are forcing us downhill, nothing else. Im tired of fear dictating how I live.

Jim in CT
12-20-2012, 10:13 AM
Dangles, must be difficult going through life as a victim, powerless to change the world. I am an idealist, I look for change and I look to bring change. Im glad you can sit back and say "well, #^&#^&#^&#^& happens, live with it". Thats what cowards do. Bunch of folks like you 300+ yrs ago said,"well, if the king wants us to pay the stamp tax, I guess we have to, no sense fighting it" Other guys with balls, cried bullshat, took up arms and guess what happened? I'll continue to move forward and change what I can. i see America quickly going down the crapper. I have an obligation to fight it. Its people that are forcing us downhill, nothing else. Im tired of fear dictating how I live.

What he said...

Sea Dangles
12-20-2012, 10:26 AM
Jimmy,get some coffee and then read the post.Who is the victim crying pity me?
I love the country and I am optomistic for my childrens future,where do I paint myself as a victim?You can use your time shoveling sand against the tide if you think it will make a difference.
Last week I took my boys to DC for my first ever trip to the nations capital as well as theirs. My first trip simply because as a kid we lacked the resouces to go.I was fortunate to happen into the Pearl Harbor ceremony at the WW2 memorial,I would hate to tarnish their sacrifices by poopooing the current stste of affairs and lack of opportunity. Of all the people to whine about the economy it seems ironic that it would be two guys who just bought new boats.I feel bad for your kids if this is the message they are faced with on a daily basis. You embrace change so much that when things went the wrong way for you in Cupcakeland you decided to move rather than stay and make a difference.That is fortitude in the 21st century.

12-20-2012, 10:43 AM
Jimmy,get some coffee and then read the post.Who is the victim crying pity me?
I love the country and I am optomistic for my childrens future,where do I paint myself as a victim?You can use your time shoveling sand against the tide if you think it will make a difference.
Last week I took my boys to DC for my first ever trip to the nations capital as well as theirs. My first trip simply because as a kid we lacked the resouces to go.I was fortunate to happen into the Pearl Harbor ceremony at the WW2 memorial,I would hate to tarnish their sacrifices by poopooing the current stste of affairs and lack of opportunity. Of all the people to whine about the economy it seems ironic that it would be two guys who just bought new boats.I feel bad for your kids if this is the message they are faced with on a daily basis. You embrace change so much that when things went the wrong way for you in Cupcakeland you decided to move rather than stay and make a difference.That is fortitude in the 21st century.

I moved because I was tired of my hour + commute. I now have 10 minute commute and can attend my kids school activities, something I couldnt do for years. Im also home every night for homework and sports. Those are things I control. My initial post was a response to 20 dead kids, calls for arming teachers, increased security at schools, events, etc. The result of fear is less and less freedom. I dont want an America like this and I guarantee no man or woman who sacrificed for our country wanted this either.
We take diversity training at work and then we have to ban holiday events because of the religious content. WTF? Where is the diversity and toleratiing different beliefs and ideals?
You paint yourself as a victim by stating things change, deal with it. Your responses seem to me like you are powerless to change whats around you. The Holocaust was change, should the Germans have just dealt with it? Thats right, they actually did just turn their heads.

Here is a little diddy i learned as a kid -

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

12-20-2012, 12:34 PM
Of all the people to whine about the economy it seems ironic that it would be two guys who just bought new boats.
:rotf2: :faga: :lama:


12-20-2012, 12:53 PM
:rotf2: :faga: :lama:


Those of us who can afford new boats understand the risks and impacts of lousy economic polices. Some of us are in weekly meetings planning for the impact of the fiscal cliff, higher taxes, low interest rates, etc. To some of us, the economy is not something we read about, its what we work in. Those that have nothing to lose or those who do not work for a living need not be concerned.

