View Full Version : Anyone Try This For Tog

Got Stripers
05-29-2013, 11:34 AM
Most of those on this board know I'm a light tackle plastic nut and spring is one of my favorite times to go shallow and light because it brings me not only a shot at some very nice bass; but also some keeper tog. Most people that fish tog look at me like I'm spinning a fish story when I tell them I target them routinely with plastics, so anyone else try this. I tell you it's a very fun way to target them, because it requires a lighter action rod, I use my own Ledge Runner Bait 4" split tails in olive with some gold glitter and a 3/8oz Kalin Ulimate Jib head. The other must is braid of course, I use 20# Seagar leader and light spro swivel.

Any freshwater largemouth jig&pig fisherman will find this right up their alley, because it's just like working a light jig through some rubble and weed. It takes some gettting used to, because you need to be slow to keep it down where the tog will pay attention, but just enough motion so that if you feel you are getting into weed, you can snap it a bit to free it up. Takes the usual patience to make sure they have the bait in their mouths and I find a sharp hook and no hook set the best bet, if I feel interest I will raise my rod ever so slightly (finger always on my braid) and if I feel weight I'll raise it a little further which bites the hook.

Yesterday on the 2-mile rock outside Westport I put 12 Tog over the side, 2 nice ones came home for diner and then out at Hens & Chickens a few more with 2 nice fat 32" stripers for a bonus; all in about 4 foot of water. Lots of fun on light tackle. One thing that really helps me is a trolling motor with gps, I can set up on a rock pile without anchoring and really slow down my presentation without worrying about drifting in too close.

05-29-2013, 12:01 PM
I remember getting a tog with you about 5 or 6 years ago using the 4" splittail , tog can be aggressive just like fluke. I got seabass on those too. The way you hunt is perfect for that. Who needs crabs, plastic bait works fine :) I still use the 3/8 oz heads and the 4" in shallow waters when I get out in my skiff. There is always one in my surf plug bag.

05-29-2013, 12:10 PM
I target Tog & Sea Bass with small jigs always, never use bait. I guess I like the challenge.

05-29-2013, 06:33 PM
Here is a nice one I took this spring on an interesting plastic Seible lure called a onduspoon.

05-30-2013, 09:24 AM
I've caught tog in the spring on soft plastics/ lead head lotsa times....even on purpose. Usually around slack right on the reefs.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

05-30-2013, 06:52 PM
I witnessed Bob as he stuck his share with jigs, guys like Bob and Bruce have mad skillz, I give you guys mad props buuut,, imho Be man and USE BAIT :). There are times its paved with tog why not given the biggest offering you can, attracting the biggest white chinners. Peal the shell off a large greeny and leave the rest...that vs. jig? Never mind the hang-ups. Bruce, ya gota jump in with us this fall bud.