View Full Version : Salmon River 10/17-20

10-22-2013, 08:58 AM
Did a few days in Pulaski over the weekend.

Thursday was TOUGH- got one steelhead on the swing but had a LDR (Long Distance Release). Was trying to figure out how to catch the damn kings, they were everywhere and I was just not hooking up. Weather was nice, though.

Friday I fished the DSR with Paul Conklin. He gave me some tips on the conditions for this time of year- namely that the water temp is at 58 right now, when it's normally 48. As a result the steel are all holding in the pocket water- stuff that's basically whitewater and 12-18" deep. More flow = more oxygen. The traditional lies are barren right now. Once you know what to look for you can sight cast to them. Got two in that manner, and lost a few more. Egg patterns are the ticket.

Attached is a pic of one nice little skippy- these tiny steelhead fight like crazy. This one jumped 5' out of the water at least six times. I'll upload the other one later.

Saturday was insanely crowded everywhere else, so I went back to the DSR- hooked one steelie and landed a few kings. Felt good to get a little more dialed in. Sunday the crowds thinned with the torrential rains, and landed a few more kings upriver in some fast water. A blown out wader cut the trip short.

Tons of fun as usual- Can't wait till November! (and December, and January, and Feb....)

10-22-2013, 03:15 PM
Think I saw that pic on FB. Nice report, glad to see you got some fish
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

10-22-2013, 03:26 PM
Nice Kev

10-22-2013, 07:43 PM
Here's the other steelie. These fish are such a rush to catch!

10-22-2013, 07:58 PM
Those are some beautiful fish. First pic looks like they are made of polished stainless. Gorgeous. Thanks for sharing

10-23-2013, 05:32 AM
Great report. I will be fishing up there the first week of November. Thanks for the tips.

By the way, what were you using for a rod?

10-23-2013, 05:38 AM
really cool fish!

10-23-2013, 06:48 AM

10-23-2013, 08:02 AM
I can't even imagine catching steelies in 58 degree water. Must be silver rockets. They would make a winter steelie feel even more like a heavy wet sock in the current.


10-23-2013, 08:49 AM
I use a 7/8 Beulah switch & a 7 wt T&T DH for swinging, and an old 10.5' 8wt Ken Abrames "The Stick" for nymphing.

General rule of thumb is 7 for steel, 9 or 10 for kings. The kings pull HARD... I was undergunned on the 8, even in 335 flow.

I can't really help with spin/centerpin tackle, but I bet some others on here can.

DZ, they actually fight worse in the warm water... They tire much quicker. Much more comfortable on your hands for the release though!

10-24-2013, 05:19 AM
Awesome - Thanks for the info. I guess the guide we are using has switch rods for us to use....should be interesting, I've never used one!!! Will pack a 7wt for sure. Thanks again.

10-24-2013, 04:29 PM
nice pics kev. I gotta get up there next month :)