12-20-2012, 12:55 PM
Those of us who can afford new boats understand the risks and impacts of lousy economic polices. Some of us are in weekly meetings planning for the impact of the fiscal cliff, higher taxes, low interest rates, etc. To some of us, the economy is not something we read about, its what we work in. Those that have nothing to lose or those who do not work for a living need not be concerned.

I see, so you're just smarter than the poor people. Had no idea I was in such elite company :devil2:


12-20-2012, 12:58 PM
I see, so you're just smarter than the poor people. Had no idea I was in such elite company :devil2:


Elite company, well thanks to your boy Obama I am constantly reminded that I make up the very top of earners in this country. Must be some reason?
Spence, please give you job away to the poor. Obvioulsy they deserve it more than you, right?

Jim in CT
12-20-2012, 01:22 PM
SeaDangles - Yeah I bought a new boat. My household is doing OK. You think that means I have no reason to comlain about the economy? Here's what you and Spence cannot grasp...I don't assume my experience is reflective of everyone else. If I'm doing well, but record numbers of people are struggling, then I say 'things stink'. Maybe you are so self-centered that you view the world through the lens of how it only affects you, but I don't.

Maybe you and Spence are only concerned with how you are personally doing. Some of us care about the welfare of everyone.

Jim in CT
12-20-2012, 01:24 PM
Elite company, well thanks to your boy Obama I am constantly reminded that I make up the very top of earners in this country. Must be some reason?

According to Obama, the reason is that you stole your wealth from the poor. Preferably poor black people.

12-20-2012, 02:21 PM
The Jerk (1979) Trailer - YouTube (

This should cheer Jimmy up :hihi:


Sea Dangles
12-20-2012, 03:57 PM
Jimmy,can you tell me what you have done to revers the trends you seem so concerned with.I think if I were to be enlightened as the extent of your looking for change and looking to bring change that I may be inspired to do the same.Please list these changes and display your bravery for those interested in your causes.If the change you pride yourself on is threads in the political forum of a fishing website that is a great start.Our president also speaks of change....good company

Nobody WANTS schools to need this type of security but what is the real option?NO protection?Hope it doesn't happen again?Oh,I know.We will stop the sale of guns? or just deal with it the best way you can?

12-20-2012, 05:17 PM
If it makes you happy the local HS had a bomb threat today.

You're not alone.


12-20-2012, 05:29 PM
If it makes you happy the local HS had a bomb threat today.

You're not alone.


Oh--Oh! Obama better tell Biden to add bomb control to the gun control thing he's working on.

12-20-2012, 05:34 PM
Oh--Oh! Obama better tell Biden to add bomb control to the gun control thing he's working on.
You're right...we should do nothing and just let natural order take over...


12-20-2012, 06:43 PM
You're right...we should do nothing and just let natural order take over...


Whoa . . . wasssup? I try to agree withyall about "doing something" about bombs and you get all sarcastic on me. All right, all right, so I was being a little sarc myself, but I thought it was funny. Bomb control? C'mon . . . not even a smile?

Oh yeah, the natural order. I wasn't aware that nature had lost control yet. I believe that it is "natural" to want to "do something" about random violence, even though, according to the most progressive among us, it was supposed to be various random violent events that created us. Fear is natural and wanting to prevent that which scares us is natural. That all does seem to be within the realm of the "natural order" so doing something, rather than nothing as you imply, IS a part of the natural order.

Now, if you're trying to poke fun at human nature being the Founder's basis for their creation of government, then I don't know what other basis there would be for government. I assume we mean by government, that method with which humans cooperate. I also assume that cooperation is part of the natural order. But so is violence against that cooperation, as is selfishness, as is evil, as are all things human, human nature being a part of the natural order.

The Founder's understood the conflicting natural tendencies in humans. They understood the tendency to give up freedom for security. They understood the tendency of majority suppression of minorities because of various "natural" fears and desires.

That Constitution was not a prescription for doing nothing and letting "the natural order to take over." It was, rather, a recognition of our nature and a governance of it so as to allow individuals their optimum power to realize their personal natural desires. It was "doing something" about the human condition to reign in the destructive portions of our nature, not to loose them upon society. And part of that doing something was not to institute despotic or dictatorial rules that violate our natural and constitutional rights. It was not meant that we should react to fear or momentary emotions to create such rules.

12-20-2012, 09:31 PM
That Constitution was not a prescription for doing nothing and letting "the natural order to take over." It was, rather, a recognition of our nature and a governance of it so as to allow individuals their optimum power to realize their personal natural desires. It was "doing something" about the human condition to reign in the destructive portions of our nature, not to loose them upon society. And part of that doing something was not to institute despotic or dictatorial rules that violate our natural and constitutional rights. It was not meant that we should react to fear or momentary emotions to create such rules.

Bingo. The Founding Fathers knew human nature through and through, it's
selfcenterness and quest for power. Having lived under tyrany they knew it
firsthand and were wise enough to write the Constitution in a way to safeguard aganist it.

Jim in CT
12-20-2012, 10:28 PM
RIJIMMY, to your original post...this will cheer you up, no matter how dark things seem. One of the more moving thing sI've ever seen.

Sweet Mama Dog Interacting with a Beautiful Child with Down Syndrome - YouTube (

Take care down there. God Bless Texas. If you guys ever do secede, I'll be there ASAP.

12-20-2012, 10:47 PM
Dog spelled backwards is God.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

12-20-2012, 11:02 PM
Great, Jim.:btu:

12-20-2012, 11:23 PM
is it me or did spence and sea dangles swap computers? :err::conf::conf:
or are you just trying to write like spence, Chris?

12-21-2012, 02:47 AM
Oh--Oh! Obama better tell Biden to add bomb control to the gun control thing he's working on.

I guess he's so serious about this issue that he put Biden in charge????....good grief????...I know, I know...."hater"...."Biden is brilliant and well dressed so suck on it".....blah...blah...blah....hilarious...oh... he has, of course , "a very impressive resume"....why, Biden was also named to head the White House Task Force on Working Families, an initiative aimed at improving the economic well being of the middle class.

12-21-2012, 08:39 AM
Jimmah - this'll cheer you up

The Dad Fisherman
12-21-2012, 09:07 AM
Jimmah - this'll cheer you up

I threw Salma Hayek out there for him and it didn't work....don't think Giada is going to do it

12-21-2012, 11:16 AM
Folks, I am not bummed about my life, my kids, my situation. I live an extremely fortunate life. I am bummed about my freedoms constantly detriorating. In life you slowly make concessions and then stop for a minute and look around you. I've done that and had a holyshat moment. I listed them in my initial post - airport security, cameras at every stop light, constant security at events and now the talk of armed guards at schools. Enough is enough. While third world countries have moved more towards our economic standards, we've moved more towards their police state rule. I cant see it getting better. Then there is the constant war on childhood - christmas, junk food, playing outside, etc. This is not me saying "those crazy kids and their rock and roll are gonna be the death of us" its noting the major changes in society and what we live with every day. The last 10 yrs have brought on more negative change than the last 50.
Dangles - good question, what do I do? Here is a list
I write emails to my politicians, frequently
I have written editorials to local papers
May not seem like much but its more that 99% of most americans
As an individual, I kick my kids in the arse to play outside. I let them ride their bikes outside of my constant supervision. I watch Its a wonderful life and the grinch with them and explain the message. On 12/7 I sat there with my ipad at the breakfast table and showed them video of pearl harbor so at least they'd have a clue. I save $$ as much as possible to protect my family from financial downturn. Frequently sacrifice to make sure we're covered no matter what. The day my kids were born they had a 529 account.
I have no clue what the hell I am doing or if its right. I can tell I dont like where this country is going and if enough good people dont stand up, our govt will continue to force more and more regulation of our lives to drive to THEIR ideal. Not mine. Your take seems to be there is nothing you can do about it and need to man up and deal with it. I choose to fight back, I dont know how, but I will.

12-21-2012, 12:24 PM
Did you really just say "police state"? :devil2:

Sting - Message In A Bottle (Live) - YouTube (


Sea Dangles
12-21-2012, 12:28 PM
So Jimmy,it seems you parent the same way I 3rd grader walks home from school (supervised at first and with a buddy).All three have had college accounts since birth and will incur minimal debt (a little teaches them nothing is free).I have not however written the EastonJournal to demonstrate my bravery which you seem so proud of.Do I consider myself a lemming?Not in the least,but I choose to make a positive impact in other ways.I won't hesitate to say I resent being called a coward for my lack of civil disobedience,I would probably refer to myself as a realist.NRA just made recommendations for our childrens safety;they seem to be on my page and not yours.I would rather have my kids safe and try a little prevention while you seek a cure.Yup I am going mainstream again.Now I will go wrap gifts with the kids at My Brothers Keeper.A Holiday tradition of helping those less fortunate enjoy Christmas.Each gift is delivered with a cross to let the recipients know where the gifts come from.I am not religious but it makes me feel good.I guess that makes me a selfish coward.

12-21-2012, 01:01 PM
So Jimmy,it seems you parent the same way I 3rd grader walks home from school (supervised at first and with a buddy).All three have had college accounts since birth and will incur minimal debt (a little teaches them nothing is free).I have not however written the EastonJournal to demonstrate my bravery which you seem so proud of.Do I consider myself a lemming?Not in the least,but I choose to make a positive impact in other ways.I won't hesitate to say I resent being called a coward for my lack of civil disobedience,I would probably refer to myself as a realist.NRA just made recommendations for our childrens safety;they seem to be on my page and not yours.I would rather have my kids safe and try a little prevention while you seek a cure.Yup I am going mainstream again.Now I will go wrap gifts with the kids at My Brothers Keeper.A Holiday tradition of helping those less fortunate enjoy Christmas.Each gift is delivered with a cross to let the recipients know where the gifts come from.I am not religious but it makes me feel good.I guess that makes me a selfish coward.

you should read your posts, I responded to your acqusations. the coward comment was on your point (read you post) that things suck but deal with it. I never said you dont do anything good, I dont even know you but you attacked me for questioning the dramatic change in our culture which in IMHO undermines our society. And I believe you just made my point - "a little prevention" now equals armed guards at school. Wow, just wow. Whats next?

Jim in CT
12-21-2012, 02:33 PM
You're right...we should do nothing and just let natural order take over...


I see, Spence. So according to you, there are 2 kinds of people.

(1) those who agree that Biden is the man for the job, and

(2) those who don't care about dead kids.

Spence, you are really coming un-glued, and you are really coming across as a horse's ass. I don't want Biden in charge of this, because he's not qualified to handle something this important. He's an un-serious, thoughtless, tired old party hack who will focus all the energy on guns (because his party hates the NRA) and he will do nothing to regulate violence in the entertainment industry (because his party gets huge $$ from Hollywood).

Biden is a joke, a punch-line. If we are serious about taking the reasonable steps to try to reduce the risk of future school massacres, we need someone in charge who won't be limited by what he currently believes, but someone who will be guided by facts and common sense. That ain't Joe Biden.

But congrats on assuming that those who don't think Biden is qualified, don't care about dead little kids.

The wheels are coming off the bus, Spence, you really sound un-hinged.

And for my $0.02, gun control that is forward-looking (meaning, laws that don't confiscate the guns currently out there) can not possibly have a significant impact. Yet 99% of what I hear from Democrats is gun control. I want someone who recognizes that we ned to take a long hard look at the crap our kids get bombarded with.

12-21-2012, 02:46 PM
I assure you I'm quite lucid.

As for your 99% remark, you're clearly not listening very well then.


Jim in CT
12-21-2012, 02:55 PM
I assure you I'm quite lucid.

As for your 99% remark, you're clearly not listening very well then.


You stated that detbuch doesn't want to protect little kids, despite the fact that he never said anything of the kind.

The fact that you can mindlessly regurguitate one-sided talking points does not make you lucid. Anytime anyone offered another opinion, your response was "suck it up haters".

Lucid? Hardly.

12-21-2012, 03:32 PM
That was pretty obvious sarcasm, I insinuated nothing of the sort.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Jim in CT
12-21-2012, 06:02 PM
, I insinuated nothing of the sort.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Here is what you typed, verbatum...

"You're right...we should do nothing and just let natural order take over..."

You didn't type "suck it, haters" multiple times?

Seriously, are you OK today?

12-21-2012, 06:13 PM
no joy here the hater's have arrived

Sea Dangles
12-21-2012, 07:09 PM
you should read your posts, I responded to your acqusations. the coward comment was on your point (read you post) that things suck but deal with it. I never said you dont do anything good, I dont even know you but you attacked me for questioning the dramatic change in our culture which in IMHO undermines our society. And I believe you just made my point - "a little prevention" now equals armed guards at school. Wow, just wow. Whats next?

With guards at school I can tell you what is NOT next and that is known as death of children.Still waiting for your suggestion.Do youthink McVeigh didn't get outside enough?What about Kaczinski our homegrown unabomber;too much spongebob?While you are writing op eds kids are dying at school but you think we should stand down while I prefer to deal with it?That is real courage and conviction,the country is indebted to your service indeed.

12-21-2012, 09:20 PM
I assure you I'm quite lucid.


that's what every nut-job says right before they lose it :uhuh::hidin:

12-21-2012, 09:22 PM
I like turtles
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

12-21-2012, 09:36 PM
you should read your posts, I responded to your acqusations. the coward comment was on your point (read you post) that things suck but deal with it. I never said you dont do anything good, I dont even know you but you attacked me for questioning the dramatic change in our culture which in IMHO undermines our society. And I believe you just made my point - "a little prevention" now equals armed guards at school. Wow, just wow. Whats next?
Jimmy, just wait until he starts threatening to smack you because you disagree with him.

I declared a new mantra for myself last month that I plan on carrying through 2013... "You cannot reason with the unreasonable."

It works well to remind me not to try to understand women's emotions, hyper-liberals, mega-conservatives and people like Sea Dangles that coast around fishing websites calling random people he disagrees idiots and claiming he'd smack you if you were in the room.

12-25-2012, 09:43 AM
i dont think so. he would cite the great advances in race relations. he had mostly african american friends grwoing up and expercienced racism first hand, he loved the advances in technology in his lifetime.
he went to school same as i did, played outside same as I did. Im pretty sure he would say that things have improved from his childhood.
Can I say the same for my kids? Are things better now?
Im not willing to embrace police at schools, security everywhere, less and less freedom. its not how I want my kids to live.

Places in time I guess .. funny ,, I just saw the history of xmas on the history channel . Very telling . Children were not valued as much in this country until after the industrial revolution . I guess they were factory workers before that . They became the center of the home during the Victorian age . Santa Claus was invented ,, later songs ,, Rudolph ,, White Christmas.. This all happened 50's early 60's .. 1962 (Charles #^&#^&#^&#^&ens) A Christmas Carol with Mr. Magoo was the best telling of that story ever . As beautiful time as it was to grow up, all this Santa Claus stuff was fueled by advertisers. Even Santa coming down the chimney was a ad to sell Coal originally . enter Black Friday,,, Now people going out shopping is becoming less and pushing buttons in your home buying on the internet is becoming the norm ,, I believe that's black Monday ? ,, the busiest shopping day now .. For better or worse we never stand still .. We evolve ..

12-26-2012, 01:10 PM
You must have seen some snow yesterday for Christmas that should cheer you up.

Does it make me a bad person if I really don't worry about this subject, the sky falling, very often?

12-27-2012, 03:21 PM
You must have seen some snow yesterday for Christmas that should cheer you up.

Does it make me a bad person if I really don't worry about this subject, the sky falling, very often?

too funny, nah, cooking my prime rib on the grill with heavy snow and 23 degree weather was not how I planned to spend Christmas in TX, Still was a great day though.

And I dont think your a bad person for not worrying but I think we need to look around every now and then and see how things are shaking out. Negative change, IMHO, has been drastic lately with more rules and regulation coming fast and furious. We accept most of it but at what point is it too much? When are we no longer the land of the free?

12-27-2012, 06:05 PM
too funny, nah, cooking my prime rib on the grill with heavy snow and 23 degree weather was not how I planned to spend Christmas in TX, Still was a great day though.

And I dont think your a bad person for not worrying but I think we need to look around every now and then and see how things are shaking out. Negative change, IMHO, has been drastic lately with more rules and regulation coming fast and furious. We accept most of it but at what point is it too much? When are we no longer the land of the free?

The 10 worst regulations of 2012 News -- GOPUSA (

Thought I might give a link to a few of the MANY examples of regulations just passed, and many more to come from the hundreds of Federal Regulatory Agencies (as well as those from State agencies).

BTW, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), responsible for the first (#10) of the regulations listed in the article, is possibly a new model for future regulatory agencies which can be sheltered even more than other existing agencies. Because it is placed within the Federal Reserve its budget is not subject to congressional control which limits congressional AND, as well, presidential oversight, and the Federal Reserve is statutorily prohibited from intervening in CFPB affairs.

12-28-2012, 11:46 AM
im not very religious but thought this was interesting and pretty prophetic for 1965.....its a shame how accurate this is

CLASSIC REWIND - 1965: 'If I Were the Devil' (Warning for a Nation) - Paul Harvey - Paul Harvey - Fox Nation (

01-03-2013, 10:41 AM
whew, I feel safer, dont you?
Apparently this is the America Dangles wants.....

Maryland school suspends six-year-old boy for making gun gesture, saying ?pow? - Yahoo! News (

The Dad Fisherman
01-03-2013, 11:37 AM
There's 2 of the stupidest things wrong today in 1 story.....

The "Politically Correct Over-reaction of the school" and the "Quick Call a lawyer and lets sue" reaction by the parents.

01-03-2013, 12:08 PM
There's 2 of the stupidest things wrong today in 1 story.....

The "Politically Correct Over-reaction of the school" and the "Quick Call a lawyer and lets sue" reaction by the parents.

folks are also suing the movie theatre where the other shooting took place.......sad but true

Sea Dangles
01-03-2013, 12:29 PM
whew, I feel safer, dont you?
Apparently this is the America Dangles wants.....

Maryland school suspends six-year-old boy for making gun gesture, saying ?pow? - Yahoo! News (

Either you are making a point and using me to help or you are incredibly stupid.
Context is hard to follow for the close minded but I will try to help you.
Go back and read the thread from the start and try to understand what I meant by deal with you think I meant we should ignore the problems because there is nothing that can be done? If you are nodding your head,you are stupid.If you think I meant we need to find the best solution as a country and deal with the circumstances we are burdened with then you have a clue as to what I meant. Give yourself a pat on the back for me.
Nobody ever expected an attack like the one we were burdened with on 9/11, but we have moved forward and we have dealt with it. How? you ask....drones,seal teams,bombs etc. That is dealing with it in my world.
I hear Switzerland is nice this time of year,perhaps you could take up yodeling.

Jim in CT
01-03-2013, 01:06 PM
whew, I feel safer, dont you?
Apparently this is the America Dangles wants.....

Maryland school suspends six-year-old boy for making gun gesture, saying ?pow? - Yahoo! News (

09/11 was a game-changer. Maybe the Newtown tragedy was too, I don't know. I don't want to see an armed guard at an elementary school, but to me it's preferable to seeing tiny little coffins.

To the original reason why you posted this's hard not to look around and wonder how we let things get so bad.

Saw you did a prime rib on the of my favorites. Charcoal grill, I hope. Is it legal to buy a gas grill in Texas? I'm something of a pitmaster myself, but I can't figure out how do do a good beef brisket, which Texas is famous for. Where abouts in TX are you? Happy New Year!

01-03-2013, 01:11 PM
I blame the lawyers for most of my current depression about America. Everyone suing each other for the mighty dollar. A complete nanny state.

Sledding is about to be banned. Most local golf courses will have to put up fences for their liability insurance because little Suzie's mom will sue.

Arrested for sledding? | North - WCVB Home (

Bonfires in Humarock banned.. one of my fondest childhood memories living in Ocean Bluff.

I could go on and on. We are raising a nation of "bubble children".

Jim in CT
01-03-2013, 01:12 PM
When are we no longer the land of the free?

I'd say when our kids graduate from college (mine are 6, 3, 1), and before they start their careers, they find out they are each $200,000 in the hole because of decisions made by the previous 3 generations...that's when much freedom is lost. And I can't see how we avoid that. And one political side seemingly could care less.

Imagine going to a restaurant. You sit at the table. You are ready to enjoy the meal. The waitress hands you the bill from the people who just left that table and says "the people who just left this table ran up a huge tab, and you have to pay it before you can order your drinks".

How would you like that? How is that not what we're doing to our kids?

01-03-2013, 01:29 PM
Either you are making a point and using me to help or you are incredibly stupid.
Context is hard to follow for the close minded but I will try to help you.
Go back and read the thread from the start and try to understand what I meant by deal with you think I meant we should ignore the problems because there is nothing that can be done? If you are nodding your head,you are stupid.If you think I meant we need to find the best solution as a country and deal with the circumstances we are burdened with then you have a clue as to what I meant. Give yourself a pat on the back for me.
Nobody ever expected an attack like the one we were burdened with on 9/11, but we have moved forward and we have dealt with it. How? you ask....drones,seal teams,bombs etc. That is dealing with it in my world.
I hear Switzerland is nice this time of year,perhaps you could take up yodeling.

no, you believe we should take extreme measures to put safety above freedom. In your world, we should monitor emails of ex-milatry or disgruntled americans in order to prevent the next McVeigh or unibomber. Why not, it would protect lives! Freedom is dangerous in the wrong hands but we cant monitor everyone, arm every school, tap every phone line, strip search everyone boarding a plane. Curious, do you always wear a lifejacket on your boat? If not why, dont you care that your family would lose you? Dont you think your chances of drowning drastically decrease if you wear one? . Dealing with it should not lead us to be more live Ecuador or Somalia or nazi germany. Dictatorships have very little violent crime. You lose what this country is about. You seem very comfortable with others making decisions for you and being in charge, Im not. Crazy, but I believe i know whats best for my family, not some jackwad in washington. I cant be everywhere to keep my kids safe and I dont expect them to be. If I lock them in my closet they will not get VD, do drugs or be bullied, 100% guaranteed. But what life is that. Dealing with it to me, is fostering moral character, self worth,pride, etc. Not arming everyone and removing the day to day freedoms this country was built for.

01-03-2013, 01:32 PM
I blame the lawyers for most of my current depression about America. Everyone suing each other for the mighty dollar. A complete nanny state.

Sledding is about to be banned. Most local golf courses will have to put up fences for their liability insurance because little Suzie's mom will sue.

Arrested for sledding? | North - WCVB Home (

Bonfires in Humarock banned.. one of my fondest childhood memories living in Ocean Bluff.
Scituate Man Says Bonfire Standoff Was Like ‘Tiananmen Square’ CBS Boston (

I could go on and on. We are raising a nation of "bubble children". just keeps going, f'in newport folk festival doesnt allow any booze, not even beer! Apparenlty 1% of the people cant handle their booze so they ban it for everyone, crazy! You wouldnt even have folk music if it wasnt for alcohol!
you know what we have in Texas, those little levers on gas pumps that allow you to pump hands free, amazing. Apparently we are willing to take the risk of the 1 in 100,999,000 people who use it may overflow if the pump doesnt shut off!

01-03-2013, 01:57 PM just keeps going, f'in newport folk festival doesnt allow any booze, not even beer!

That's because it is a state park... same as if it was held at Beavertail or one of the state beaches....

01-03-2013, 02:20 PM
That's because it is a state park... same as if it was held at Beavertail or one of the state beaches....

thats crap - I drank at the jazz fest for years
and storm brewey has a festivaol there...

14th Annual Newport Storm Luau

Saturday, 4:30pm – 10pm

Presented by Coastal Extreme Brewing Company. This is to benefit the Fort Adams Trust. Live music, Polynesian Dancers, Hawaiian themed food, ice cold Newport Storm beer and Thomas Tew rum drinks.

Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the door (while available).

Tickets can be purchased at the Fort Adams Trust Gift Shop, online at or at their brewery located at 293 JT Connell Road, Newport or by calling 401.849.5232.

This is a 21+ only event. Must show valid ID upon entrance.

Sponsorship Opportunities available. For more information contact Laurie Labrecque at 401.841.0707 or at

and the rhythm and roots fest is held at Ningret State Park.. and they serve beer.......Welcome to Rhythm and Roots Festival (

01-03-2013, 02:24 PM
thats crap - I drank at the jazz fest for years
and the rhythm and roots fest is held at Ningret State Park.. and they serve beer.......Welcome to Rhythm and Roots Festival (

I'm just telling you that's the argument, not that it's right/wrong... If I recall at R&R, it is limited to the concert area, from a vendor, AND it is Ninigret Park, not state park, which I thought was town propery, not a state park

Sea Dangles
01-03-2013, 09:39 PM
no, you believe we should take extreme measures to put safety above freedom. In your world, we should monitor emails of ex-milatry or disgruntled americans in order to prevent the next McVeigh or unibomber. Why not, it would protect lives! Freedom is dangerous in the wrong hands but we cant monitor everyone, arm every school, tap every phone line, strip search everyone boarding a plane. Curious, do you always wear a lifejacket on your boat? If not why, dont you care that your family would lose you? Dont you think your chances of drowning drastically decrease if you wear one? . Dealing with it should not lead us to be more live Ecuador or Somalia or nazi germany. Dictatorships have very little violent crime. You lose what this country is about. You seem very comfortable with others making decisions for you and being in charge, Im not. Crazy, but I believe i know whats best for my family, not some jackwad in washington. I cant be everywhere to keep my kids safe and I dont expect them to be. If I lock them in my closet they will not get VD, do drugs or be bullied, 100% guaranteed. But what life is that. Dealing with it to me, is fostering moral character, self worth,pride, etc. Not arming everyone and removing the day to day freedoms this country was built for.

Next thing you know we will see peanut free zones in school cafeterias;oh the horror! I guess you are right Jimmy,where do I sign up to join your revolution?One thing I am quite sure of is my children will be prepared to succeed regardless of the obstacles and will make informed decisions which are basedd on life experiences both good and bad.I have a 15 year old boy heading to Ecuador for a month next summer to get a slap of reality and to realize how fortunate he is. I think it would be a good trip for someone like you also.Your cookie cutter life could use an infusion of reality.
Not shocked but again you misunderstood why I even referenced McVeigh and Ted K but I wont get into it because your absoption rate seems low even for you. Did you eat some funny mushrooms in TX?I am beginning to think homeschooling might be the alternative that will satisfy your expectations. Please consider it.